Cameras, Mice, and Old Habits.

Bright Shadow



They die hard, don'tcha know.

I'll be quick and to the point here:

1) Does anyone know if there's an .ini I can mangle to be able to set my Camera Rotate to either my Left mouse button, or a button+Left mouse?

2) On a related note, is there a reason why my mouse buttons four and five arn't being recongized by the game? D:?

If this is in the wrong spot, my apologies. :X



Actually, you don't need to tweak an .ini file to do what you're after.

Try typing one of these in your chat bar:
/bind shift+lbutton mouselook
/bind ctrl+lbutton mouselook
/bind alt+lbutton mouselook

You can try "/bind lbutton mouselook", but I'm not sure if doing so will mess with your ability to click on things (characters, doors, contacts, glowies). You can still try it, and if it does cause problems, you can use /unbind lbutton

If you want to move the camera around the character, and not turn your character with the command, then replace mouselook with camrotate

As for mouse buttons 4 and 5, the game is configured to recognize joystick buttons, but they don't tend to be enabled by default. You can search for keybinds, or use the keybind tab in your option menu to try and bind a command to these buttons. Personally, I like the idea of having a powexec [powername] bind to such buttons, so that you could (for example) fire off a commonly used buff or debuff. PBAoEs tend to be excellent choices. To set such a bind, you use a similar command to the above:
/bind [key name] powexecname [power name]

Just replace [key name] with the proper name of the key you intend to use, and [power name] with the full name of the power you want to activate.

You can find a reference for key names >>> HERE <<<



Originally Posted by Sunnyflash View Post
2) On a related note, is there a reason why my mouse buttons four and five arn't being recongized by the game? D:
COH actually supports up to eight mouse buttons as well, a simultaneous Left+Right click, as well as all nine items modified by the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys.

You can bind commands to all of these mouse control items:
Not sure why your game isn't recognizing button 4 and 5 EXCEPT for the fact that nothing is programmed by default to BUTTON4 and higher, you have to /bind them manually.



Originally Posted by Korith View Post
Actually, you don't need to tweak an .ini file to do what you're after.

Try typing one of these in your chat bar:
/bind shift+Lbutton +mouselook
/bind ctrl+Lbutton +mouselook
/bind alt+Lbutton +mouselook
(You need the + to make it rotate only while the button is pressed, otherwise it needs a 1 or 0 to toggle it on or off. It will give you an error the way you had it.)

Alternately, you could open the Keymapping tab in the Options menu.
Under View, just change the "On Demand Mouse Look" to Left button instead of Right button.

Or if your overall goal is simply to change the buttons because you are left handed, you could even more simply open the Controls tab in the Options menu.
Under Mouse, change "Reverse Mouse Buttons" from Normal to "Reversed".



Originally Posted by Sunnyflash View Post
They die hard, don'tcha know.

I'll be quick and to the point here:

1) Does anyone know if there's an .ini I can mangle to be able to set my Camera Rotate to either my Left mouse button, or a button+Left mouse?

2) On a related note, is there a reason why my mouse buttons four and five arn't being recongized by the game? D:?

If this is in the wrong spot, my apologies. :X
If you're using a Logitech mouse with SetPoint software, you need to make sure your fourth and fifth buttons are mapped to "Generic Button" in SetPoint.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
(You need the + to make it rotate only while the button is pressed, otherwise it needs a 1 or 0 to toggle it on or off. It will give you an error the way you had it.)
Ah, thanks. It's been a while since I've bound those commands.



Ahaha! That worked, although I was actually looking for the +camrotate command instead. Regardless, YAY.

Also, I've got a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer(3.0?). Not found anything I can tweak on this end; but that's far less annoying of an issue. Thanks again all!



Originally Posted by Sunnyflash View Post
Ahaha! That worked, although I was actually looking for the +camrotate command instead. Regardless, YAY.

Also, I've got a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer(3.0?). Not found anything I can tweak on this end; but that's far less annoying of an issue. Thanks again all!
Okay so I say all that, and several moments later I realize two things:

A) Your camera will rotate while dragging windows around. Kinda disorianting to start with, but meh
B) You cannot drag powers/inspirations/etc very well, if all.

Well you /can/, but the icon disapears, so you ahve to guess where it is by the target area indenting.

All in all, a good effort; but it seems they didn't really make the game for the camera controls to work like any other MMO. *sighs* Ah well. Close enough. Can just /unbind when I need to organize stuff i guess!