What is your SG pedigree/history?




1st SG was the Dirty Girls (didnt know it was a RL girls-only club)
SG kinda imploded after Bippy & i said we were males(there were other males there too)
2nd SG was B.O.S.S.
moved on
3rd SG was United Heroes Brigade
moved on
4th SG currently is Hammers of Justice



The Eternals first week in game - accepted by accident, left to form the SG below.

Formed a Pirate SG on my first character which has since been dissolved.

Formed the current solo SG to keep from gettin' spammed SG invites at Hami Raids.

League of Extraordinary Superheroes - brief stint to see what large(r) SGs were all about.

Two characters are currently stashed in a small SG to help out with Events.

Edit: I did forget two in there: League of EPIC Superheroes (heh, another LES years prior and much smaller), and another whose name eludes me after only one cup o' coffee. I just remember managin' it on my DM/Regen after the leader took a hiatus from the game.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



The Earthguard



First sg was "Easter Studio" I was new at the time and I was sent a pm to join and accepted. A small sg but lots of active players.

Second was Stryke-Force, (we've all heard this) I joined an SF team with scooter on it and he kept asking me to join with all the shinys' so I left Easter Studio and joined SF, (regret it to this day).

Finally created my current SG with rl wife after leaving SF after 6 months, (not kicked for the record) becuase we wanted access to our own bins.

I have toons in other Sg's as well to show support or team with on a regular basis.

Isn't Champion community a big SG with everyone with their own private Storage?




Second was Stryke-Force,
You too?! Yeeeesh! How bad could this guy have been with such GREAT people in that sg?



1. The Wrecking Crew (member)
2. BOSS (member)
3. Stryke-Force (started in Epsilon, then was moved to Alpha division as an XO, then promoted to division head)
4. Renaissance de la Veritas (created this SG in August of 2006 after leaving Stryke-Force and have been here ever since)
5. Mean Girls Club (during my brief stint in PvP, formed this SG with AngieB and Cherry using my one PvP character)

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
Isn't Champion community a big SG with everyone with their own private Storage?
Damn near.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
You too?! Yeeeesh! How bad could this guy have been with such GREAT people in that sg?
You've got no idea.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



First SG was
1. "Justified Vengeance" in 2004 on Victory until I ran out of slots and went to Justice and joined
2. "The 52" in 2006 then co-created..
3. "Children of the Sun" on Pinnacle for a static team with friends from Victory..at the same time I was dabbling on Champion. Started bumping into some Vixen (AngieB) chick and her hubby (MoisesG) quite often and spent more time teaming with them..joined
4. "Stryke Force" and shortly thereafter joined..
5. "United Heroes Brigade" and after a brief stint there I joined...
6. "Olympiad of Misguided Geeks" (OMG) it later dissolved and has become my solo SG mainly..

"Forgiveness is between them and God..it is my job to arrange the meeting."



1. (United Global Alliance) When i first came in the game 3 yrs ago i teamed with Ziva, her husband, my bf William, Radiant Beret, and Mighty Anvil. My first alt was my Grav/Emp Deep Reach. We formed the sg United Global Alliance. Ziva was the founder. William and i left for the summer came back and found we had been kicked. Since we were gone the whole summer, i agree with Ziva's decision.

2. (Strike-Force) I created my 2nd alt Felecia Divine (Dark Defender). I went to city hall to see who the top sg's were. Strike-Force was on the top by a huge margin and all of it's 10 divisions were near the top as well. So i stood in Atlas Park waiting for a member to show up and after a few minutes i was accepting into Power Mad's division. Lord Striker ran really excellent teams and got people to work together in large numbers, SF accomplished more than any sg i have ever seen. I found Striker to be a great guy but with a few flaws. He seemed narrow minded, but thats because he had specific goals in mind which i believe he accomplished! After 4 months i wanted to explore more of the game and felt SF was limiting me. SF had so many fantastic people in it, LS surrounded himself with great people so how could he not succeed?

3. (ALL-OUT-WAR) William and i formed AOW along with Mr. Magnifascent, Chillin Demon, Pyreklism, Bazooka Toothe (Burn Junkie), Rich Boy (Dave Mebs), and Megastar. William and i left SF to form a open community sg that allows farming, base raids, pvp, badge-hunting, and anything else the game has to offer.

4. I am still in AOW but should mention i helped out or currently is helping in other sg's as well such as:

- Deadly Alliance (2nd in command)
- Hammers of Justice
- High Society Order
- Grey Coven
- Rented Portals(2nd in command - still active)
- Crafters (still active)
- Vampires (on Justice Server - still active)
- Department of Defence (on Freedom - still active)
- Templars of Steel Slayers (was briefly 2nd in command)
- Team Terror Squad (still active)

As for redside, i dont play villz much so i am only a member of DOMINATION (AOW vg)



The Legendaries... yep. The Legendaries.



Watchguard - Dissolved while I was on a Deployment
BOSS - Came back from another Deployment and went lookin' for somethin' new.
UHB - Better part of 3 years - Member to Officer to SG Leader. Wasn't having fun playin' the game and took my leave to find the fun again.
Order of the Champion - Small SG w/ MAH, 4shes, Nator, Tabby. Moved on when MAH and 4shes left the game for a while.
Renaissance de la Veritas - Amy offered me a home here when I was SG-less and using my personal only. Basically found what I was lookin' for in an SG.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



I had two or three abortive attempts at creating solo SGs in the early going. Then, after my main hit 50, I had enough incentive to take it seriously and made building a functional base one of my goals for the summer. I spent a lot of time in edit mode that summer; I remember swapping out teleport beacons a lot so I could get where I was going. Then they lowered base costs and suddenly that prestige that wasn't enough to buy anything was enough to buy everything I wanted. With enough left over to pay rent for the next few hundred years.

At this point, I occassionally think of leaving it to join a larger SG with actual people, but everything that led me to make a solo SG in the first place, plus the work I've put into said SG, keeps me from doing it. Besides...

Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
Isn't Champion community a big SG with everyone with their own private Storage?
Yeah, BMT's my real SG.

Besides my solo SGs, I accidentally accepted a blind SG invite once and stayed in for two minutes before I realized what I'd done. That was one of the catalysts for my taking the solo SG seriously.



Stryke Force - entered the game and got help from Frik 'N Frak, and then she invited me to SF - Beta. I become a prestige earner and very helpful. After a while got promoted to division head of Epsilon. Then the fall out began. Story many know...

DO - Left For Dead(heroes) - SG created for former SF members that left. Now it has become my own personal SG. Miss everyone that has left the game. :/

Creatures Of Night (villians) - started to play villians and then created this VG for anyone. Now it's my own personal VG.

Dark Order (villians) - have toons in there just to help out and what not. Led mostly by @Infwhereno .

Order of the Champion - move toons in there to team with MAH and 4shes.

Stoned Templars - my new own and family. Such amazing people, never a dull moment.

I'll prolly forgot a SG/VG, so I apologize.



With Banana McJammyPants:

I was invited to a small SG the night I started. Someone had been showing me the ropes of the game, and invited me to her SG. It was called "Generic" something or other. It turned out to be porn-themed, (hence the genericing) and I left it before my play session was over.

The next day, I was invited to a very large SG. I don't even remember which. The leader gave me a rundown of the rules, which included a 7-day inactivity removal, removal for not earning prestige, requirement of wearing the SG's colours at all times, and being asked that until I earned X-Amount of Prestige, and was promoted to such-and-such a rank, that all my drops be placed into the bins, including crafted IO's. When I asked, "how will I craft them, if I'm dropping all my salvage in the bins?" and "how will you know if I'm dropping ALL of my things, and not keeping them?" I was told, "I trust you will do the right thing". So I quit before finishing my tour of the base.

A couple of weeks later, I was then invited to a mid-sized SG, called "Dark" something. (Evidently, forgetting SG names is a recurring theme). A few of the members showed up every few days. I teamed with one of the leaders semi frequently, but eventually, through inactivity, I ended up the leader. I kept it up for a few months, thinking I would just make this my own, but eventually grew tired of the name. I left everything I put in the bins, and quit.

There were a few other SGs that amounted to only a few days of my life in total. A few had required "meeting nights", which I couldn't commit to, since it's a game, and I can't rearrange my personal or work schedule to revolve around.

I remained SG-less on Banana for another few months, and decided to start my own SG (The Great White North). It's just my characters and my wife's in there. At times, I think it would be nice to be a part of a larger SG, but then I remember the ones had rules and requirements of me, and I'm much happier playing casually.

Like a lot of you, I also had a brief foray with Stryke-Force. I was told there was a 5?-day inactivity kick. Before joining, I told Stryker that it was an alt that I was unsure about keeping, and was unsure how often I'd be on with. He said that for the first few weeks, he would make sure I wasn't kicked out until I figured things out. I thought "that's nice of him". So I joined. I played for a few hours (in SG mode, of course), then logged. Two days later, I decided to play him again, at which time I saw I had been kicked from SF. I sent LS a tell asking why I had been kicked, since it had just been two days. His response was something along the lines of, "I decide who stays".

A few hours later on the same character, I got a tell from Stryker asking if I wanted to join Stryke-Force. I said "Really? Seriously? You JUST kicked me from your SG." He apologized, and said that I wouldn't receive another request to join.

I switched characters, and immediately got a tell to join SF on my namesake. I replied with "I am the same person as (character name). I would rather not join your SG on any character of mine." He again apologized and said he would ensure no one under my global would receive another invite to join SF. To his credit, I never received another tell or invite to join.

Thank you, Champion.



ahh, and yes. Stryke Force.. walked in to atlas my 1st day, 1st minute in game, saw this and went.. ooo shiney and new, whats this sg stuff you speak of?

I dropped and joined 1 of jonnies rl friends sg's.. ive forgotten the name, was there like 2 weeks.

Formed The Stoned Templars with war, jonnie, and ibuds in oct 08.

Mean Girls PvP SG. In with Amy & Angie.. I'm the only active but crossing fingers that Amy & Angie will someday be active again.

And i 3rd the remark that champion is 1 large sg and everyone has their own storage base.

Ive been lurking around other servers forums, Ive also had the (mis)fortune of playing with people from other servers during this league pvp.. i gotta say, save for a few people outside of champion, Champion Server is by far the best. You guys are pretty kick *** IMO.




Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
Ive been lurking around other servers forums, Ive also had the (mis)fortune of playing with people from other servers during this league pvp.. i gotta say, save for a few people outside of champion, Champion Server is by far the best. You guys are pretty kick *** IMO.

I agree. I have a few alts on other servers. Villains on Virtue and lolfreedom for their large redside activity. As I often say, the friendliest, and most skilled players I have ever played with are here.

Thank you, Champion.



1. Stryke Force
2. Dark Order (small sg of 9 or so people)
3. Rdlv



I guess I am one of the few that never was a member of SF. I actually started on the Protector server with a cool SG called the Playmates. When server traffic really started to die off I picked Champion and was picked up by @China White for a small but great sg called Omega Flight. I ran with them for about 1.5 years, changed my global to @4shes, and the sg was dying out when I bumped into @Dread Shinobi on the PvP circuit and introduced me to @Undead Cyborg of HoJ. A year later I was promoted to Judge of HoJ III, PvPn, Running teams and events, and having a blast. When @UC was considering leaving the game I actually thought I had a shot at running all 4 divisions. Well my stubborness got the best of me and I chose not to follow the Hammer Beauracy so I departed and formed my own angry sg called From the 4shes, after dating around. During that time I had the pleasure of serving on the femdom Test PvP team named A.S.S. (After School Special) RIP

Then it happened...@MAH and I got on a farm team, TF team, PvP team...he was one of the few people that could play for the durations and variety that I liked to. We became friends and SG mates in OtC. I will be here for quite some time.

1. Playmates
2. Omega Flight
2.5 The Galactic Empire
3. Hammers Of Justice
3.5 (I dated around sgs for a bit War Council, Elite Legends, etc.)
4. From the 4shes
5. Order of the Champion

Your PvP host with the most.

4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP

Open your Eyes to I13 PvP

An Introduction to I14 PvP



1. Electric Dragons League(started this myself once my first toon hit 10)
2. Stryke Force
3. Hammers of Justice
4. Order of the Champion
5. Dark-Guard
6. Hammers of Justice
7. PoN (Very short-lived)
8. AOW
9. Hammers of Justice (It's like a drug. )
10. Phalanx of Destruction (Once again my own made SG)

Might be a few more that I'm leaving out there, but I forget.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



My first SG was the "Concrete Guru's" created by Artist Matthew Minor (www.universe-m.com). He use to create skins for the game "Freedom Force". I was a big fan. However he was on another server (Guardian).

On Champion, my first character was "December" and I joined a group who's leader (I'm not possitive but I swear it was) Omega Sentinal, who I believe is the Leader of the current United Heroes Brigade. It was not UHB at the time.

When my brother-in-law also started playing, he formed the Pillars of Might (not named after my character). I've been with that group since then.

I have been an honourary member of B.O.S.S., Watchguard, Megaforce, and the U.H.B. without having a character in their groups, but access to their forums and etc.



Far too many of far too many years to remember. The 'Glory Days' of my SG-ing was way back around the first anniversary of this game when I was part of 'The Impervious Pimps'/ 'Pimps Perfect.' That's when this game really started to feel like home. We had a good crew back then. Capt. Rednecker, Deton8, Capo Moenini, Luna, Dazz Marvelous, and so many others sporting the pink uniforms with pride.

OF the other SG's I've dealt with since then, I give great props to UHB, HoJ, RDLV, The Crazy Pingus, Stoned Templars, and HSO. These groups have always been a pleasure to run with and I appreciate all they do for the game.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



1) Stryke - Force: This was the first group I joined (SF was about 6 month old at the time). This was my SG home for the duration of it's time on Champion. I loved all the different people that I got to meet and friends I made.

2) DO - Left for Dead: group that was made up of former SFer's. Just have one toon that I still actively use in there

3) The Fighting 838 - current SG

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
Current project - Orgo to Plowshares 42 Kat/Inv Scrap
Main -Orgo 50 Rad/Rad def



Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
2) DO - Left for Dead: group that was made up of former SFer's. Just have one toon that I still actively use in there
Such a good SG.



this shows the degrees of closeness we have and how closely knitted we are together as a community.....