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  1. Glad then that it isn't just me, but I love some of those ideas Will try and start using them more. I do often like letting artists run with a general idea cause I've got some of my favorite pieces while doing that.
  2. Thanky...

    Does anyone else have problems coming up with ideas for commissions that aren't just pinup type shots btw? I seem to have a real hard time thinking up something original. Maybe its cause I don't have any of my chars in some type of story or RP. *shrugs*
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Very nice collection.

    You're doomed now, you know... >.>

    I've been doomed I have alot more than just what I have thrown up here. I suppose the upside is that they aren't tattoos.

  4. Lines by: Sketchheavy (on DA)

    Colored by: Eddie Swan
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    I think you mean that all tongue in cheek (thus the smilies) but I still want to point out that you, and everyone, should go after art that you'll like - not art that will please the masses. If you like the body builder, ripped muscley look then go for it! Just because some like the softer look doesn't mean you should modify what you ask for from the artist...

    *shrug* I just figure you're the one paying for the art, and you'll be the one who looks at it most... Aim to try to please yourself, not us Internet peanut gallery loudmouths

    that said, bring on the zombies!!!!

    Aye I was I love Archy so she will always get art done of her the way she is Just teasing all those who don't like strong women hehe. Plus maybe she can convert the non-believers Also, I just showed the artist references and let them do their style, not usually one to tell others how to create.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    I didn't mind the muscles from before, on occasion, but then this one is even better - well-placed bulk that makes it perfectly clear she could floor most spindly male heroes, but still someone you'd want to invite out for something other than a protein shake.

    Might still need a stiff drink first.

    Stiff drink and a stepping stool. She is a tall one
  7. Another piece of art to share. This one is Archempress again and slightly less muscley Though she still has em cause you know, super strength and all The next piece of work though will have less muscles and more zombies though I promise

    Artists DA page:
  8. As someone who is terribad at any form of AH/Market in any game. Tell your friends with money to stop being cheap. (Translation: I just got an Apoc I'm trying to sell to fund my cheaper builds )

    Also randomly cause it's on: Go Rays!
  9. Ofcourse not OP, you aren't the only person with completely irrational thoughts.
  10. I want to see less proliferation at this point and more new sets to play with.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
    Would this be a bad thing? If a more successful game took a conceptually good idea from another and elaborated on it much better?
    I didn't say it was bad? All I said was it wouldn't be impossible to do because it's been done elsewhere.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    it would not be something that would be less time consuming then AE. something like this would have to go through the dev's for editing and implementation. and alot of the things that would get turned in would take a lot of time to go through to even get to anything decent.
    Not especially, It would just be a copy of something already done in another game.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
    Flux approves of this.

    I was also thinking those sounded like good ideas and fun too!
  14. Any of my chars who only took 3 power pools (Fitness included in those 3) will prob all get Stealth/Invis/Recall Friend. Great muling and good utility in teams, especially speed TFs.
  15. Lillika


    As long as it can be colored I am always for more blaster primaries and this one looks fun!
  16. Has this been suggested before or talked about? After playing with the new auras I just couldn't help but think how cool it would be to have the Omega one just on the legs or even better only on the feet of some characters.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Casey is talking about I19 moving the Fitness Pool to Inherant Powers.
    Casey knew about them a month before everyone else? Check the date of their post.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Casey View Post
    I know this Thread is a bit old just wondering if there is an up to date form of the build posted originally or up to date form of the 2nd build.
    Has there been enough changes to really need to update the builds much?
  19. Lillika

    Portable ICON!

    Needs to be a badge reward for those of us who spend too damn much money on outfits at Icon
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Animated faces
    More than 2 colours on pieces, specially with skin tights

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    When we're told the devs can't do things, it's for one of several reasons:

    Yes, thats what I said, we will get reasons. the post was much more light hearted than you think. I promise!

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I think bringing up epic phail as your example is not a good start to your thread. If you want something specific, make a list.

    "Epic phail" did/does some things better than CoH. Ignoring it is pretty counter productive to improving our game as a whole.
  22. I think we will get lots of reasons why they can't do things.... until they do them many years later.
  23. Lillika

    One Shot TFs

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I disagree. Having a consistent storyline that evolves and makes sense is far superior to unrelated episodic tales that are never spoken of again once they are over. This has been my gripe with television shows for years now, and I do not want to bring that in this game.
    Glad you don't but I would love to see more stories that are interesting and don't tie into the main ones which are generally meh.

    Furthermore, creating brand new maps and enemy factions for one single TF sounds like a colossal waste of resources, and to be honest, I don't see how "going into space" has anything more to do with super heroes than going back in time. Considering half of Marvel's heroes are either Norse gods or Greek holdovers, I don't see the point.
    These resources need to go into reskinning the same old maps! Oh wait they already do that way too damn much. Seeing something new wouldn't go down as a "waste of resources" ever. Also, are you high? Space and time travel are generally Super Hero staples, pick up a comic book once and awhile will ya. Secondly, are you still high? If all you read is Hercules and Thor then sure half the heroes are greek/norse, outside that.... not as prevelant as you seem to think.
  24. I can hear all the Kheldians laughing at your slotting woes.
  25. I wish that there was an AT I couldn't play. Then maybe I would have less alts and more than one 50 I just figured out how to rock the only AT I had trouble with (MM's) and I added 3 more alts >.<