What is your favorite superhero or supervillain of all time?
That isn't remotely possible at all... the Nazis letting in someone who didn't have blonde hair.
Used to be Spider-man. After playing the same character for six years, now it's my main character.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Hero would have to be Iron Man. I like to think of myself as a twenty first century digital boy and running around in a suit making the wearer impervious to damage while shooting beams and stuff, sounded fun.
Villain there are so many. You have the Green Goblin who discovers the identity of Spider Man and covertly abuses that knowledge to make Peter's life hell.
You have Vergil from Devil May Cry 3 who was a tragic villain as well. Wanting power above all else because, in my opinion, he despised his father for not being there when demons killed his mother.
Villains are difficult to identify. Manly because I think a true villain is one who makes you challenge your own beliefs, it either bolsters your cause or you fall all Jedi to Sith-style. To me there's been plenty of underrated villains, over looked because they see someone like Apocalypse or such that just want to destroy.
Jenny Sparks. Or Superman, as depicted in All-Star Superman. Depends on my mood.
I loved Dark Reign for the mere fact the Green Goblin was in charge; as Iron Man no less. I've always loved his struggle with being the Goblin, and being in charge of the world is stress enough to unleash the green demon.
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
Used to be Thor. In early grade school, I found a book about Norse mythology in the school library and it always stuck with me how much cooler a bunch of drunken, brawling vikings seemed than the drunken, debauched Greeks that we had to learn about in class.
So in middle school I bought all the Thor comics I could.
Villains, though? I liked the Wrecker. And a mention to Codpiece.
Starscream! How could I forget, I was so naive as a child!
Favorite Hero
My concept for my main was "What if Superman was a chick?" I am a HUGE Wonder Woman fan (I used to have the book detailing all of Princess Dianahs adventures (a compendium of all her early issues) and her origin story on cassette tape http://www.wonderwomancollectors.com/wwrecord23.html I was 3 years old and basically learned to read from this book) and since I am such a huge Princess Dianah fan I wanted to do both Superman and Wonder woman tribute, so Rose Maiden was a homage to both, like a super hybrid. Kal-L's powers, with the gear of Wonder Woman (Seri's tiara, belt, costume and cape clasp all have stories behind them and give her a power (fitness and medicine and flight) but her back story is her own as well as personality.

Favorite Villain

I have a very soft spot in my heart for Dr. Dinosaur.
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Favorite Anti-Hero you bring up eh?
"V: No, what you have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer be standing, because if I am you'll all be dead before you've reloaded."
As antiheroes go, comics got nothing on Will Munny from Unforgiven:
I have a very soft spot in my heart for Dr. Dinosaur.
Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan, by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson.
Perhaps the coolest cat to ever have his own Comic Series.
There's one hole in every revolution, large or small. And it's one word long.. people. No matter how big the idea they all stand under, people are small and weak and cheap and frightened. It's people that kill every revolution. |
There was a time when I liked a good riot. Put on some heavy old street clothes that could stand a bit of sidewalk-scraping, infect myself with something good and contagious, then go out and stamp on some cops. It was great, being nine years old. |
I'd kill everybody in this room. Even the children. Especially the children. |
Captain America, hands down.
The Flash from DCAU. I've always had a soft-spot for speedsters, and he's just broken enough inside to be endearing.
Single Hero: Ms. Marvel
Just throwing out my group fav because I can: Guardians of the Galaxy.
What's Kratos doing there?
Spider really only comes off as a "Hero" because everyone else in the world is just so amazingly corrupt and wicked that Spider seems noble in comparison.
The writing for Transmet is just beautiful, so gritty, so dark, so dirty. You feel like you have been sharing needles every time you turn the page, and Spider is right there goading you on, holding up a cracked mirror to the society in which we so pleasantly live and challenging us to question our morality and world perspective.
Mine? Of all times in terms of originality and awesome?
Tyrannosaurus Reich. A German Nazi T-Rex.