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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    There's two problems you're running into:
    1. The "Option" statement in the POPMENU system requires the full command to be surrounded by quote marks and does NOT work if the command you are trying to put in there has a set of quote marks itself. In other words, no nested quotes.
    2. The BIND commands works a little weird inside a POPMENU. It actually DOES work and shows you a message that it was bound, but for some weird reason, the bind doesn't actually take effect until after you Log Out of the game and log back in. This basically renders it useless.
    I really wish POPMENU would get some bugs fixed and become a fully supported interface tool. It would really rock if we could get these bugs fixed and have some additional features added. I'm not holding my breath though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Here's a quick visual rep of all the Logitech Gaming series keyboards/pads.
    Where's that picture of the G110 and G510 from?

    I was just looking at these and thinking I may get a G110 but the Logitech website showed that the Enter key of every G series was a double-width key with the Backslash above it which is the ONLY layout I will ever get in a keyboard. Your picture shows a double-height Enter key with Backslash to the left of it for the G110 and G510.

    I think yours may be a picture of an older version. Either that or do they have multiple keyboard layouts, possibly region-based?
  3. As far as I know, you can't. Automatic Chat Logging logs everything to the log file.

    As an alternative, you can manually copy individual chat tabs to the clipboard with the /copychat <tabname> command. It copies the entire chat buffer (up to 1000 chat log entries) from the specified chat tab into the clipboard, then you can paste that into a file.
  4. You can bind commands to up to eight mouse buttons in COH without having to remap anything in the controller software.

    The first three mouse buttons names are LBUTTON, RBUTTON and MBUTTON (left, right, middle), then it starts from BUTTON4 and goes up from there to BUTTON8.

    Usually the thumb button is BUTTON4. My mouse has two thumb buttons, BUTTON4 and BUTTON5 and on my MasterMind, I use these two binds for commanding my pets:
    /bind BUTTON4 PetComAll Attack Defensive
    /bind BUTTON5 PetComAll Follow Passive
    And that's all my MasterMind ever uses anymore. Getting any more granular than this is obsessive overkill in my opinion.
  5. I've had a Belkin Nostromo Speedpad for a long time and have migrated away from using it for anything but repetitive things like my Thermal MM buffing all of her pets of a buffer character buffing all the group in a row using a macro.

    Even with those things I have the F1-6 keys mapped to a PopMenu for Pet Buffs and the Numpad 1-8 keys mapped to a PopMenu for Teammate buffs in case I just need one or two refreshed.
  6. TheUnnamedOne

    ITF and pets?

    Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
    We were down to just Rom and his healing Nictus. I was spamming hold and ranged hits on the nictus and dropped my PA to finish off the Nictus. As soon as I did this, a teammate yelled "NO PETS!!!". Nothing else was in aggro range.

    What am I missing? Please enlighten me.
    You're not missing anything, your teammate was. This quote says it all:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    Really though, any team that's worth a damn would still just roflstomp Rommy into oblivion even with the vines providing easy heals.
    Even on the worst PUG ITF I've been on lately, where we lost one person and no one was very serious, we had two MMs with all Pets out and we still "roflstomp"ed Rommy fairly easily.

    Seriously, it may cause you to take another 1-2 minutes to defeat Rommy if you max out his Nictus' healing. Normally, every ITF I've been on just flat-out ignores all the Nicti anyway.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    Knockback is tricky to leverage. On the one hand, anything knocked back is temporarily disabled until they hit the ground and get back up, and they are no longer dangerously in your face. On the other, if you or anyone on your team wants to be in melee, the foe that was in range now has to be chased down, and it can mess with keeping enemies in a tight group for AOEs.
    At least in my experience, the "bad" part of Knockback is a horrible exaggeration. I've been playing an Energy Blaster since the game launched and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times anyone has ever complained about my Blaster's Knockback and he has at least two powers with the full 6-slot Kinetic Crash Knockback IO set.

    Unless you're fighting stuff lower than you, and when on teams it's usually +1s anyway, the knockback distance is usually around 5-10', except with Power Push (awesome power for controlling Bosses!!!) that might hit 15' or so sometimes.

    I used to do the "Hover Knockdown" method as well but since respeccing out of Hover long ago, I still don't have any troubles with my KnockBack becoming annoying for two main reasons:
    1. In a group, the minions and LTs die quickly enough that it doesn't matter and the bosses have KB reduction that decreases the distance they are knocked back.
    2. When Solo, you WANT as many enemies on their back far away from you, especially if you're not Hovering. With Energy Torrent for Minions and LTs while Power Push handles the Bosses, your enemies spend 33%-75% or more of the time on their back or standing back up.
    My actual recommendation for something that's fun, active and gives a challenge while still being powerful would be a Trick Arror/Archery Defender, or an Archery/Trick Arrow Corrupter. My choice was the Defender since it seems the higher Debuff values of the Defender play better in a group than the higher damage of the Corrupter.
  8. While a demorecord might give you after-the-fact evidence, it's really only concerned with visuals, not textuals. I'm not sure if ANY text-based data would show in a demo, but it's worth a try:

    To Record a demo:
    /demorecord <filename>

    To Playback a demo:
    C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\client_demos\<filename>.cohdemo
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Specifically this: UAC and VirtualStore don't care about any folders that are not important "Windows" folders (like %PROGRAMFILES% and %SYSTEMROOT%) so it doesn't mess with or interfere with the data in them.
    Again, still not following you there, but whatever, it's probably just semantic differences in my generalizing with what I meant and what you interpreted anyway.

    No, those programs were already broken for anyone that ran as a Limited Users in XP. The proper and recommended way was to store the data in %APPDATA% & %LOCALAPPDATA%, which exists inside each user's home directory.

    This is the method that every other Operating System has been doing it for quite a long time. Windows application developers should have known for quite a long time to stop writing in their installation directory (most got the clue a long time ago).
    Ah, good point there. I never really subscribed to "Programming for the Protection of the Clueless Masses". I'm too used to always being an "Admin" user and relatively never having troubles with or because of it. I forget that programmers and Operating Systems are supposed to "protect" clueless computer users from their own ignorance or stupidity. On an important system like a corporate network, financial system, or something else critical, I can understand it. On my home recreational computer? I just want the games to work without the operating system causing unnecessary problems. I can protect my computer myself just fine.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    That's quite incorrect (the basis for your conclusions, that is).
    Not to nitpick here, but what is incorrect in what I said? I generalized a bit but otherwise what I said was correct.

    VirtualStore was a fix for misbehaving applications (CoH, and the old updater, being prime examples of exhibiting bad practices).
    Now THAT is incorrect. Those "bad practices" you mention were how programs HAD to behave simply because that's how Windows worked in the Pre-Vista days. File System and Registry Virtualization was created for Backwards Compatibility in Windows Vista+ so that the new protected operating system locations would still be protected while still allowing programs created under the older paradigm to still operate (almost) normally.
  11. If I remember right, the +Damage amount is 20% so you can get up to +100% Damage from each activation of the Power.
  12. A "No-FX" option for pool powers gets my vote as well, even if it's the "FX in PVP Only" version like some of the other sets got (Regeneration for one).
  13. Don't forget that doing the Weekly Strike Target on a character that's not 50 grants about half of an entire level in Exp at the end of it as a bonus. Not sure if this is repeatable or just once a week.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    I thought about using a keybind, but I have so many of them bound that I sometimes end up triggering powers and tray movement when I think I'm typing!
    I use the Insert, Home, PageUp, etc. keys for things like this since they're relatively handy and aren't used for much otherwise.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    Yeah, it's a bit hard to judge from the Wiki and Mids as they only show the values (that I could find) not the name, which the rule of 5 applies to.
    Fortunately, there's not that many bonuses where the actual displayed bonus text and the hidden name are different. LOTG +Rech is the only thing I can think of.

    From what I've seen, basically only two things you need to ask:
    • Type of Bonus: Is the type of Bonus the same? A "Global" bonus from a single specific IO Recipe. A "Regular" bonus gained from a certain number of IO Recipes from a specific set slotted into one power.
    • Exact Values of the Bonus: Are the values of the bonuses EXACTLY the same?
    If either of these questions results in a "No" then you can have 5 of each bonus. In this case, Mids is pretty accurate. I have yet to finish a build in-game that differed from the values given by Mids.

    I did the same thing when I first started planning sets. I thought you could only have 5 of the same category of bonuses (such as "Ranged Defense") regardless of the value.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sunnyflash View Post
    2) On a related note, is there a reason why my mouse buttons four and five arn't being recongized by the game? D:
    COH actually supports up to eight mouse buttons as well, a simultaneous Left+Right click, as well as all nine items modified by the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys.

    You can bind commands to all of these mouse control items:
    • BUTTON4
    • BUTTON5
    • BUTTON6
    • BUTTON7
    • BUTTON8
    Not sure why your game isn't recognizing button 4 and 5 EXCEPT for the fact that nothing is programmed by default to BUTTON4 and higher, you have to /bind them manually.
  17. This, along with other reasons, is why I install games to C:\Games\ instead of C:\Program Files. UAC and VirtualStore don't care about any folders that are not important "Windows" folders (like %PROGRAMFILES% and %SYSTEMROOT%) so it doesn't mess with or interfere with the data in them.

    Installing programs to a folder outside of %PROGRAMFILES% seems to cause much less hassle in the long run. Of course there's a larger security risk because UAC and VirtualStore aren't "protecting" them anymore but to me it's worth it.

    Also, if you ever want to Uninstall/Reinstall a game because of problems, the VirtualStore folders usually do NOT get deleted or emptied and then you might end up with corrupted game files or config files causing you the exact same troubles from before you decided to uninstall.

    Originally Posted by MoonRoach View Post
    ...Of course the installer insisted on not seeing the folder I copied over, since I copied it to the old location.
    I think you can right-click the game name in the NCSoft installer and pick the folder you want to install it to. I think I remember seeing a Dev/Comm post about doing it this way so you don't have to re-download everything on a "new" install.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    The visible ribs above her cleavage make it pretty obvious they're fake. Real boobs do not work that way!
    That's called a sternum not ribs. Besides, I've seen women with 100% natural "tracts" that look pretty much like Mother when they're wearing a push-together top similar to that. Real "tracts" don't go all the way up to the collarbone.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    i have the old updater, but everytime i try to run, it crashes too
    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    at least with the old updater i could actually play the game....
    Those sound like diametrically opposed statements there.

    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    i tried that , it didn't worked for me sadly, windows vista here
    That's probably the root of the problem. If neither the old nor new updaters are working, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest neither one is the problem. Most likely it's related to UAC. Windows Vista's version of UAC is notoriously more finicky than the one in Windows 7.

    If you don't feel like turning UAC off, I would suggest installing (or moving) COH (and any other MMOs with an updater actually) into a folder that is NOT in the "Program Files" folder. Window's UAC feels like it has to control or at least monitor EVERYTHING inside the "Program Files" folder. If you make a "Games" folder in the root of your C: (or other) drive and install all you MMO games there, UAC has MUCH less involvement with the things that go on in that folder.
  20. I have had a completely opposite experience.

    On my first couple Praetorians, I had to turn off XP just to get through all the story arcs on one side. That's just from soloing too.

    Some of the later arcs (starting at the teen levels) start throwing some MASSIVE Story Arc Bonus EXP at you, sometimes multiple times in the same arc. Enough Exp to give you up to half a level just for completing key missions in the arc.

    For Praetorians, even solo, the lower levels go fast, well, because they're lower levels and the higher levels (up to 20) tended to go fast because of all the bonus Exp that you're granted.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    How do you even know which of a particular pet's powers take which sets? Just looking at their effects and taking a guess? This all seems... gah words fail me. It's madness to think that every attack on a pet might use a different set of enhancements.
    If you right-click a pet in-game you should see an "Info" option. In that window, you should be able to look at the numbers/effects of every power that the pet has.

    You can also look at a pet's Combat Attributes the same way.
  22. TheUnnamedOne

    Mace Mastery Pet

    Yeah, the Devs aren't too keen on updating outdated text descriptions for some reason.

    My Blaster's Mace Mastery Spiderlings follow him everywhere until they blow up.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ByteBait View Post
    I'm level 49 and unable to get missions in Peregrine Island. every contact I run into says (to the effect) Go speak with the Architect Studio Manager. So I did, and I ran the little mission he had me do in the Atlas AE. After then returning to Unai Kemen, I get the same message. I also get it from Tina Macintyre and others around Castle in the area. Why?
    Because you haven't followed the proper chain of command in Blue-side Contact unlocking. This happens when you outlevel your current contacts. You have to be introduced to your contacts.

    Like StarGeek said, you should go through your current contacts, and even look at some of your Inactive contacts for introductions to new contacts.

    Another thing to try is the Midnighter Club Unlock Mission Arc. That one gives you a Contact Introduction at (or at least very near) your current level.
  24. For my buffers, I use the NumberPad numbers for TeamSelect and loading a PopMenu (see my sig) to pick which power to cast on them. For example, the numberpad numbers would be bound like this:
    NumPad1 "TeamSelect 1$$PopMenu ForceFieldBuffs"
    Unfortunately, PopMenu can't use the NumberPad number keys themselves as hotkeys to activate a menu option so I just use the top line numbers. It works pretty good this way though as I can use both hands.

    For a buffer with two buffs to cast, I end up hitting keys like this (N# = number pad key):

    Teammate 1
    N1, 1, N1, 2

    Teammate 2
    N2, 1, N2, 2

    Teammate 3
    N3, 1, N3, 2

    Teammate 4
    N4, 1, N4, 2


    It would all be so much easier if the Select commands would happen BEFORE the PowExec commands in the command interpreter. Then you could just use Chord Keys (Shift/Alt/Ctrl) along with the NumberPad keys to buff them.
  25. It's actually a round purple bubble, just like Force Field with a body-hugging purple aura. A VERY transparent round purple Force Field bubble though. You'll only notice it in certain areas depending on how bright/light the areas around your character are.

    It's not very noticeable at all in that YouTube video because of the background but I can just barely see it since I'm used to knowing that the bubble is there, even if it's very hard to see most of the time.