Funny Concepts
I've seen someone get generic'ed for a pimp Mastermind, so it might not fly. Shame, really. Pimps are not always the nicest people, what with their tendency to be abusive to their employees, but they do have a unique style.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers
I wasnt really going to make it, it was just a funny idea I had, and thought I would share it.
Make it a 'Bots MM, and make the character a clockwork pimp.
Problem solved.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
hah! thats a great idea! xD
The one I've had for years related to pimpin is my 50 fire/kin... imp-daddy
Funny thing that just downed on me is cosmetics of a "missing Assassination's Slash" (BroadSword/Will Power) on a toon of mine. Unfortunately it was on ghouls in the underground beneath Praetoria. Still the idea of just standing there, invisible, going to strike a target, and missing... can you just imagine that scene:
Seraph: -readies Gemini, the blade glistening with killing intent. The blade is not alive but the mere sight and energy it gives off makes it appear as a beast with it's own mind. With fluid dexterity and careful aim Seraph thrusts forward- [Miss] Target: -shivers slightly feeling a gust of wind- What was that?! Target's Ally: -shrugs- What are you talking about? Target: -looks around feverishly- I just felt a gust of wind on the back of my neck. Eh maybe it was nothing. Seraph: -mutters- Dammit. Target: -jumps a little- What was that?! Target's Ally: -sighs disappointedly- We're losing ya Johny, don't go into the light! -Looks away shaking his head in pity- Seraph: -Takes aim, the hit connects, and Target falls- Target's Ally: -snickers- Here ya go Johnny, this is the culprit. It's a little rat, aww you're such just a cutesy aren't you, aren't you? Yes you are, oh yes you are. -pauses hearing no response- Johnny? |
Funny concepts? I have a few.
One of my first was a Plant/SS controller who summoned and controlled marijuana plants and their smoke.
Then there was the Fire/Kin corruptor half-demon half-vending machine "Rending Machine".
There's also the Elec/SD Praetorian Clockwork "Clock Blocker".
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I saw a purple coated pimp MM just last night in Imperial City. His demons had some.... interesting names. Should've took a screenie, not that it would help while I'm at work..
Some of my weirder concepts include
Clownster - War Mace/Invul Brute. Just your typical deranged clown. He found a cursed mace that now talks to him and makes him cause others pain. He's got a few binds and what not so he can have entire conversations with his mace during missions, begging it not to make him and he always delivers a really lame one liner before finishing off a boss.
The Woodsmen - Claws/Regen scrap. A living tree.
This 15 year old kid is walking in Perez one moment and materializing out of a tree 15 years later the next. His backstory has him being a super-soldier creation of DE. With vines as tough as steel for claws. Yes his name is plural on purpose. He's actually the combination of several attempts.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Clownster - War Mace/Invul Brute. Just your typical deranged clown. He found a cursed mace that now talks to him and makes him cause others pain. He's got a few binds and what not so he can have entire conversations with his mace during missions, begging it not to make him and he always delivers a really lame one liner before finishing off a boss.
Oh, if we want to start on silly character concepts...
I did once have a pimp character, the result of a contest between me and a friend to see who could create the pimpest pimp. My character's name was "The Pimpizzle", an MA/Regen Scrapper. He was responsible for protecting his girls, and in his mind that extended to all the women of Paragon City. He died fighting in the second Rikti invasion (i.e. I decided I didn't need another Scrapper and he got deleted).
I also have a Peacebringer, played straight as an actual human/Kheldian merger. Since the merge, she's been hearing the voices of people all over Paragon City. They never seem to say anything that makes sense, but they then apologize to her and call her by name. The character's name? Miss Tell.
Then of course there's my Energy/Energy Brute, the result of a Ziggursky Penitentiary food fight gone awry. He's ugly, he's fearsome, he's 800 lbs. of processed meat product, he's the Spam Elemental.
Most of my other silly characters are just pun names, such as an Ill/Rad Controller named Mike N. Troller and an Archery/TA Corruptor named Mike R. Uptor. Then there's my Crab Spider and Fortunata, Major Hassle and Major Airhead respectively. Or my Japanese-Canadian DB/WP Scrapper named Sori Masamune, first name pronounced like the stereotypical Canadian pronunciation of "sorry".

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers
I made a parody double agent in Praetoria.
A syndicate thats working for the Resistance, while giving the resistance info on the syndicate shes also giving the syndicate info on the resistance while working undercover in the power division and giving information about them to the resistance and the syndicate and also giving the power division information on both the resistance and syndicate. *gasps for breath*
A syndicate thats working for the Resistance, while giving the resistance info on the syndicate shes also giving the syndicate info on the resistance while working undercover in the power division and giving information about them to the resistance and the syndicate and also giving the power division information on both the resistance and syndicate. *gasps for breath*

I once had a Mind/Energy Dominator who was the lawyer for the Tsoo. His name was Sou Tsoo Mi.
"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman
"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning
Last night I was laying in bed reading, and I remembered this line from the previous book I had finished that morning...
Abominable Snow Pimp.
I had a giggle-fit for a good five minutes. Moreso because of the character idea I had thought up. xD
A mastermind with thugs. But instead of brawlers he summons prostitutes. lol
He would be this huge pale guy wearing a white fur coat and a pimp hat, chomping on a cigar. Pants and shoes would be white as well.