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  1. Low Level:
    Vahz! I am pretty sure my first trip to the hospital has come from a Vahz mish on 100% of my hero characters.

    High Level:
    Malta, they aren't bad, a few at a time, but they are a major pain when you encounter large mobs. They throw a little of everything at you!
  2. I have at least one of everything so far except for Khelds, Widows and SOA.
    I like the challenges that each AT produces, it changes up how I play the game for each character. I have had times with each when levels are tough to come by, but I got through those and really like what each character can do the rest of the way to 50.
  3. Superman has always been my favorite superhero.
    Joker is my favorite super villain.
  4. My first character Cold Sky was inspired by both Iceman and Storm from the X-Men. My other 50 blue side, Night Girl, is an homage to Batgirl. I have plenty of costumes on my other characters that are inspired by my comic book favorites!
  5. ColdSky

    Evil Twins?

    Here are mine...Cold Sky, my first creation at launch, and then a few short minutes later when CoV started, her evil twin sister Fyrocious!

  6. ColdSky

    Post a Character

    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    It's a new texture for the pants, apparently. I haven't seen the texture anywhere else, though, so it might be a teaser.
    That's the Razor pattern on those pants...I love this thread, it's always fun to see what everyone has come up with!!
  7. I just hit 20 with my DS/Poison, I've never played a MM before, so just that took a little getting used to but now I'm rolling through PvE and lovin' it!! Poison is single target so far, but the debuff on Bosses and a couple of EB's has worked out well. Plus it has a basic heal, so I can help keep the pets fighting when needed.
  8. Silver,
    I asked a similar question over the weekend, it sounds like it may happen...

    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    now that im semi back ill try to run masters weekend

    Barracuda/kahn fridays

    Mostf/ MOITF saturdays

    MOLRSF/LRSF sundays

    positron new tf mondays

    let me work out a schedule ...starts strategizing

    I'm in if you get something going too...I just haven't done enough to lead any yet!
  9. Hey Virtue,
    I know Saturday used have scheduled runs for the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge, it's been a while since I could play on a regular basis. Do these runs still happen on Saturdays, if not, are there any other times they might happen??
  10. EX,
    One of my characters is having this problem:
    Server: Virtue
    Character Name: Cold Sky
    SG/VG Name: Superbabes
    When do you crash: After selecting character, halfway through the zone loading screen in PI
    Does it affect all characters: No just this one
    Does it affect only characters in one or more SG's or VG's: I don't have any other characters in this SG.