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  1. I've got a few people I work with who've expressed interest in the game when it goes freebie.
  2. I showed up on my Warshade Miss Place, who I left parked next to Shadowstar (the Warshade contact). I wasn't there for the final hurrah though.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
    He's 'feral' to a degree. Certainly not the sort you bring home to the parents
    Unless your name happens to be Nurse Elizabeth White.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post do you get to rwz from redside? thanks. I will post my preliminary list of characters I will be working on this weekend, tonight.
    There are entrances in Grandville, St. Martial, and Cap Au Diable.
  5. I very seldom lead teams, and if I am leading I'm already doing so with friends from The Cape. My own thoughts on this topic though are that if the team leader has a friend/SGmate who wants to join and you're full, the leader should politely ask the team if someone wouldn't mind making room for their friend.

    Polite - "Hey, I've got a friend who wants a spot on my team. Is someone planning to leave soon, or would someone mind dropping?"

    Impolite - "Someone drop so my friend can join"

    Rude - *kick bottom person on list without warning or explanation*
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archon Helios View Post

    At the start of the Q&A they also specifically said "No questions about bases". It's upsetting that they're not putting any sort of focus on them.
    Or it might mean that they have something supercrazyawesome in the works that they're not prepared to discuss yet.
  7. I note that the Weekly Strike Target for that week is Tin Mage Mk II, so I can't imagine there'd be too many sub-50s running it, but would the XP bonus for finishing the WST also be doubled?
  8. MonsoonMike

    Spam Thread

    And you just know I have to respond to this with my own Spammy.

  9. MonsoonMike

    Animal Pun Toons

    I don't have the character anymore, but a while back I had made a Dark/Storm Corruptor named Tsooby Doo. Also, while he hasn't yet been recreated in CoH, I had a Tauren Druid named Sydabeef.
  10. I ran the STF twice yesterday, both on characters that started out Heroes (well, one a Praetorian that went blue when she hit 20) and are currently Rogues, so I was slowed down a bit by the fact that I couldn't use Ouroboros to go from IP to PI quickly. Monsoon' (Storm/Elec Defender) has his Rare Alpha ability slotted, while Ebon Cinder (Fire/Dark Corruptor) doesn't have enough salvage to get her Uncommon ability yet, so she'll be a little while. It seemed a little weird to see level 50 minions that conned blue.
  11. You could take the easy route and name the new character "Tin Witch v2.0" or something along those lines.
  12. As requested in the Vent server a couple days ago, here are pictures of Go Us, the ninja duo played by me and my wife, presented in forum-breaking wide screen format. Go Mi (my Dark/Dark Stalker) is the one with the pink hair, while Go Yu (my wife's Dark/Dark Corruptor) is in the blue.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
    yet another the 50ft woman with boobs like basketballs
    I object! They're not all fifty feet tall...
  14. This reminded me that I had an old rendition of Nursie that I suppose could be considered fan art. I was fiddling with the character creator in Soul Calibur 4 and came up with this.

    Behold... NURSIE-MITSU!

  15. We did indeed defeat the stormy verison of the AV, but it was quite the skin-of-our-teeth fight. Less than a minute to go on the timer, but we got him!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
    Rose will be there, though I'm thinking of dressing down for the occasion.
    Clothing optional gathering with Rose? Sweet!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
    ((I always thought Fanfic was like imposing yourself into Star Trek and having Spocks love child or something, not RP in short story format. :is a sad panda: ))
    That's a subset of fanfic, the blatant Mary Sue character who all the canon characters are fawning over and/or afraid of.

    It's still fanfic since we're playing in Paragon Studios's sandbox, but we brought our own toys (characters) to play with, rather than using all the toys provided by the devs (canon characters). I see it as something of a sliding scale, where you have stories with nothing but original characters who happen to live in Paragon City at one end and (likely apocryphal) stories about the canon characters that might feature an original character in the background somewhere at the other end.
  18. MonsoonMike

    All XXX ITF

    The all Brute ITF was indeed amusing. It helped me to see just how gimp the Spam Elemental's build is. I'll have to take a long, hard look at his build and see what I can do about it without spending an obnoxious amount of influence.
  19. MonsoonMike

    Funny Concepts

    Oh, if we want to start on silly character concepts...

    I did once have a pimp character, the result of a contest between me and a friend to see who could create the pimpest pimp. My character's name was "The Pimpizzle", an MA/Regen Scrapper. He was responsible for protecting his girls, and in his mind that extended to all the women of Paragon City. He died fighting in the second Rikti invasion (i.e. I decided I didn't need another Scrapper and he got deleted).

    I also have a Peacebringer, played straight as an actual human/Kheldian merger. Since the merge, she's been hearing the voices of people all over Paragon City. They never seem to say anything that makes sense, but they then apologize to her and call her by name. The character's name? Miss Tell.

    Then of course there's my Energy/Energy Brute, the result of a Ziggursky Penitentiary food fight gone awry. He's ugly, he's fearsome, he's 800 lbs. of processed meat product, he's the Spam Elemental.

    Most of my other silly characters are just pun names, such as an Ill/Rad Controller named Mike N. Troller and an Archery/TA Corruptor named Mike R. Uptor. Then there's my Crab Spider and Fortunata, Major Hassle and Major Airhead respectively. Or my Japanese-Canadian DB/WP Scrapper named Sori Masamune, first name pronounced like the stereotypical Canadian pronunciation of "sorry".
  20. I've allowed myself two blatant rip... er, homage characters. My Invuln/SS Tanker is heavily based on mid-90's Rogue, while my Bots/Bubbles Mastermind is based on Norton Nimnul of Rescue Rangers fame. I don't RP with either character all that much.
  21. MonsoonMike

    Funny Concepts

    I've seen someone get generic'ed for a pimp Mastermind, so it might not fly. Shame, really. Pimps are not always the nicest people, what with their tendency to be abusive to their employees, but they do have a unique style.
  22. I already have a Praetorian version of my main, created when power proliferation brought us Electric/Storm Corruptors. Ignore the file name; the name I wanted for Praetorian Monsoon (the bottom half) ended up belonging to a signature character that didn't exist in the game at the time, but was mentioned in things like the 2008 calendar wallpaper and an IO set.

  23. MonsoonMike

    We're popular!

    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    who are the goons from SA?
    The Goon Squad is a crew of weapons-grade griefers from the forums. I remember a couple years ago they invaded with an SG called "Fursecution Squad" or something along those lines, giving all the anthropomorphic characters in Pocket D a hard time.
  24. Stuck at work for another five hours, then I'll be picking up two copies of GR on my way home (Complete Collection if I can find it). 4:00 Mountain time can't come fast enough!
  25. I don't think I'm going to completely abandon red side on all my characters. I'll also probably temporary move my main over there to Hoover up all the badges he can. 679 is not enough, and there's about to be a whole slew of badges to be had on the other side of Pocket D/RWZ/Midnighter Club