Am I the Only One Who Has Mixed Feelings About Inherent Stamina?




Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post

I highlighted that last sentence of your post because it demonstrates how utterly useless any point you were trying to make with this thread.

You don't want an easy button and you want to add an element of challenge to your gaming experience? Easy answer is to gimp your character by not taking key powers from either the primary or secondary power sets not to mention turning Sprint on and never turning it off to further gimp(or challenge) your gaming experience.

Game might be tougher if you deliberately refused to carry any inspirations.

Now please excuse me while I go do the

One little comment - I routinely leave Sprint running on my Fire/Fire Tanker, and I'm never short of endurance unless I'm being drained or forgot to detoggle my travel power as well. The maneuverability, especially combined with CJ, is worth the Endurance cost.

I leave Sprint running on my Ice/Kin Corruptor. Running away is a critical part of her survival plan solo. Sprint + Siphon Speed is nearly Superspeed levels, and with the slows in Ice Blast, getting some distance is a valuable tool.

Frankly, I find movement without Sprint to be sluggish, so if I'm planning on moving at all, I'll leave it on. I slot for enough endredux, recovery, and +end to make up for the cost, and avoid moving at a slow jog. I never really got where all the hate comes from. There are far worse things you could do than just leave Sprint running.



Originally Posted by AnElfCalledMack View Post
One little comment - I routinely leave Sprint running on my Fire/Fire Tanker, and I'm never short of endurance unless I'm being drained or forgot to detoggle my travel power as well. The maneuverability, especially combined with CJ, is worth the Endurance cost.

I leave Sprint running on my Ice/Kin Corruptor. Running away is a critical part of her survival plan solo. Sprint + Siphon Speed is nearly Superspeed levels, and with the slows in Ice Blast, getting some distance is a valuable tool.

Frankly, I find movement without Sprint to be sluggish, so if I'm planning on moving at all, I'll leave it on. I slot for enough endredux, recovery, and +end to make up for the cost, and avoid moving at a slow jog. I never really got where all the hate comes from. There are far worse things you could do than just leave Sprint running.
You missed the point my fren. Rocketman values gimp as a means to fulfill his gaming experience.

By slotting your Sprint with in addition to IO rec. bonuses you have worked around the gimpage that Rocketman subjects himself to in order to get his rocks off.

You jumped into the middle of a debate without understanding both sides.

I don't mind though since I have been guilty of such behavior myself from time to time.



Has this gone live, I can not seem to find it any patch notes and can not find an announcement from the devs about it.

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I've been thinking about this lately as I make some new characters and play through the low levels. Thoughts like "hmm, if stamina was inherent I'd probably take a travel power at level 6 for nearly everyone". I like ninja run a lot, but if I don't have to sweat fitting in stamina I can be a lot more profligate with my power choices. And "hmm, if stamina were inherent I'd probably throw some slots in my SR scrapper's toggles at the lower levels".

Its clearly going to change a lot of things about the lower levels, and some of them will come as a surprise.

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