Are any of your characters homages to existing comic book heroes?




My main character, Hero Prime, is a Superman homage. He's not an alien, and he's not from another world, but he is the result of a Rikti experiment, and after he escaped, managed to wind up in Kansas before eventually traveling to Paragon City to help in the supernatural struggle centered on the metropolis. He flies, shoots energy from his eyes, is fairly (but not completely) invulnerable to physical damage, and is weak to both magic and psionics (in RP, anyway). He is not, however, super strong. Instead, I gave him energy melee, which was inspired the Eradicator, who took his place as one of the four Supermen in the Death and Life of Superman series, back in the early 1990s. Nor does he have super breath, super hearing, or super eyesight. When he first moved to Paragon City, he worked as a writer for a local tech digest, but he's not a reporter, per se. He has the potential to be extremely powerful (again, in RP), but his power depends on the amount of energy he can absorb. Under normal circumstances, he's just a powerful metahuman.

Basically, I designed him as sort of a "What if Superman weren't quite so godlike" type of character. Supes is much maligned for his amazing array of powers, which is unfortunate, because his story has a lot of potential outside of his near ex machina qualities.

Do you have any homages to other characters?

Where do we go from here?



My main hero The Plain Walker is homage to Doctor Manhattan. Instead of blue, he is green. He is a Chernobyl scientist survivor, given powers through radiation. He is similar to Manhattan in that he can manipulate matter, but nowhere near his level. We differ in that I use radiation based attacks, not killing people, I am Russian, I have plenty of emotion and I am a tad of an alcoholic. Good thing the liquid deteriorates before taking effect!

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



My main character, Comrade Smersh, is an ex-spy Soviet version of Iron Man.

My favorite scrapper, Dr. Paladin, is kind of a Moorcock pastiche in CoH.

As for Cosmonaut Ninja Ivan, well... Gatchaman meets Yamato.

Cosmonaut Alpha is loosely based on the back of a movie box I once read about a movie I never saw.

The rest are inspired in one way or another, but the key is to put your own twist on it.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



I have a Invul/EM tanker that I created in homage to Superman as well; however he is a mutant with the ability of invul and energy manipulation. On some of my non PvP characters I try to give them the name of Soto, so my tanker now carries the name of Omega Soto.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



My concept for my main was "What if Superman was a chick?" I am a HUGE Wonder Woman fan (I used to have the book detailing all of Princess Dianahs adventures (a compendium of all her early issues) and her origin story on cassette tape I was 3 years old and basically learned to read from this book) and since I am such a huge Princess Dianah fan I wanted to do both Superman and Wonder woman tribute, so Rose Maiden was a homage to both, like a super hybrid. Kal-L's powers, with the gear of Wonder Woman (Seri's tiara, belt, costume and cape clasp all have stories behind them and give her a power (fitness and medicine and flight) but her back story is her own as well as personality.



Not any existing characters specifically, but I made a mutant teen that would fit right in with the X-men,

And my peacebringer has gotten a lot of influence from the Green Lanterns, mainly because his costume is created by his powers, and he can fly and breath in space with a colored aura.



I sort of had Peter Parker in the back of my mind when I created my teen hero, Beams. His similarity to Peter is on the civilian side though as he's a socially inept teenage genius like original-flavor Pete. Powers-wise though he's nothing like Spider-Man since he wields nuclear energy rather than webs and spider-strength punches.

My first Praetorian character, Wind-Up Doll, was inspired by Hit Girl from Kick ***. However, while Wind-Up Doll is a tough as nails 13 y.o. orphan, she is also a cyborg having lost both legs and an arm Anakin-style in the attack that killed her parents. She also has the ability to channel kinetic energy through her hands, so she doen't bother with swords or guns like Hit Girl.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Lizzy's personality is loosely inspired by Lorelei Lee (Marilyn Monroe) in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. but then again so are most of the "Dumb Blonde" stereotypes we are all so familiar with today.

A Beautiful, brilliant, blonde, gold digging bombshell who lives in a world of her own. Perhaps not a Super Hero in the strictest sense, but she certainly was a glamorous exaggeration of everything seen as feminine and desirable at the time.

After all, who doesn't remember that Diamonds are a Girls best friend?



Steelbane is sort of a cross between a Terminator and Bender.

Wardsman is nod to Hyperion from JMS's Squadron Supreme.

Shadow Scourge is a nod to the Void, the evil version of the Sentry.

Burning-Star is a female version of the Sentry with the split personalities and energy powers.

Ahreman the Red is a cross between Black Adam and Kid Miracleman.

Agonus is sort of a cross between Destro and Dr. Doom.

Omega Nuclear Driver, in his current incarnation anyway, is what would happen if Dexter (from Dexter's Laboratory) built a miniature version of Liberty Prime from Fallout 3.

And Black Reckoner is a nod to the current direction of Daredevil, with a vigilante gaining control of a clan of ninja assassins.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Shadeknight is sort of a Dr. Strange + Superman-ish amalgram tribute. Hard to explain.

The Hopebringer is my Green Lantern Tribute.

Legionbreaker is my Black Adam / Darksied tribute, once again hard to explain.



Kaytoo Six is an homage to every superhero origin I could throw together:

Kaytoo Six was born on the distant planet of Samachson. Molded from clay and given life by the Samachsonian god Certa, he was born with abilities far beyond other Samachsonians. However, his sculptor-scientist discovered that the whole planet was doomed to destruction, and sent the 12-year-old Kaytoo via zeta-beam to the planet Earth.

Kaytoo's beam was intercepted by a scientist working on a prototype radio telescope. Surprised by Kaytoo's sudden apperance, he ran into an alley where he was brutally murdered in front of Kaytoo by a mugger.

Kaytoo wandered the streets, and was eventally attacked and bitten by a mutant Gamma-irradiated vampire super-soldier.

Global name: @k26dp



Enchanter is kind of a mix between Dr. Fate and Doctor Occult.

Soviette is kind of a female, Russian version of Captain America. Though that may end up changing if Brutes get Broadsword. She has MA/Shield right now and is Blue side but I'd ideally make her a Brute who turns Hero.

Prank is a mix between Batman and the Joker. Crazy and mean like the Joker but has the gadget making support that Batman has.

Doctor Arachnid is a mix between Doctor Doom and Doc Octopus. Although he deals more in genetics instead of magic (in regard to Doom) the rest is all robotics/tech.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Kitten America is an obvious play on Captain America. An homage, in a way, but not played straight. I was looking for a concept for a claw scrapper who wasn't a savage, Wolverine type, and the name just popped into my head (I'm a huge Cap fan). Her costumes include a few references (the red flared gloves and folded boots on one costume, the prominent white star on blue in another), but all with a unique catgirl flair. Likewise, her origin involves accidents with super-soldier serum, but was more of an accident than something she volunteered for.

Aside from that, my characters tend to be more thematic than direct homages. One of my friend and I have had a lot of fun suggesting what comic books my characters would fit in, though.



Cerulean Impulse is an homage to a silver age hero, The Flash. For those of you confused, it's Barry Allen. Not Wally West



If manga counts as comic books, I once made a 15 year old kid with a minor anger problem who found a magic sword that talks to him. He's a Katana/SR scrapper and gets pissed that his friends keep reminding him that he's strikingly similar to Ichigo Kurosaki.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Comic-book heroes, not so much. I do have a Widow who's a Predator pastiche, though; the whole "hunting targets who shoot back" thing.

There's also a really convoluted costume reference: one of my Domis has a costume slot that's an homage to a character from the series who's opening theme provides the Domi's name. I'll give y'all a minute to try and follow that.



My main is an Invul/SS tank who is a tribute to Ultra Boy in appearance only. His back ground stress that he is purely human who got his powers in a Crey experiment (like all good Paragonians).

I've also done homages to Clay Face, Hyperion, Martain Manhunter (never can find a good fit), Superman, River Tam, Star Boy, Ax from Animorphs (seriously). Needless to say, my toons normally end in homage.




Dragonberry drew heavily on childrens cartoons and live action childrens shows of the seventies and eighties such as puff the magic dragon , H.R. PuffNStuff , petes dragon and Sigmund the sea monster with alot of big bird thrown in .

im not a big comic book fan but I love getting inspiration from other sources and twisting , bending and turning it inside out till its something wholely different from what I drew upon .



I just made a Doomsday type character, which I think I am in love with. One of my favorite costumes I've made.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



Archempress is my homage to Power Girl/Super Girl. The flying invulnerable female hero.

Silver Spectre is my tribute to all heroes without powers and still triumph over those with them.



Starrhawk is my nrg/nrg blaster and was heavily inspired by Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel (not the shazam one). I was really happy when they finally added power customization so I could make his blasts bluish white to look more like the Power Cosmic.



My first 50 was a Claws/Regen (Justice-Girl, Victory Server) was a mix homage of Ms. Liberty, Captain America and Wolverine.

My second 50 was a homage to Deadpool (Legendary, Katana/Regen, Victory Server) in that he had a similar costume (I reverse the color scheme, Black with a stripe, had a mask with hair option, tucked in pants)...which only one person ever sent me a tell saying it looked like it was deadpool inspired. Similar background, lacking the mutilation, but same style of personality. Even took Teleport as a travel power.

My first Virture toon (after those two 50's) was inspired by Super-Girl. Void-Girl (MA/INV). Her name got genericed by accident, when they went to generic the costume. Which personally, I thought was a bit unfair, as while the colors were the same (Red/Blue/Yellow), and the mini skirt was there, I don't recall Super-Girl ever wearing large heavy buckled boots, banded heavy buckled gloves, or had a V (Vindicator Chest Detail) on her chest. So while the colors of the outfit should give away the inspiration, I still think it was different enough on it's own.

After that generic though, I did come up with my own original concept in BrandX, sooo...maybe it's not so bad.

However, after that, I've had a few others...

My Fire/Earth Dom, is kinda inspired by Magik (of the X-Men) but in background only, which only came about as I was brainstorming what to do for a background for a toon who's only purpose to me was "I want to make a toon with cat ears, a cat tail, bat wings, winged boots, and uses the magic winged gloves" (six wings total!)...So, a mutant with cat ears and a cat tail and the ability to teleport through a dimension known as Heaven (not THEE fact this Heaven is more like hell), was kidnapped and made it's queen before escaping...blah blah blah...imbued with the dimensions magic (developes batwings and the powers of Fire/Earth Dom) escapes and does good (I need to get her to hero side now, as she was never really a villain).

Butterfly-Girl/Cold-Kiss/Jaime Priest is a homage to a manga, and is a guy who acts as a girl, dresses like a girl, due to his twin sister dying when she saved his life. He's actually one of my favorite ones to RP, as he so's full of energy, personality is just out there, but it constantly gets ruined by someone "just automatically knowing it's really a guy" without any way to know it (mind you, when they had powers that could tell, either by me reading their bio or me knowing the was no problem...buuuut the few who kept ruining it, just made it worse and worse). This is probably my second favorite character to RP, after my main as well, so I'm sure I'll bring her/him back though, as he really is lots of fun for me.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Operative 33, (Crab Spider) is based heavily on Henchman 21. Hailing originally from a gang quite similar to the Gold Brickers, he brought a pair of Jet-Boots, a Tommy Gun (Dangit I want weapon customization for VEATS!!) and a "Henchin' ain't easy but it sure is fun!" attitude to Arachnos.

None of the rest of my characters have direct inspiration from other characters, that I can remember.