Returning to the City




So, I have a lot of spare time right now. My department just cut hours for the summer and classes end soon (and no summer school). With the reduction in my other hobbies due to rising travel expenses I wanted to fill some of my time with something. I'd much rather be attending some of the 150th Civil War events, but i digress. I've been here before. Not for long mind you, but still. The mission architect was new (and exploitable). Going Rogue either didn't exist or was very mildly mentioned as a teaser.

The thing that drew me back was the new system and the playability of a Praetorian (did I spell that right... who cares). I'm actually excited to go through a tutorial... imagine that. I'm looking forward to my journey, hope it lasts longer than the last one.

As pumped as I am to start playing, I wanted to take some time and put some thought into my new character. I think thats part of what made it go stale last time. Martial arts scrapper: find enemy, kick enemy, win. I liked the simplicity of it. I didn't have to worry about much. I had plenty of time to look around take in all the scenery and story, but I found myself not caring about that character.

I wanted to put some deep thought into this character and make something I'm going to care about and want to stare at for hours at a time. I'm far from an expert on this and it seems to elude me. How can you make a character that's not just flat and uninteresting. My first foray was very one dimensional. With the new expansion and tutorial I see it as a chance for a new start and get something going I can really get into. Hopefully it's not as cheesy as the prison break...

I'm making it sound like rocket science aren't I? Either I'm making it harder than it actually is, or I need to re-tool my mind.

Now that I've got my rant out of the way I did want to ask one serious question before I wrap it up: Have the power sets been rated on any kind of scale. I'm not worried about power so much as difficulty. There were certain power sets I would not touch just because they were hard for me, and I don't want to spend the time fighting with the game mechanics. I'd rather focus on my character, as a person, rather than an artificial being I spend hours piloting so I can increase the size of the number next to his health bar.



Hmm, let's see if I understand:

1. Scrappers too easy.

2. Want something more challenging.

3. Not too hard though.

As for "care about the character," I think that's up to you. I went through several power sets when I first started until I found a combination of powers and character concept that worked for me.

Personally, I think a controller or a dominator would be good. Not too much "I win", but strong enough win with effort. The new power set Electricity Controll would be fun to try out, it seems debilitating in the right hands.

A mastermind would also be a good choice. Masterminds can be played on easy mode (let the pets do all the work). But they work best when you're actively healing, debuffing, and controlling your pets. The new Demon Summoning, with a Dark Miasma or Thermal secondary (both new or improved recently) seems like a good choice.



Not hard enough... wow. Never thought that might be the problem. You are recommending power sets that weren't there when I played last. Maybe I should go take a look at those. I know dual pistols were all the rage on the forums, and we hadn't even had a taste of them yet.

EDIT: Logging in and looking at the servers. The volume of players must have gone up while I was gone, and here I was thinking the advent of DC Online would stop this. Are there any "guidelines" to picking a server, or is it pretty much up for grabs?



As far as servers go, we aren't far off from being merged with the EU server list so this may change but as of now;

Virtue is still the unofficial RP server, and generally 2nd in population.
Freedom is #1 in population.
All others fall into vague categories like the drunken server, the unofficial Australian server etc.

Electric Control is SICK in the right hands. Dual Pistols on the other hand is rather meh, imo. Unless you have a gun-kata concept character, the jumping and spinning all around animations for DP just ruined it for me.

My suggestion is narrow it down to a certain AT you'd feel comfortable with, maybe even power combo. Then if your still having trouble fleshing out the concept let us know. Most of us can come up with a lasting concept pretty quickly based off powers/costumes.

My preference is Blasters. They come with the damage to kill quick but require tactics and skill to survive. Once you master the subtle variations in powersets, Blasters can be quite survivable. While avoiding the Click, Click. Target, Click Click ad naseuam burnout of scrappers.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



"Care about the character," unfortunately, is ... really vague, and up to individual taste.

Some people "care about the character" in terms of going nuts with IO sets and coming up with the "perfect" build - that, also, being a matter of taste. They look at it as a project to squeeze the most of something (defense, best DPS, etc.) out of that character.

Some people "care about the character" by making it an actual *character.* This can be through RP with others, or just internally - you come up with a bio, you make decisions (even if you're not "RPing with a group" or whatnot) depending on what that character would do - would they make it a point to go after, or avoid, certain enemies, even if it's really inconvenient (or suicidal?) Have they got a vendetta?

Some people "care about" getting the most badges, or finding someone else to PVP with.

So - what's going to do it for you? That's something you have to answer for yourself.

Now, admittedly, part of it *is* what you pointed out - finding somethign that's not very challenging. For me, for instance, I almost got turned off of Masterminds because of my first one - a Robotics/Force Field MM. Very thematic for a "autonomous battlefield tactical unit" as that MM was... but boring as *hell* to play, to me. I went to the MM forums, described what was going on (which really boiled down to "I feel like a spectator when playing him,") and they suggested a few sets... which led to my Thugs/Poison, which was a blast getting to 50. It kept me busy with buffs, debuffs, healing my pets and teammates and the like. It was fun. (Still is.)

So, looking at your MA scrapper - what was the secondary? Something "set and forget?" Did you like it, or the scrapper play style otherwise? Then look into another secondary - Regen, for instance, being something you have to keep on top of. Or try them as a Stalker - different playstyle, lower hit points and different things to worry about. (My only 50 stalker is an MA/Regen, btw.)

(Personal preferences tend to lean toward (non-Illusion) Controllers, Dominators and Kheldians.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Some people "care about the character" by making it an actual *character.* This can be through RP with others, or just internally - you come up with a bio, you make decisions (even if you're not "RPing with a group" or whatnot) depending on what that character would do - would they make it a point to go after, or avoid, certain enemies, even if it's really inconvenient (or suicidal?) Have they got a vendetta?
This sounds like something along the lines of what I'm after. I'm not after open RP, but I will take the time to think out "what I would do" seriously. Mostly internal development for my own enjoyment. In past cases, I've kept notes in a book, and ended up with some pretty interesting characters when I came out the other side, without spending any time actually "roleplaying."

I did spoil a little bit of the tutorial for myself. While watching the Matrix Revolutions I rolled up a trenchcoat wearing, dual wielding, cliché looking bad*** and did some running around. I stopped immediately when I hit the first major decision, I don't want to go any further yet. I do appreciate the choices though. I thought it would be very black and white, but after reading the preliminary choice, I was pleasantly surprised. With the right mindset, it could go either way. Who knows, I may end up on the opposite end from what I expected when I do get out.

In terms of what I'm trying to do. I don't want anything complex. A good base is simple questions like: Why do I have these powers? Do I like them (gifted) or hate them (cursed)? There's more, but it usually leads down one of two roads. I feel it is my duty to use these powers to their full potential (hero), or I am **** off because my life is ruined and all that jazz (villain). Very vague right now, and I can tweak it, but I guess I have to choose some power sets before I can get there.

In terms of what I played before. I had 2 characters with one focus. The main character was a Willpower/Martial Arts Scrapper. Flip toggles, get in there and beat things to a pulp. I liked only having to worry about one power set, willpower took care of itself, but it get very repetitive, very fast. My Villain was a Robot/Force Field Mastermind. At first it was cool that I had an army of awesome looking robots, and the group fly animations were cool looking to me, but after awhile it seemed that they do most of the work. I was also pretty horrible at remembering to refresh bubbles. I guess I need to strike a balance between ease of use and activity level. I'm not going to kill myself with actives, but I don't want to sit on auto pilot all day.



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
This sounds like something along the lines of what I'm after. I'm not after open RP, but I will take the time to think out "what I would do" seriously. Mostly internal development for my own enjoyment. In past cases, I've kept notes in a book, and ended up with some pretty interesting characters when I came out the other side, without spending any time actually "roleplaying."

I did spoil a little bit of the tutorial for myself. While watching the Matrix Revolutions I rolled up a trenchcoat wearing, dual wielding, cliché looking bad*** and did some running around. I stopped immediately when I hit the first major decision, I don't want to go any further yet. I do appreciate the choices though. I thought it would be very black and white, but after reading the preliminary choice, I was pleasantly surprised. With the right mindset, it could go either way. Who knows, I may end up on the opposite end from what I expected when I do get out.

In terms of what I'm trying to do. I don't want anything complex. A good base is simple questions like: Why do I have these powers? Do I like them (gifted) or hate them (cursed)? There's more, but it usually leads down one of two roads. I feel it is my duty to use these powers to their full potential (hero), or I am **** off because my life is ruined and all that jazz (villain). Very vague right now, and I can tweak it, but I guess I have to choose some power sets before I can get there.

In terms of what I played before. I had 2 characters with one focus. The main character was a Willpower/Martial Arts Scrapper. Flip toggles, get in there and beat things to a pulp. I liked only having to worry about one power set, willpower took care of itself, but it get very repetitive, very fast. My Villain was a Robot/Force Field Mastermind. At first it was cool that I had an army of awesome looking robots, and the group fly animations were cool looking to me, but after awhile it seemed that they do most of the work. I was also pretty horrible at remembering to refresh bubbles. I guess I need to strike a balance between ease of use and activity level. I'm not going to kill myself with actives, but I don't want to sit on auto pilot all day.
Those two characters were probably the worst ones to pick if you wanted a challenge lol.

I would suggest a dominator or a controller for something different from what you tried last time. Plant Control can be reeeeeeeeeeeeally fun especially as it gets higher up. pair it with something like Storm and watch the chaos reign.

You could go more active and play a Kinectic. They stay incredibly busy, especially on a corruptor or defender.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
You could go more active and play a Kinectic. They stay incredibly busy, especially on a corruptor or defender.
I'm trying to strike a balance between busy and boring. Harder than I thought.



Best two off the top of my head for middle ground busy/boring would be;

Fire/Ice Blaster - Best of both worlds. Great AOE damage with the survivability of Ice!

Dark Melee/Regen Scrapper - Regen has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get used to it a regen can do some amazing things. Most of the time you'll not have to worry much about your secondary but from time to time it's a very clicky set. Meaning you won't have a set-and-forget secondary, but still have good defense otherwise.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
I'm trying to strike a balance between busy and boring. Harder than I thought.
If that's what you're looking for I would suggest a whatever blast/dark miasma corruptor. My fire/dark corruptor is pretty much tied with my illusion/kin controller for my favorite character.

Dark is a moderately active set with lots of debuffs and control. Twilight Grasp is a heal with some nice -regen, -damage and -to-hit built in. The control in the set comes from Tar Patch, Howling Twilight(the rez, but the rez is secondary to most dark players) Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze and Black Hole. I tend to skip Gaze and Black Hole since my dark character is an AoE machine and Gaze is a single target hold and black hole is an AoE phase shift. It's got two toggles, Darkest Night is an anchored damage and to-hit debuff. Shadow fall is the other, toggle aoe stealth defense and resist buff, I find it really useful, especially when stacking defense abilities.

I paired it with fire for the awesome combo of powers that is tar patch+rain of fire+fireball+firebreath. I built him almost specifically to melt romans in Cimerora.

A Dark Blast/Dark Miasma/Dark Mastery Corruptor/Defender is a pretty awesome sight in the late game too There is a lot of utility to be had in that set.



I got some time off work for the next couple of days. I was going to crank out some Blasters/Defenders/Corruptors. I have limited experience Red side, but since it doesn't make a difference now, why not. Blasters seemed to have peaked my current interest for some reason. I'm trying to find an updated guide on power sets. I'm also going to look into how they differ from a corruptor. All in all, I think this time I might go ranged. It would give me a new outlook on combat, and I'd be squishy, which would add depth to gameplay. I can't just ROFLSMASH my way through things. Now I just need to decide if I want to be a blasting DPS machine or take some support instead. I'm leaning towards support. I do like grouping.



Blasters seemed to have peaked my current interest for some reason. I'm trying to find an updated guide on power sets. I'm also going to look into how they differ from a corruptor.
Blasters differ from Corruptors in that they get a blast primary and a melee/utility secondary. Corruptors get a blast primary and a support secondary. Blasters are pretty much "glass cannons" - kill them before they kill you, because you have paper armor. Corruptors are a little harder to kill because they have buffs/debuffs to assist them. They are similar but play entirely differently because of those differences.

Blasters do a TON of damage. It's basically all they do. Incidentally, they do the most damage in melee, where they are the weakest. Folks call this playstyle a "blapper" (blaster + scrapper). They are absolute beasts in melee, but if a strong enemy looks at you funny, you get curb stomped.

Corruptors do decent damage (their base numbers are lower than Blasters, but not as low as Defenders), but they really shine when you get a bunch of them together and become a big ol' group of tank-mages; almost unkillable (and if they're killed, likely someone has a rez!), and totally butchering the snot out of things.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Try a Fire/Dark corruptor. It's fairly simple. You drop debuffs on them then throw fire at them until they stop moving. It has a strong enemy targeted self heal that helps with survivability.

The difficulty would be having no inherent mez protection and playing a AT that has low base HP.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Blasters do a TON of damage. It's basically all they do. Incidentally, they do the most damage in melee
That's the opposite from what I expected to hear. So, Blasters are damage dealers, Corruptors are blaster with support instead of melee, and Defenders are secondary Blasters that bring more support to the table. Are there any power sets you would recommend that a newbie avoid (or take). I was looking into energy, but the knockback component kind of tripped me up. I'm not exactly sure how to utilize that.



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
I was looking into energy, but the knockback component kind of tripped me up. I'm not exactly sure how to utilize that.
Knockback is tricky to leverage. On the one hand, anything knocked back is temporarily disabled until they hit the ground and get back up, and they are no longer dangerously in your face. On the other, if you or anyone on your team wants to be in melee, the foe that was in range now has to be chased down, and it can mess with keeping enemies in a tight group for AOEs.

There are a couple tricks; focus on enemies next to walls when possible. If you position them between you and the wall they won't go far, and are sill flat on their backs for a short time. (Warning - in cave maps this can result in enemies getting stuck in walls and being difficult to target. It has to do with the ragdoll physics and the slanted walls). The other trick is to pickup hover, and float directly above whatever it is you're knocking back. The primary direction they'll be thrust is down, so they won't go too far or scatter much. Unfortunately, many indoor map areas don't allow too much room to go above the fight. Hovering like this has the additional effect of keeping enemies out of melee which is also usually THEIR stronger attacks (and many mobs have little to no ranged attacks at all, like Lord Recluse).

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
So, Blasters are damage dealers, Corruptors are blaster with support instead of melee, and Defenders are secondary Blasters that bring more support to the table.
Blasters are damage dealers. Corruptors and Defenders are both support; Corruptors do better damage than Defenders, and Defenders do better support than Corruptors.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Blasters are damage dealers. Corruptors and Defenders are both support; Corruptors do better damage than Defenders, and Defenders do better support than Corruptors.
This being in generic terms since some builds can blur the lines in terms of damage.



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
Knockback is tricky to leverage. On the one hand, anything knocked back is temporarily disabled until they hit the ground and get back up, and they are no longer dangerously in your face. On the other, if you or anyone on your team wants to be in melee, the foe that was in range now has to be chased down, and it can mess with keeping enemies in a tight group for AOEs.
At least in my experience, the "bad" part of Knockback is a horrible exaggeration. I've been playing an Energy Blaster since the game launched and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times anyone has ever complained about my Blaster's Knockback and he has at least two powers with the full 6-slot Kinetic Crash Knockback IO set.

Unless you're fighting stuff lower than you, and when on teams it's usually +1s anyway, the knockback distance is usually around 5-10', except with Power Push (awesome power for controlling Bosses!!!) that might hit 15' or so sometimes.

I used to do the "Hover Knockdown" method as well but since respeccing out of Hover long ago, I still don't have any troubles with my KnockBack becoming annoying for two main reasons:
  1. In a group, the minions and LTs die quickly enough that it doesn't matter and the bosses have KB reduction that decreases the distance they are knocked back.
  2. When Solo, you WANT as many enemies on their back far away from you, especially if you're not Hovering. With Energy Torrent for Minions and LTs while Power Push handles the Bosses, your enemies spend 33%-75% or more of the time on their back or standing back up.
My actual recommendation for something that's fun, active and gives a challenge while still being powerful would be a Trick Arror/Archery Defender, or an Archery/Trick Arrow Corrupter. My choice was the Defender since it seems the higher Debuff values of the Defender play better in a group than the higher damage of the Corrupter.



I'm surprised no-one has suggested it yet but I'd suggest creating a range of different characters

Go for your boring scrapper or a fire brute for those days you want to kill lots without needing to think about it.

A corrupter for when you want to play a support toon that is capable of dishing it out - mostly straightforward to play

Also a heavily team oriented defender - you need to think what you are doing here in most cases - very survivable and VERY popular on teams but hard to solo in some cases.

Tank or a tanking brute - needs thought to play well and control the aggro properly

A controller or dominator (or both)- both have lots of control powers but the controller is mostly a support character whilst the dominator is a damage dealer

I'd leave the blaster and stalker a few weeks until you get the others up to about lvl 25-30 and better understand the different mobs characteristics and how to limit the aggro you get - both can be very rewarding but need a bit more thought to avoid dying from the alpha strike.

Play each of them until you get bored with it then switch to a different toon. You'll soon find which you love playing and no doubt find others which you need to be in a particular mood for.

Lastly if you get bored with everything else (so in about 10 or so years ), are masochistic or just want a big challenge try a petless mastermind - just make sure anyone you team with knows what they are getting. I certainly don't recommend this until you have a lot more experience in the game though.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
I was looking into energy, but the knockback component kind of tripped me up. I'm not exactly sure how to utilize that.

Knock back is damage mitigation. Stuff flying backwards and laying on the ground isn't attacking you or doing damage. Like blasters, NPCs also tend to do more damage in melee than at range, so if you knock them away from you you'll decrease their damage output.

Teaming with knockback can be difficult. You should watch were and how you KB various folks, esp if there's a melee AT on your team beating on the baddie. Try to knock stuff into nearby walls or other objects so it doesn't fly as far. Don't KB and scatter tight groupings of NPCs because you'll dramatically decrease the damage of any AoE. Go for folks at the edges of combat that no one is attacking, knock down runners, etc. It's just mostly about common sense and courtesy. It's also not a huge deal if you occasionally mess up and send stuff flying.



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
I got some time off work for the next couple of days. I was going to crank out some Blasters/Defenders/Corruptors. I have limited experience Red side, but since it doesn't make a difference now, why not. Blasters seemed to have peaked my current interest for some reason. I'm trying to find an updated guide on power sets. I'm also going to look into how they differ from a corruptor. All in all, I think this time I might go ranged. It would give me a new outlook on combat, and I'd be squishy, which would add depth to gameplay. I can't just ROFLSMASH my way through things. Now I just need to decide if I want to be a blasting DPS machine or take some support instead. I'm leaning towards support. I do like grouping.
The damage Corruptors are capable of with their buffs is pretty amazing. A secondary with either self damage buffs(like Kinetics with Fulcrum Shift) or enemy resist debuffs like Dark or Radiation is pretty impressive to watch. They're also much more survivable than blasters in most cases.

I can't believe I didn't think of this in my previous post, but if you already have a villain over level 20 you also have the villain epic archetypes unlocked. The Arachnos Widow and Soldier archetypes are fun sets to play through. and they both have several different build variations available.

The Soldier starts out as a more Arachnos Huntsman type character, using a rifle and grenades. Once you hit 24 with the Soldier you're given a forced respec to rebuild as either a Bane or Crab spider. Your original powers are still available, so if you want to play as a Huntsman style character into the end game you can and it's a totally valid choice for them as well.

Widow starts out as a mostly melee character with claws, and at 24 you're given a forced respec to choose between either the Night Widow or Fortunata path. Just like Soldier you're still given access to your original powers, and they're a big part of playing a successful Night Widow build.

With dual builds, you could go with a melee and ranged build for both and switch out based on how you want to play that day, though that can get expensive to enhance if you're trying to purple them out in both builds.

edit: I remembered why I didn't think about it before. You mentioned you wanted to do the new praetorian content, and the Hero and Villain Epic Archetypes aren't available to start in Praetoria. They're still really fun though, if you haven't already given them a try i'd recommend it.