11 -
Low Level:
Vahz! I am pretty sure my first trip to the hospital has come from a Vahz mish on 100% of my hero characters.
High Level:
Malta, they aren't bad, a few at a time, but they are a major pain when you encounter large mobs. They throw a little of everything at you! -
I have at least one of everything so far except for Khelds, Widows and SOA.
I like the challenges that each AT produces, it changes up how I play the game for each character. I have had times with each when levels are tough to come by, but I got through those and really like what each character can do the rest of the way to 50. -
Superman has always been my favorite superhero.
Joker is my favorite super villain. -
My first character Cold Sky was inspired by both Iceman and Storm from the X-Men. My other 50 blue side, Night Girl, is an homage to Batgirl. I have plenty of costumes on my other characters that are inspired by my comic book favorites!
Here are mine...Cold Sky, my first creation at launch, and then a few short minutes later when CoV started, her evil twin sister Fyrocious!
Come to Denver we'll make a "Con" for you!!
I just hit 20 with my DS/Poison, I've never played a MM before, so just that took a little getting used to but now I'm rolling through PvE and lovin' it!! Poison is single target so far, but the debuff on Bosses and a couple of EB's has worked out well. Plus it has a basic heal, so I can help keep the pets fighting when needed.
I asked a similar question over the weekend, it sounds like it may happen...
Quote:now that im semi back ill try to run masters weekend
Barracuda/kahn fridays
Mostf/ MOITF saturdays
positron new tf mondays
let me work out a schedule ...starts strategizing
I'm in if you get something going too...I just haven't done enough to lead any yet! -
Hey Virtue,
I know Saturday used have scheduled runs for the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge, it's been a while since I could play on a regular basis. Do these runs still happen on Saturdays, if not, are there any other times they might happen?? -
One of my characters is having this problem:
Server: Virtue
Character Name: Cold Sky
SG/VG Name: Superbabes
When do you crash: After selecting character, halfway through the zone loading screen in PI
Does it affect all characters: No just this one
Does it affect only characters in one or more SG's or VG's: I don't have any other characters in this SG.