Are any of your characters homages to existing comic book heroes?




I just posted about the Malleable Mechanic to another thread (the iconic characters one), but I figure I should here as well. He's the only character I have with some sort of comic-book reference at all (and not even a hero at that), with the rest being as creative and original as possible.

It's a long shot, but idea about MM having his rubber-like body came from an old Avengers arc where the Absorbing Man was involved: the villian used his powers to change into the rubber of a tire bumper during a short fight with Hawkeye.

Of course, the Mechanic isn't a villian and he doesn't have the same powers, but that was the jumping point I needed.



not that many folks would remember my characters, but all of my characters are based of fiction which can be found in comic books however they where all made during the Marvel Lawsuit period so I made sure the references where only barley noticeable.

Marhiel is an Elf in the classic D&D fashion, ...lets just say there was a Greyhawk comic and Marhiel is very close to an elf that use to be in that comic.
"During the 1980s and 1990s, DC Comics published several licensed D&DAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and Spelljammer."

Irken/Evil Irken not based on a comic, but a TV show made by a comic book author. ... and if you can't guess then I am sorry you are way too sheltered.

Inquisitor Tiburon My Master Mind who I am making into a Hero was heavly inspired by Inquisitor Ascendant by Dan Abnett and Simon Coleby it was a short lived comic series set in the 40k universe and well if you see Tib running around you can't miss him.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Operative 33, (Crab Spider) is based heavily on Henchman 21. Hailing originally from a gang quite similar to the Gold Brickers, he brought a pair of Jet-Boots, a Tommy Gun (Dangit I want weapon customization for VEATS!!) and a "Henchin' ain't easy but it sure is fun!" attitude to Arachnos.

None of the rest of my characters have direct inspiration from other characters, that I can remember.
Oh...that's epic! Now you just need to make 24. =q



Maybe not comics but Seraph is definitely a homage to Dante from the Devil May Cry series. Albeit not related at all to the DMC universe, he looks like a Dante and acts like one too.

Saber Wolf/Agent Shepard was my attempt at a homage to Gray Fox (Katana/SR) but his alter ego is similar to Sam Fisher (Where as Agent Shepard is sort of that alter ego without the cybernetic suit in Praetoria, he's also dual pistols).

Mist Of Shadows is more or less inspiration from Spawn only his case was mutation not magical. He wasn't condemned to hell but merely gained his powers from genetic goo that splashed on him in an accident. The result, he became purely sentient mist that could shape and form at will.

Unit 21 is like a cross over of Megaman meeting Sunny from I-Robot.

Then I just recently made Ryu Takayashi (Kinetics/Ninjutsu - but may change it to SR since he's not far) which is pretty much a dark Riu only with a sense of moral justice. Can't help it, that assassin strike does look like a Hadouken.



Originally Posted by Pravalen View Post
Oh...that's epic! Now you just need to make 24. =q
Thank you very much, but I'm happy with just the one. Feel free to take any of the VB characters you want, although I'm sitting on the name "Shore Patrol" for a later Dual Pistols character.



My namesake character is more or less an amalgam of hotblooded robot pilot archetypes, like Koji Kabuto from Mazinger Z(when he's calm) or Ryoma Nagare from Getter Robo(when he's about to smack the crap out of someone). However, at his core, he is based on the greatest giant robot that America has ever produced.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



I've allowed myself two blatant rip... er, homage characters. My Invuln/SS Tanker is heavily based on mid-90's Rogue, while my Bots/Bubbles Mastermind is based on Norton Nimnul of Rescue Rangers fame. I don't RP with either character all that much.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers



((My signature character, HEROID (Hazardous Environment Rescue Operations Intuitive Drone) began as a homage to Ben Grimm, the Thing, as he was written back in the glory days of the Fantastic Four, back when the King was drawing him (and largely plotting the stories). The classic Thing is my all-time favorite super-hero.

Of course, Roy Kirby developed past that and has fared somewhat better in life than has the character who inspired him.))



My main hero, Diamondskin, is a homage to The Tick. He is not fully grounded in reality and says a lot of odd things. He has a tendency to destroy a lot of things around him, mostly because he does not realize his strength or the relative weakness of things around him. He also can't grasp the concept of Hero ID vs Civilian ID. As far as he knows, they are two separate people.

But he is a true hero. He is always concerned for the well being of others and constantly puts himself between danger and anyone else around him. He would not hesitate to die to protect others.

His full bio, and my explanation of why he is "insane", can be found on Virtueverse here.

My other heroes and villains have inspirations from other Marvel/DC characters, but no other homages like Diamondskin is.



Flea/Despair/Zero are all nods toward Venom and Carnage with the whole symbiote thing. The difference being my symbiotes are psionic spectral entities born from the dying emotions of a dimension before it folded in on itself. Flea has blatant Eddie Brock-Venom nods by his whole 'hero' status (and I think everyone who knows him ICly would say the words Lethal Protector match him) whereas Despair is quite Kassady insane.

Coyote XI and Jackal XI are nods, even to a degree in name to David Xanatos and Alexander Xanatos as they appeared in that wonderful time-travel based episode of Gargoyles.

Ankylus is a nod towards the Knights of Wundagore and the High Evolutionary, with perhaps bits of Dinosaucers (he -is- an evolved, zen Ankylosaur monk).

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Trollina is a homage in a sense to She-Hulk



I've been thinking of making a character that's the illegitimate child of Paco "El Puno" Estrella and the Elusive Transparrow. Now that I can play a heroic stalker, I think I'll pull her out.



I think everyone here is getting confused with the whole hommage thing. The more I think about it, I only have a few that really take the hommage route, most seem to fall in with the canon of the CoH universe.

Dirt Dauber - Spider-man(Identity Crisis)/Green Hornet
Sandmonger - Sandman(DC[Golden Age]/Marvel)
Magnashock - Shocker
Skellion - Rogue/Ghost Rider



Currently working on a DP/Kin in Praetoria I named Redpill.

Got him decked out in white, a leather trench coat with shades, a bandanna face mask all in a pinstripe suit.

He moves like they do...

Power customization allowed me to tint his Kinetics line to an intense, shockingly bright green. Not unlike what one would see on an old monochrome CRT...

Really digging the flavor this concept brings to Kinetics.



OK, I allowed myself one more inspitation-filled toon. But no more!

Sandsweight borrows small portions from the Sandman, Juggernaut and (if only for the fact it's a Brute AT) the Hulk. (What's with bad guys having the cooler powers? Seriously! ...Hulk is actually a hero, so at least there's one.)



Not comic book, but "Perfect Dork" (DP/dev) is very definitely an homage to the Perfect Dark games.



Three of my main characters are all based off the alien-insect theme, mostly motivated from an old marvel comic’s character called Bug, from Micronauts (1979) … Awesome toys, and the first 11 issues of this comic were equally awesome!

p.s. There is a rumor floating around about J. J. Abrams developing a Hasbro based movie called Micronauts, and Hasbro has definitely acquired the rights to the toy line. Perhaps an updated Baron Karza figure will be made available? Ah.. one can dream



Oh.. I forgot to mention my Evil-Rabbit character. A spoof on Bat-Man, complete with a dark blue outfit and cowl with bunny ears. (I’m new here, so this character has probably been done already, but I felt like making him regardless. Besides, where else can I use the quote below?)

“Why a rabbit? Well, rabbits frighten me, and it’s time my enemies shared my dread.”



Originally Posted by Danny D View Post
Oh.. I forgot to mention my Evil-Rabbit character. A spoof on Bat-Man, complete with a dark blue outfit and cowl with bunny ears. (I’m new here, so this character has probably been done already, but I felt like making him regardless. Besides, where else can I use the quote below?)

“Why a rabbit? Well, rabbits frighten me, and it’s time my enemies shared my dread.”
no one wants me to bust out my Batman Based Character.

...Lets just say he was based on a really bad Idea of a Gay Male Pornstar turned Super Hero, sort of like a Male Traci Lords, his look was real close to Bat man with a few disturbing changes. I rolled him both on COH and that other Hero MMO, can't say his name since he is currently deleted.



I have a few heroes and villains that have been inspired by iconic comics characters.

The Fly was a character I made years ago, as sort of a 'young kid hanging around a group of heroes' type. But once I snagged the name "Fly", I decided to have him actually have been a mutant, and he gained powers. He's got elements of Spider-Man in him, but he is also able to shrink (RP'd with stealth), fly (duh!), and speak to, uh, flies. So I guess power wise he would be more Spider-Man/Yellow Jacket.

And my very first character is The Cowl. Kind of a Batman(More Dick than Bruce, really.)/Duncan Macleod/Confessor. Taken into an ancient clan as a child, he was trained to be an assassin, but on his first mission, he went AWOL after helping a group of heroes, and decided to become a hero himself. He took the name 'The Cowl', which was reserved only for the head of his clan, and battled them for years, until recently, he defeated and killed the former Cowl, who was also his adopted father, thus becoming the new head of the clan. So, inspiration from The Bat, in a sense that he has no real powers, atm, and that he is a 'dark' hero using his mind more than anything else, but there is a lot to his story, and I think i've really done a lot through RP to establish him as his own entity.

His archvillain is played by a RL friend of mine. She named him The Joke King. He's kind of like the Joker, as in he's a crazy, kooky, clown man with themed traps, but he has a lot of elements of the Hobgoblin thrown in. He's possessed by a trickster demon, and the costume he originally wore was burned and merged into his flesh, granting him several abilities. Oh, and his thugs are all named after dead comedians. So I guess he's like a Joker/Hobgoblin/Pennywise.

This thread is fun.

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.



Originally Posted by TerraRyzing View Post
I have a few heroes and villains that have been inspired by iconic comics characters.

The Fly was a character I made years ago, as sort of a 'young kid hanging around a group of heroes' type. But once I snagged the name "Fly", I decided to have him actually have been a mutant, and he gained powers. He's got elements of Spider-Man in him, but he is also able to shrink (RP'd with stealth), fly (duh!), and speak to, uh, flies. So I guess power wise he would be more Spider-Man/Yellow Jacket.

And my very first character is The Cowl. Kind of a Batman(More Dick than Bruce, really.)/Duncan Macleod/Confessor. Taken into an ancient clan as a child, he was trained to be an assassin, but on his first mission, he went AWOL after helping a group of heroes, and decided to become a hero himself. He took the name 'The Cowl', which was reserved only for the head of his clan, and battled them for years, until recently, he defeated and killed the former Cowl, who was also his adopted father, thus becoming the new head of the clan. So, inspiration from The Bat, in a sense that he has no real powers, atm, and that he is a 'dark' hero using his mind more than anything else, but there is a lot to his story, and I think i've really done a lot through RP to establish him as his own entity.

His archvillain is played by a RL friend of mine. She named him The Joke King. He's kind of like the Joker, as in he's a crazy, kooky, clown man with themed traps, but he has a lot of elements of the Hobgoblin thrown in. He's possessed by a trickster demon, and the costume he originally wore was burned and merged into his flesh, granting him several abilities. Oh, and his thugs are all named after dead comedians. So I guess he's like a Joker/Hobgoblin/Pennywise.

This thread is fun.
I'd love to see the costume for both of these guys and The Joke King.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



V-Max shares an origin with the videogame character/tokusatsu hero Viewtiful Joe, except that his hometown and native milieu is Paragon City; he's cut from the same cloth as other agile, wisecracking, secret-ID-juggling teen heroes as Peter Parker, Virgil Hawkins, and Terry McGinnis (with a touch of Ron Stoppable).

VERB is, um, "strongly inspired" by a certain Schoolhouse Rock segment and further fleshed out by elements from the 70s "blaxploitation" genre. Can you dig it?

the Stellar Champion is a little bit of ROM Spaceknight, a whole lot of Jack Kirby, and the rest is "planetary romance" - the genre that gave us heroes like John Carter, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Luke Skywalker, and Captain Proton.

EDIT: oops, almost forgot my newest character: an honest cop, killed by dirty ones, returns as a gunslinging ghost. Contains elements of The Crow, Robocop, John Woo and other two-gun Hong Kong action films, and possibly a little of The Shadow.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City




My main villain, Psych Physician is heavily based on Charles Xavier. Both bald, both telepathic. Difference is my telepath is a slight alcoholic, and a huge jerkhole. Well, sometimes.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



My first character Cold Sky was inspired by both Iceman and Storm from the X-Men. My other 50 blue side, Night Girl, is an homage to Batgirl. I have plenty of costumes on my other characters that are inspired by my comic book favorites!



A character I no longer play actively, Mr. Zen, is sort of my Dr. Strange/Dr. Fate/Charles Xavier character. His schtick is time manipulation, which is how I roleplayed Gravity Control and Kinetics working together. As head of The Zenvious Foundation, he led with the same kind of cryptic patience as Xavier uses to lead his school and the various groups that exist as a result of it. As the character evolved, his powers became more plot device rather than tricks of the trade, and he was eventually retired.

Where do we go from here?