ITF and pets?




I understand the lag issues involved in the ITF -- especially the one with Rom, Requiem, and the generals; but is there a reason I should not drop phantom army on Romulus in the final ITF battle?

We were down to just Rom and his healing Nictus. I was spamming hold and ranged hits on the nictus and dropped my PA to finish off the Nictus. As soon as I did this, a teammate yelled "NO PETS!!!". Nothing else was in aggro range.

What am I missing? Please enlighten me.

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whoever you were playing it with was doing it wrong

while pets can add to the healing nictus, phantom army is definitly not affected and shouldnt matter, and on a decent team, doesnt matter how many pets poeple have the healing nictus has a target cap of 16 and it can still miss if your team has good buffs or even a single FF person

if your team is having a hard time with the pets that do get hit such as mm pets or carrion creepers, then hold off on them for a bit, but overall it shouldnt make that much of a difference and the lead of your tf sounded paranoid (and extremely uninformed that PA are untouchable regardless so they cant be healed off of)



Thanks. I made sure it was only PA since I knew they were untouchable.

I can't remember -- maybe he was a brute. Would I steal from his fury building if my pets were taking aggro?

Ah well. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything more stupid than usual

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
I understand the lag issues involved in the ITF -- especially the one with Rom, Requiem, and the generals; but is there a reason I should not drop phantom army on Romulus in the final ITF battle?

We were down to just Rom and his healing Nictus. I was spamming hold and ranged hits on the nictus and dropped my PA to finish off the Nictus. As soon as I did this, a teammate yelled "NO PETS!!!". Nothing else was in aggro range.

What am I missing? Please enlighten me.
A lot of people think PA can still be tapped for the heal because when they are hit by the Nictus the animation still goes off even though it doesn't actually trigger the heal.

Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
Thanks. I made sure it was only PA since I knew they were untouchable.

I can't remember -- maybe he was a brute. Would I steal from his fury building if my pets were taking aggro?

Ah well. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything more stupid than usual
The only ones I see people talk about nowadays is the creeper vines from Plant Control because they can just pop up en masse and give the Nictus easy targets. Really though, any team that's worth a damn would still just roflstomp Rommy into oblivion even with the vines providing easy heals.



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
We were down to just Rom and his healing Nictus. I was spamming hold and ranged hits on the nictus and dropped my PA to finish off the Nictus. As soon as I did this, a teammate yelled "NO PETS!!!". Nothing else was in aggro range.

What am I missing? Please enlighten me.
You're not missing anything, your teammate was. This quote says it all:
Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
Really though, any team that's worth a damn would still just roflstomp Rommy into oblivion even with the vines providing easy heals.
Even on the worst PUG ITF I've been on lately, where we lost one person and no one was very serious, we had two MMs with all Pets out and we still "roflstomp"ed Rommy fairly easily.

Seriously, it may cause you to take another 1-2 minutes to defeat Rommy if you max out his Nictus' healing. Normally, every ITF I've been on just flat-out ignores all the Nicti anyway.