Am I the Only One Who Has Mixed Feelings About Inherent Stamina?




"The game is too hard, make it easier!"

"Woah, what the hell, the game is totally too easy now, make it harder!"

And then you wonder why the devs aren't listening to you anymore.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
while we are getting free fitness "because everyone uses it" can we get free Hasten as well. I am sure the same everyone that picks fitness also picks hasten.
Hasten is nowhere near as ubiquitous as stamina.

for my part I have fitness on every one of my characters except my emp/elec defender (who I haven't respec'ed since ED). I've got Hasten on....five? Out of three full servers and a handful of random characters on others.

Stamina was seen as a requirement by pretty much everyone who plays the game.

Hasten, while highly desirable for many builds is far from a perceived necessity.
Especially in the IO era, where you can pack a lot of recharge into a given power without sacrificing in other areas.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
Oh no, it isnt that we are not grateful. Its that everything must be paid for. You wanna feel super? Beat up greys or shell out gobs of money and be extremely patient and lvl 50 and usuing one of the 2 or three toons that can farm.

The devs have proven time and again that they can nerf the crap out of everything they touch. Sure they 'balance' things when they feel like it, but how long does it take between a nerf (see fire armor and invun after ed) and a balance (see fire armor and invun just recent buffs)?
Okay... paragraph one. I can't tell if you're honestly serious with that. You can play through the game through with SOs. You don't need to pay out a lot to be okay, and it's not just 2-3 powerset combos that can do it, either.

And there are a lot of decent IO sets out there that aren't all that expensive, either. I'm a big champion for reasonable builds, too, so it's not like I have unreal expectations that every player should make millions in seconds off the market and then IO to their heart's content.

For the second paragraph, yes, sometimes there is too much of a gap between changes from the developers. They do, however, have to prioritize. I think Burn was nerfed for far too long and posted frequently about how there was no need for it to be where it was at, especially after Shields came on the scene. That said, Fiery Aura was still okay (I've been tanking with it fine since before and after the nerf, and after its recent buff): a lot of things were done in the meantime that warranted more attention.

I would say that it should have been set to a more realistic level back when they nerfed it. The fear effect was a knee-jerk reaction to the farming that was going on at the time, rather than a solid plan to make the power usable but not overpowered. So while the developers are not perfect, they still have a game that is set up quite well, which why I keep coming back to it.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Hrm. Personally, I'm sort of happy with it now. Any of my fighting alts which didn't have Hasten due to a tight build can well, take it now, even if they can only put one slot on it, haha. As some has mentioned, either Maneuvers or Stealth for an extra Luck of the Gambler and never use it due to only one slot, or even a primary or secondary power which I didn't take before... only, with one slot.


Would it be too much to ask for a few extra slots? o_O Even if Fitness is now free, we still have to dedicate slots onto it to make it work, so any new powers we pick will basically be barebones if we don't want to change our builds too much...

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
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Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Would it be too much to ask for a few extra slots? o_O Even if Fitness is now free, we still have to dedicate slots onto it to make it work, so any new powers we pick will basically be barebones if we don't want to change our builds too much...
You're not the first to suggest it, though as plenty of people have pointed out, you are getting four extra slots with this power (each power in fitness), access to powers more quickly as you're leveling up, etc. It might happen, mind, but I still think "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" whenever people suggest it.

Besides the above, inherent Fitness is a buff in and of itself, and we also have a new Incarnate system offering even more ways for players to buff themselves at level 50. I'm skeptical that the devs would give us anything more, though I'll hardly scoff at more slots, either. I'm still surprised that we're getting inherent Fitness... I thought an increase endurance recovery that is similar to Beginner's Luck (increased accuracy for the first 20 levels) was the most likely thing.

So sometimes the devs can be quite generous... though after some of the strange reactions to the buff of inherent Fitness, I don't know if I'd want to give us players anything ever again.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



i haven't read through 8 pages of replies, so this might have been said, but i think there should be an alternative to making powers from the fitness pool totally inherent. how about just restructuring the fitness pool? replace with something similar.

The Training Pool!

Survival Training - +8% Def (All) +10% Res (All), duration 20 seconds, recharge 120 seconds
(making it a click power makes it a decent option for a Tier 1 pool power.)

Fitness Training - (Auto) +25% Regen +15% Recovery
(combine health and stamina into one power rather than making it take 3 power selections. give less of a bonus to make it fit as a Tier 1 pool power.)

Athletic Training - (Auto) +100% Jump +30% RunSpd +10% Regen +5% Recovery
(combine Swift and Hurdle for those who want them and include a mild bonus for regen and recovery for those willing to dedicate a second power toward it. Absolutely optional, but reasonable, Tier 2 pool power.)

Superior Training - (Auto) +15% Regen +20% Recovery +5% Recharge
(progressive bonus keeping with trends of other pool powerset Tier 3 powers. could be made a click power with no overlap, also.)

i think this (or something very similar) would be a far better option than just giving everybody something that a majority of us have sacrificed a whole three power slots for. i've gone to great lengths to create a couple builds that don't need stamina without needing a change in play style. For instance, my level 50 Dark/Elec brute that runs seven toggles almost all of the time (not including the damage aura). Or my level 50 Ice/Icy Dominator that uses Power Boost and Power Sink as well as domination to keep the endurance bar full.



Inherent Fitness and no recovery powers in the pools is the way to go.

End Recovery powers should be removed from pools entirely. A +recovery power pool will always become a "necesity" by most players. People will just 'up their game' till that becomes the new baseline. Everyone will be hurting for endurance and pick the power pool.



I honestly don't think there is enough cheese to compliment the amount of whine in this thread.



Originally Posted by DiscoMetalStu View Post
i haven't read through 8 pages of replies, so this might have been said, but i think there should be an alternative to making powers from the fitness pool totally inherent. how about just restructuring the fitness pool? replace with something similar.

The Training Pool!

Survival Training - +8% Def (All) +10% Res (All), duration 20 seconds, recharge 120 seconds
(making it a click power makes it a decent option for a Tier 1 pool power.)

Fitness Training - (Auto) +25% Regen +15% Recovery
(combine health and stamina into one power rather than making it take 3 power selections. give less of a bonus to make it fit as a Tier 1 pool power.)

Athletic Training - (Auto) +100% Jump +30% RunSpd +10% Regen +5% Recovery
(combine Swift and Hurdle for those who want them and include a mild bonus for regen and recovery for those willing to dedicate a second power toward it. Absolutely optional, but reasonable, Tier 2 pool power.)

Superior Training - (Auto) +15% Regen +20% Recovery +5% Recharge
(progressive bonus keeping with trends of other pool powerset Tier 3 powers. could be made a click power with no overlap, also.)

i think this (or something very similar) would be a far better option than just giving everybody something that a majority of us have sacrificed a whole three power slots for. i've gone to great lengths to create a couple builds that don't need stamina without needing a change in play style. For instance, my level 50 Dark/Elec brute that runs seven toggles almost all of the time (not including the damage aura). Or my level 50 Ice/Icy Dominator that uses Power Boost and Power Sink as well as domination to keep the endurance bar full.
The problem with the powers you suggest is still the fact that they do nothing more than give numeric bonuses to your character's stats. As I mentioned previously in the thread, powers should be fun and change the way your character plays. New attacks, controls, even defenses can achieve that goal by altering your tactics in battle or sometimes even just by looking cool. The Fitness pool feels more like a "power tax"--they're just boring stat boosts that make you feel like you didn't really get a new power at all.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Good distinction. I like resource-management games where one has to balance production decisions, for example, but tactical micromanaging quickly becomes extremely tiresome.

Here's one example of mind-numbing tactical resource management:

I played one space game where you could build huge fleets of complex starships loaded with various weapons and gadgets...but the actual combat involved telling each gun in each battery of each starship where to fire each round. Now assume that six of my 40-ship fleets are fighting, using, say, 8 guns each, in fights that last an indefinite number of rounds (until decision is reached) before the next "turn" occurs and more production decisions are made. That means manually assigning 1,920 targets each round for, say, 20 rounds before I get to be the strategist again.

My first attempt at said game lasted 3,000 turns (each of which could in theory contain an indefinite number of battle rounds). There was no second attempt, of course.
Wow space Battlecruiser. 3,000 turns?! It doesn't take a PhD to notice that is not Smart. Let us all hope CoX is not so Derek, derelict? in their design philosophy.



This thread makes me give up on humanity.

Reminds me of the threads arguing for 3-day spawn camps and perma-death in Vanguard.

For those who want "the challenge", just don't slot it up and run with just Brawl and no travel powers. There's your challenge.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



Originally Posted by The_Cheeseman View Post
The Fitness pool feels more like a "power tax"--they're just boring stat boosts that make you feel like you didn't really get a new power at all.
Beat me to it. "Power tax" was exactly the terminology I was going to use. (There's an analog with similar controversy over in D&D 4e with regards to Weapon Expertise - some people have just gone and houseruled that characters get the feat for free instead of letting it stay as an option that's first priority over almost everything else.)

But mostly I'm just tickled that someone named The_Cheeseman posted directly after this comment:

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I honestly don't think there is enough cheese to compliment the amount of whine in this thread.

Frequent boards reader, once-in-a-blue moon poster.



Originally Posted by The_Cheeseman View Post
The problem with the powers you suggest is still the fact that they do nothing more than give numeric bonuses to your character's stats. As I mentioned previously in the thread, powers should be fun and change the way your character plays. New attacks, controls, even defenses can achieve that goal by altering your tactics in battle or sometimes even just by looking cool. The Fitness pool feels more like a "power tax"--they're just boring stat boosts that make you feel like you didn't really get a new power at all.
i totally agree that having more powers makes things more fun.

however, this game is based on having a number of checks and balances so that there's no way you can possibly max everything out. you can take all 18 powers from your primary and secondary sets and a travel power and some powers from your ancillary/patron set, but it'll greatly subtract from your damage output because you won't have the recovery rate to keep firing off one power after another like someone with stamina might be able to. i'm saying this assuming that there's nobody following you around giving out buffs like Speed Boost.

by your logic, powers like Assault, Maneuvers, Tough, Weave, all of the shields and such, and even Aim/Buildup are useless because they just give you stat bonuses. I can argue that Stamina allows me to alter my tactics in battle by letting me sustain higher attack rates. When i started playing, i also thought they wouldn't add any benefit. i also didnt think that my brute's toggles made enough difference to fight with them on. eventually i figured out that Stamina made up the difference in endurance that the toggles drew. suddenly i was a better brute.

i had a better brute, but it meant that i wouldn't be able to take certain powers. i was stronger, but less capable at the same time. it's just a system to keep everyone from having everything and being all powerful.



Originally Posted by DiscoMetalStu View Post
i totally agree that having more powers makes things more fun.

however, this game is based on having a number of checks and balances so that there's no way you can possibly max everything out. you can take all 18 powers from your primary and secondary sets and a travel power and some powers from your ancillary/patron set, but it'll greatly subtract from your damage output because you won't have the recovery rate to keep firing off one power after another like someone with stamina might be able to. i'm saying this assuming that there's nobody following you around giving out buffs like Speed Boost.

by your logic, powers like Assault, Maneuvers, Tough, Weave, all of the shields and such, and even Aim/Buildup are useless because they just give you stat bonuses. I can argue that Stamina allows me to alter my tactics in battle by letting me sustain higher attack rates. When i started playing, i also thought they wouldn't add any benefit. i also didnt think that my brute's toggles made enough difference to fight with them on. eventually i figured out that Stamina made up the difference in endurance that the toggles drew. suddenly i was a better brute.

i had a better brute, but it meant that i wouldn't be able to take certain powers. i was stronger, but less capable at the same time. it's just a system to keep everyone from having everything and being all powerful.
The main difference between Fitness and the other powers you mention is the fact that the other powers are toggles. They require some amount of planning and tactical thought to employ properly. Endurance management is an important aspect of successful character building in CoH, and each toggle you choose to run represents a certain allocation of resources. You, as the player, are given the choice whether you want to run all of your toggles in any given battle, and your decisions regarding which toggle powers to choose will depend on whether you can afford to run them all when needed.

Shields, even the auto-power ones, are generally a part of your primary, secondary, and ancillary power sets, and therefore access to said powers is balanced by the overall goals of the set. The main power sets are usually designed such that the powers in them, when used in concert, grant the character a prescribed suite of strengths and weaknesses. Sure, Temperature Protection from the Fiery Aura set may not be all that interesting on its own, but it provides some of the damage and status resistance that set allows, which was presumably one of the things you chose that particular power set to acquire.

In other words, primary, secondary, and ancillary power sets are designed to provide a certain required set of expected abilities. Defense sets provide some measure of damage mitigation and status protection. Control sets provide means of disabling enemies. Buff/Debuff sets provide means to increase the effectiveness of you or your teams attacks, or hamper the attacks of enemies. The choice between the sets your AT has available determine how that character will play, and thus each individual power in the set is designed to work toward that end. In an effective set, each power will be fun and exciting, but it isn't as important because they are necessary to achieve the character's purpose.

The pool powers were designed to give players additional options when building their characters. They provide various abilities that may not be available in the character's primary, secondary, and ancillary power sets. These pool powers should help either shore-up weaknesses of the set (such as choosing to take the fighting pool to make your controller more sturdy) or further specialize a build to accentuate its strengths (like choosing Combat Jumping and Hover to squeeze out just a bit more defense to reach the soft-cap). However, these powers all represent an opportunity cost, and require you to channel some portion of your resources away from the core of your character's main purpose, represented by the primary, secondary, and ancillary sets.

When a specific power pool becomes so ubiquitous that it is considered mandatory, this opportunity cost simply becomes a required tax. Unlike shields or other similar powers in the main sets, Fitness does not provide any level of specialization or help to advance a given character's unique play experience. They give static bonuses to base statistics that every character of every AT has access to. They don't help to minimize the unique weaknesses or maximize the unique strengths of any particular build, they are equally and universally useful to every character in the game. Choosing the Fitness pool is basically a no-brainer for 95% of all characters, and this completely defeats the entire purpose of opportunity cost.



There is a secondary problem with fitness pool as it exists today: It's a three-pick tax that bites you worst at low levels -- when you already have a serious power shortage. Whether you get Swift or Hurdle, either way, it's probably coming at the expense of having a decent attack chain before level 22. (People with a lot of vet powers may not be experiencing this so much. To those of us who don't have any extra attacks, though, the first twenty levels can be VERY painful.)

If fitness were something that became relevant mostly in the level 40 range, I might find it less obnoxious. As is, the lack of Stamina is devastating at level 11, where you have no way to get decent endredux enhancements; by level 40 or 50, though, you may actually be able to drop it if you've gotten enough endurance reduction and set bonuses to recovery. That pretty much makes it the opposite of an interesting choice about endgame build decisions. For the many builds which are essentially broken if you don't have Stamina at 20, that means two previous power picks (usually somewhere in the 6-16 range) have gone into stuff that isn't letting you make interesting choices, it's just shoring up your movement and regeneration a bit.



Inherent stamina? Single Perf. Shifter proc and call it a day.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
Inherent stamina? Single Perf. Shifter proc and call it a day.
Nah, Energy Maniuplator proc (chance to disorient) FTW.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by DiscoMetalStu View Post
...eventually i figured out that Stamina made up the difference in endurance that the toggles drew. suddenly i was a better brute. ...

You just explained why Stamina as a power choice is lousy system design. It's something that enhances every active power a character has by freeing up enhancement slots that would otherwise have to be conservatively dedicated to energy management. Getting it is an absolute no-brainer, even with an cost of three power picks - you get the choice of 24 gimped powers or 21 supercharged ones.

Now I hope they look at something to mess with regarding Hasten, though. It's in a similar category. I'd rather see it totally dropped or given an Endurance cost tax than made inherent, though.



I'm just curious...and I understand if we have no info yet.

Any date on i19?...I'm just wondering if I might hit level 50 before it comes out.



I will be looking at all my builds regarding this change. The thought of doing 48 respecs really scares me though. i already know that I will respec most of my tanks and brutes. The scrappers I could care less. The Blasters might get that extra utility power I skipped. The controllers will all at least pick up recall friend for pet movement. The dominators probably the same. I will look at the leadership pool for corruptors and defenders that dont have it already. Some toons I wont even respec, but I will know very shortly exactly what I am going to do.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I'm just curious...and I understand if we have no info yet.

Any date on i19?...I'm just wondering if I might hit level 50 before it comes out.
No date yet. All we know is that it will NOT be in 2010.




This topic proves that people will REALLY complain about ANYTHING.



Originally Posted by Lenneth View Post
This topic proves that people will REALLY complain about ANYTHING.
Yeah, it's kind of hilarious, actually.

This change literally hurts no one and helps everyone...yet people complain.

Good stuff.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Yeah, it's kind of hilarious, actually.

This change literally hurts no one and helps everyone...yet people complain.

Good stuff.
Well, technically it does hurt those who think the game is too easy and avoid Stamina in order to create more challenge. Still, there's plenty of other ways to handicap your build if that's what you want, so it doesn't hurt them much.




This isn't directed at any one poster in this thread, but y'know I've been thinking about this subject (MMO difficulty) a lot lately. Here's my take (be patient, this may take a bit):

The business model of an MMO is to get players hooked and then keep them hooked as long as possible so they keep paying. In order to do that content needs to be accessible to as wide an array of people as possible. Also, difficulty has to be at a level that the players don't get bored, but don't get frustrated either. Both boredom and frustration are equally bad because they both can ultimtely lead to the player cancelling their account.

But not every player has the same skill level with online games. What seems easy to some is hard to others. So developers are left with trying to figure out a baseline challenge level that works the best for their game. CoH has taken this one step further and made the difficulty level extremely customizable. Players can fiddle with it to get the experience they want.

But how do the Devs figure out what the "base" should be? Data mining statistics like debt accumulation, mission completion speeds, etc. It doesn't matter how many people come on these boards and say "CoH is easy mode," if the data mining shows that the average subscriber is appropriately challenged, then the Devs will view the base difficulty as being where it should be.

My honest opinion? The standard, base difficulty of an MMO is supposed to be relatively easy. It has to be to retain subscribers. Yes that does mean people that are good at computer games will feel unchallenged at times. That's why the Devs gave us a difficulty slider. It's an attempt to appeal to as wide a number of players as possible and keep the subscriber base going. Yes it's a business decision as well as a game design decision. It has to be. So the next time you feel tempted to say "CoH is easy mode" remember that to survive as a business it's actually a good idea in some ways. If you want more challenge, up the slider. Still not challenged? Turn off a toggle or two. We have the ability to create our own challenge, let's get creative and use it.

Well I think I'm done rambling for now.