Bright Shadow

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  1. I have to say, one of the things that always made me hate City of Heroes was the horrible UI.

    I'm glad it got an upgrade! =)
  2. I decided to update this thread because I managed to fix the issue.

    To anyone who is experiencing this sort of disconnection, please contact your ISP and ask them how you can enable DMZ, and what host IP you should use. My issue was with the DMZ setting in the new router. DMZ must be enabled for some ISPs to allow a smooth connection to the game.

    Have fun!
  3. Hello all,

    Lately I've been having a very bizarre, yet incredibly frustrating and annoying issue with my connection in CoH. This issue started happening since I switched my ISP a few days ago.

    Here's the problem I'm having:

    Usually (not always) I keep getting disconnected with a typical Mapserver error. This happens periodically at semi-regular time intervals during the play session. However, it's not JUST a simple mapserver...

    Every now and then, I suddenly can't send any information. I can move around just find. I can see people sending messages. I can receive tells. I see global channel messages. Enemies can attack me.

    But I can't send anything! I can move on client, but the movement doesn't register! I can't activate powers. I can't send messages (to any channel). I can't even log out! Clicking Menu -> Quit -> Quit to Login Screen doesn't even do anything!

    This goes on for several seconds until I eventually get a "Lost Connection to Mapserver" on my screen. THEN I can log-out and log-back in, and everything's okay, until it happens again...and again...and again...

    I've recorded the times that this issue has happened during 4 play sessions. Here are the results (do you guys thing there even is a pattern?):

    Session 1:
    6:12 PM
    7:40 PM
    7:56 PM

    Session 2:
    10:51 PM
    11:15 PM
    11:55 PM
    12:27 AM
    12:51 AM

    Session 3:
    7:40 PM
    7:55 PM
    8:20 PM
    9:15 PM

    Session 4:
    10:45 PM
    11:16 PM
    11:48 PM
    12:20 AM
    1: 41 AM (???)
    1:56 AM

    Also, I've monitored /netgraph 1 while playing, and when this happens, I simply get a few spikes of yellow bars. But my actual ping number doesn't change much, and when the "no-send" period begins (where I can't send any information to server), the "RETRANSMITED" value starts counting up to around 20 or so before I officially disconnect.

    Has anyone ever had any issues like this? I wanna make sure the problem is with my ISP before giving them a call, since the issue doesn't happen with other games.

    Please help. It's really driving me nuts. :(

    Edit: Also, yes, I've tried resetting the router/modem several times, changed my dynamic IP, and re-configured the network several times. Didn't solve anything.
  4. Bright Shadow

    Launcher Warning

    Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
    Well I had to turn the AUC of. A shame because it looked like a good feature. Mind you this is my second day having windows 7. I used to run XP for a long while. At least there, I had some idea what things are doing.

    windows 7 got loads of all sort of weird stuff. it will take some time to figure them all out. Next puzzle is what the folder computer files(x86) is for.
    Your Windows 7 is 64-bit. That means it makes use of the 64-bit architecture of your CPU. However, 32-bit programs can still run on a 64-bit system (usually).

    In Windows, 64-bit program files are organized into C:\Program Files\

    Similarly, 32-bit program files are organized into C:\Program Files (x86)\

    City of Heroes, being a 32-bit application, would go into C:\Program Files (x86)\ by default unless you specify otherwise.
  5. Bright Shadow

    Launcher Warning

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    If you don't know what UAC is, what it does and how it operates then I wouldn't recommend turning it off.
    I had to re-emphasize this.

    If you don't know what UAC is and what it does, then chances are, you definitely need it. Even if you do, I'd still say you need it. But people disagree with me on that, and for a few good reasons.

    The hassle of a few more clicks in NCSoft Launcher and other areas is worth it.
  6. Bright Shadow

    Launcher Warning

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    UAC seems to cause a lot of hassle. Why do people leave it enabled?
    Because to me, the benefit outweighs the cost. Having control on what can and cannot run on your computer is a plus.

    Just because developers cannot develop applications that work properly with a security feature of a whole operating system, I shouldn't have to remove this layer of security (the only layer of security, because I refuse to hog my system down with anti-virus/anti-spyware/ad-block/anti-malware/anti-peanuts/anti-drugs/anti-rainbows/anti-cookies programs).
  7. That is wonderful news. It really is.

    However, it saddens me that a lot of aspects within the current state of City of Heroes clash so terribly with every new content we get.

    From costumes, to new zones, to new task forces...back to costumes!

    To put it bluntly, when a character leaves Praetoria to Rogue Isles or Paragon's like they stepped into a completely different game. It's like they just stepped out of a modern, highly polished MMORPG into an ancient one with terrible graphics, terrible models, and highly unpolished features.

    Here is an example:

    Does Paragon Studios have any plans to update some of the ancient aspects of this games in terms of visuals, graphics, models, the interface and various other features that do not strictly count as "gameplay"?
  8. I really wish they add Cold Domination auras to that list. I really really hate looking like an ice cube...

    I'd rather lose 15% Defense Buff than to look like an ice cube. I'm serious!
  9. Bright Shadow


    Other than the gold color and bulky armor, they're not even remotely similar...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    Still no buffs for Lore? Why?! Why won't you buff Lore, devs? WHY?!
    You want to BUFF Lore pets?! Seriously?!?!?!?!

    WarWorks pets can SOLO AVs. I've -seen- it happen. I've seen WarWorks pets solo Countess Crey. The player that had them didn't even do anything!

    You wanna BUFF them!?!?!?!?!??!?!? WHAT?!?!?!

    If anything, they should be nerfed!!!

    I specifically skipped on grinding for LOLre slot cause it's so overpowered it's not even fun anymore!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Defragment View Post
    Since it seems using the [;] key to emote causes me to crash, have a weird HTML code and other bugs, I'm wondering how everyone else emotes?

    Does you emote with:




    [Using * to explain actions?]

    I guess this is sort of a pole and seeing if anyone else that uses [;] has bugs following it's use. The more that can reply with what they use to emote, the better. Please and thank you.
    Using ';' has it's own bugs. Using '/e' has its own bugs too.

    And they're not really bugs, just that the way CoH seems to handle text input seems very clunky and weird sometimes.

    But I've found that using ';' is the less weird of the two, and it gives me two extra characters compared to "/e ". xD
  12. Bright Shadow

    Color in titles?

    This is very interesting, but I can't get it either...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sunnyflash View Post
    They die hard, don'tcha know.

    I'll be quick and to the point here:

    1) Does anyone know if there's an .ini I can mangle to be able to set my Camera Rotate to either my Left mouse button, or a button+Left mouse?

    2) On a related note, is there a reason why my mouse buttons four and five arn't being recongized by the game? D:?

    If this is in the wrong spot, my apologies. :X
    If you're using a Logitech mouse with SetPoint software, you need to make sure your fourth and fifth buttons are mapped to "Generic Button" in SetPoint.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
    Personally, I think it is a mistake. Given the amount of stress the servers have been experiencing, given the frequent mapservers and zone crashes, given the fact that entire servers have been dropping over the weekend and during the week...

    This move is NOT welcome. Server maintenance periods are going to have to be more frequent until more/better hardware is brought online and/or the load on the servers is reduced.
    You don't see the glass half full.

    No, you don't even see the glass half empty.

    You're worried what's in the glass could be contaminated with some viral disease!

    Do you also complain when people hug you for free?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
    I know there was an issue in pre-beta where the changes often would not stick unless you changed something else as well. IIRC you didn't even have to keep the changes--you could change a costume piece and change it right back again before exiting. Try that.
    Yup. That fixed it. :/

  16. So I guess I'm the only person who can't customize the Judgement power?

    Just last night, I unlocked Pyronic Judgement, and went to the tailor to try and re-color it so that it matches my character's normal powers.

    I could go into the UI and change the color, but after exiting the tailor, the colors would go back to default. I wouldn't even get charged for the changes made.

    Is this is a bug or something? Anyone else experienced this?
  17. Personally, as a programmer, I -hate- coding! Which raises the question...why do I code?

    Because at that moment...that when you're done coding...and everything works like a beautiful symphony orchestra...and every little line of code does exactly what its meant to do and every line of code is put in with a purpose...

    That feeling is just too beautiful! It really is! And that feelings lasts for about a total of 20 seconds before you go in to add something else, and then it breaks everything...

    Most programmers I know, me included, don't program because we love the programming itself. We program because we love that 20 seconds that everything just works! The moment when you realize that you've created something out of, literally, nothing! xD

    That probably says a lot about us being crazy! I'm also socially atypical and avoid most people, so there's that too!
  18. Think of it this way:

    You have this really giant tower. Each month, you've been adding a new level to this tower...and you've just been building higher and higher. Your goal is to make a really big tower that looks cool and attracts attention.

    So now you're on the 1253th level, and you realize that one of the blocks you put on level 3 is a little loose...which is now making your tower a little wobbly. You're pretty confident that that loose block won't ruin your tower because of how well you designed everything....but it's there. And it's making your tower look less "cool".

    To fix this loose block, you probably need to take out a giant chunk of your tower. Fix the block, and then put it all back together all over again.

    So what do you do?

    Do you go back and try to fix that loose block at the cost of potentially ruining your tower? Or do you keep building higher and just ignore it cause it's not breaking your tower?

    To answer the question, you need to sit down and do a cost vs. benefit analysis. When you factor in things like money, tangible resources, an all sorts of project management nonsense, it gets pretty darn complicated to answer that question...let alone fix the loose block.

    Personally, I think that's where CoH is right now. A big, giant, wobbly tower that serves its purpose.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
    Not even close. The amount of time it would take to completely recode a new engine alone would be a while at the rate Paragon Studios builds in. While fixing code is no simple task, it's far less time consuming and costly than trying to push through creating an entirely new, essentially, IP.
    In a perfect world...yup!
  20. Paragon Studio's philosophy in development (from what we see, and what War Witch claims) seems to be "Full speed ahead!". In summary, they always favour introducing polished new "things" rather than publishing old "things".

    And as with any other approach, this one has its advantages and disadvantages too. I think at this stage, the cost of going back and fixing very fundamental game mechanics (such as enemies getting stuck in the walls) is way, way too high. So much that it might be more cost-efficient to just make a new engine and start from scratch. So instead they focus on giving us new things to play with to ease the effect of the old stuff. This is especially true in the area of character costumes (an area I believe needs a really good polishing at this point).

    I'm not an expert on how CoH's managed or how the code is run. But with my little experience in game development, I can tell you that "fixing" something is usually much, MUCH harder than most people like it to be. And sometimes if you spend all your time trying to "fix" something, soon you'll realize that it's been 3 months and you haven't been able to make any new additions; and this can really hurt an MMO from a business standpoint...and afterall, CoH is a business, and money has the first say in everything. So you just have to ignore them and move on from time to time.

    Personally, I don't disagree with this approach. Nor do I agree with it. It's just one of the ways to do things.
  21. I think the reason people got so frowny over this thread is because slainsteel insists that him and his 'clan' are "pros" and "1337". And honestly, speeding TFs, depending on HOW fast you really speed it doesn't make anyone a "pro" in my opinion! But to each their own! I do understand the reason behind the pitchforks though...
  22. Psht! REAL heroes stick around and have a long, dramatic monologue for 26 minutes after killing every minion in the TF!

    ...and they kill...every...minion!!!!

    This is an insult to the brave!

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    That said I can't think of any situations where I would actually want use HoB with the possible exception of wanting to trigger RotP right after.
    I think you're either under-estimating HoB's power, or are exaggerating. It's not "the best" T9 attack. But it's definitely not something you'd SKIP if you rolled a Dual Pistols Blaster/Corrupter because you "can't think of any situation where I would actually want to use HoB"...

    Base Damage/Recharge for some comparable T9 Blaster attacks from Mid's:

    Rain of Arrows: 225 Base Damage, 60s Recharge
    Full Auto: 178 Base Damage, 60s Recharge
    Thunderous Blast: 265 Base Damage, 360s Recharge
    Inferno: 472 Base Damage, 360s Recharge
    Blizzard: 500 Base Damage, 360s Recharge
    Time Bomb (technically not a T9): 278 Base Damage, 360s Recharge

    Hail of Bullets (Lethal Rounds): 204 Base Damage, 120s Recharge
    Hail of Bullets (Incendiary Rounds): 254 Base Damage, 120s Recharge

    If you consider just the quantitative attributes, Hail of Bullets really isn't as bad as some people keep moaning about. If you don't count Incendiary Rounds, it's the second last in terms of raw damage output.

    The other non-quantitative attributes are the whole "It's a PBAoE" and the "It has long root rime" claims. Honestly, if your character can't survive 4-5 seconds in the middle of a spawn to cast this, then you really need to revise your battle strategy.

    Hail of Bullets isn't an "I Win" button like Rain of Arrows. It's not MEANT to used as a team's opening move. You have to wait a little for the team to soften the enemies and the aggro before rushing in to cast Hail of Bullets.

    And if you solo a lot, then what do you expect to do? Kill +4/x8 enemy spawns in a single swoop?

    Honestly, I personally don't like Rain of Arrow. And not because it's a bad power or anything. But because of two reasons:

    1. It pretty much defines the Archery set. In ideal conditions, it makes all your 8 other powers (maybe except Aim) obsolete.
    2. It has spoiled people: "Rain of Arrows is better!" Of course Rain of Arrows is better, it's the most overpowered ranged T9 in the entire game. Doesn't mean every other ranged T9 should be as powerful.

    The only "flaw" I see with Hail of Bullets is that its Recharge needs to be re-balanced. It needs to be at the very most 90 seconds in recharge.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    Not to burst your enthusiastic bubble but, if you've waited that long the Archer has all ready destroyed the spawn from range with RoA, AR player is just finishing up full auto, and the munitions user launched LRM from snipe range a long time ago.

    You could potentially cause a problem for the devices player who is in the middle of setting up time bomb but that's about it.
    Nowhere in my post did I state that Hail of Bullets is particularly superior to any other nuke in terms of numbers.

    I love it because of the aesthetics and just how badass it makes me feel!