What are the classes you just cant play?
I keep wanting to play a Dominator, trying to play a Dominator, but for some reason, my Dominators all stall in the low-teens.
Scrappers, Controllers, and Blasters also all seem to not work very well for me; they generally stall and fail in the mid-20s slump period (never gotten a Controller to 32, which is supposedly where they get awesome.)
And Kheldians. I don't get how people like playing those.
I can barely stand being an MM. For me, it's the resummoning and micromanaging of pets that bugs me.
One way I ended up doing it was to only take the two middle pets or the top pet, and then grab a couple of the attacks. It works great.
i cant play a blaster, i cuold do a blaster if they actually made the secondary sets, like good, but the secondaries do little to nothing to help survival so the last 4 attempted blasters i had ended up being deleted
i also dont really care for scrappers and tanks, because tank dmg is crud, and scrapper are too weak defensively for my tastes
dont care for defenders either cause i feel corrupters do about same job with MUCH higher dmg

Haven't really given Khelds or Soldiers of Arachnos a fair shot, so I'll leave those out of the discussion. Aside from that, on a scale of 1-10 I tend to get the following enjoyment out of the other ATs:
Scrappers -10
Blasters/Dominators - 9
Brutes - 8
Corruptors - 7
Defenders - 6
Controllers - 5
Stalkers - 4
Tanks - 2
Masterminds - 1
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
<3 Tanks and Brutes
Scrappers and Corruptors 2nd
Controllers, Blasters and Dominators 3rd
Defenders and Stalkers 4th
Havent really played a crab, widow, or kheld... just havent had a good concept for one.
I can't play Tanks. I just can't stand not doing damage.
I'm mainly a blaster/Mastermind player. Few scrappers.
Controllers and Defenders always stall in the late 30's for me.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Tank. I've tried and enjoyed every other AT. I just cannot get into playing a Tank.
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I'm trying my -nth tank after a bunch of failed attempts. It's not just the "don't do damage" that I dislike, it's that when you're soloing you don't do anything. Or at least nothing active. Yeah, my controller sucked for damage as well until she was in her 30's but at least I had buttons to push for holds, debuffs, etc. With my tanks, I'm just idly tapping the same two-three slow attacks and whittling down some Lt's hitpoints.
I played a Peacebringer once for about an hour (lvl 8? 10?) Wasn't in love but was giving it a chance until my first radio mission where I hit a Quantum who immediately sprayed my glowing squid jelly all over the sewer walls. Said "Nuts to this" and deleted.
I like to think of Tanking like the sheep dog of the MMO world. We herd and we make sure all the nice dumb sheep line up for the slaughter. Also it takes alot of skill to boot and not alot of people as said above can handle not doing damage but you know what, I hate being a squishy blaster so theres the trade off.
As far as team play....geeez stalkers. I know I know..some of you can make it work...but for me stalkers just don't fit....
Overall though, had a hard time getting into the epics...I'm sure theerreeeee great! but just haven't seen the light on those yet. Too busy having fun with other builds....
i dont mind kheldians too much, but i do absolutely hate they have to deal with voids
i love the VEATs though they are so awesome

So far I just can't stand MMs. I can't manage them, they wind up drawing Aggro at the wrong times, and just can't get into them.
I do enjoy Def's, Scrappers, Corr, Brutes, and Khelds.
Khelds are a neat creature, and it took a bit to come up with a way to deal with the void/quantum problem, but I came up with a tactic that works for me.
I have a Widow, and keep having issues playing it, as I feel way squishier than my Kheld.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
I like to think of Tanking like the sheep dog of the MMO world. We herd and we make sure all the nice dumb sheep line up for the slaughter. Also it takes alot of skill to boot and not alot of people as said above can handle not doing damage but you know what, I hate being a squishy blaster so theres the trade off.
Also I can't really stand playing Masterminds, along with controllers/blaster/corrupters/dominators

I just love being up close and personal.
Kheldians are a combination of ranged offense and defense - why would people not like playing one? Unless they're a person who can't stand the fact that they have to "horribly gimp and ruin forever" their character by having them merged with a kheldian. But I don't consider those "people", they're more like "mindless fools".
Perhaps one of these days I will take it up as a challenge to make a Kheldian that doesn't suck via obscene use of IO set bonuses... but until the day that I feel masochistic enough to level one, I am just not going to bother. I just don't hate myself that much.
The class that I simply cant play is the Stalker.
Brutes: Yes.
Scrappers: Yes.
Tanks: Yes.
Stalkers: I... no no no no no don't make me do It I don't want to level this anymore!
I can't seem to grok how to work a Dominator. I want to, but control classes for some reason I just don't seem to manage. I might attempt a controller at this point, since I can deal with support classes. However I know I'm going to have a problem with feeling ineffectual due to not quite understanding how to use my controls as my damage output.
Also haven't really managed to get an OH YEAH out of playing an MM. I seem to do reasonably well, but I think the management of it requires a skillset I don't presently have (but might learn with some very gentle mentoring).
The funny thing is that I'm a redsider by preference.
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I enjoy scrappers and corruptors the most.
After that it's probably defenders.
Dead last are masterminds, tanks, blasters, controllers, and dominators.
Everything else is kinda middle road for me.
Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender
I like to think of Tanking like the sheep dog of the MMO world. We herd and we make sure all the nice dumb sheep line up for the slaughter. Also it takes alot of skill to boot and not alot of people as said above can handle not doing damage but you know what, I hate being a squishy blaster so theres the trade off.

Controller, Tank, Corruptor, Peacebringer. Especially Peacebringer. All of the others, I've gotten to the 30s at least once, but PBs never held my attention for that long. It's like playing a less interesting Warshade.
For Tank, well, I'd rather play Scrapper and Brute. And they have that slump until the mid-20s where most sets have trouble tanking for a team of 8, which usually discourages me. When I've played them in the 30s, I've enjoyed them, but not enough to encourage me to try another any time soon as long as I can pretty much do the same thing but with good damage on Brutes.
For Controller, I've already played most of their sets that I want to play as either a Dominator or Defender, and I like AoE damage enough that most of them just don't do it for me at low levels.
Corruptor's similar to Controller, since I've already played every Corruptor secondary that I like to 50 as a Defender primary. And I'd rather get my debuffs before my blasts, so another point to Defenders. And I prefer to play buff/debuff on teams, which heroside has more of, so another point to Defenders. Now that we can side-swap, I'll probably give Corruptor another try.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I cannot play Masterminds anymore.
One was enough, and it was a stretch to get it done.
I'd say stalkers are down there, but I played /DA before they fixed CoF and OG. I'd probably like me a kin/nin.
The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
I have real trouble playing anything other than scrappers or brutes - I feel way too squishy for a superhero, or, in the case of the tank, I don't feel like I'm doing as much damage as I should be.
I am trying to run a Dominator, though I suspect I'll end up screwing it up horribly with no clear idea on a Dominator's supposed "role" in a team and trying to play it too much like a scrapper.
Controllers...just can't do it. I've tried and tried and tried and, well you get it.
I have a hard time with Defenders too. I have a lot of 'em but no 50s.
Brutes are far and above, the most fun to play for me.
I have at least one of everything so far except for Khelds, Widows and SOA.
I like the challenges that each AT produces, it changes up how I play the game for each character. I have had times with each when levels are tough to come by, but I got through those and really like what each character can do the rest of the way to 50.
I can not bring myself to play a Mastermind, or to be more precise I dont have the patience to play a character reliant on pets. Cant do it! I have tons of cool ideas for masterminds but nope no can do. So what classes cant you bring yourself to play?