Rotating binds question.
One possibility is use numpad# for one shield/buff, Shift+numpad# for another.
On my MMs, I use Shift+numpad# to select pets by pet#, and Ctrl+numpad# to select teammates by teammate#.
A rotating bindfile would work well too, and save keys for other items.
Current primary characters, all on Guardian:
The Amber Fist (Elec/Stone Tanker) | Pixelbeater (Fire/Kin Corr) | The Sequencer (Bots/Traps MM)
Blakkat (Claws/Dark Brute) | Mhogus'thra (Ill/Dark Cont) | Wyldhunt (Beast/Dark MM)
You'll need the bind files for the roatating binds. Using the command string you posted would not load anything new the next time it is pressed. It would simply bind numpad1 to the Plasma Shield and never change after that.
I'm sure there are already guides out there somewhere about how to use and make rotating binds, so I'll let other people link to them. For now, I'll just provide the general code you'll use once you know what to do with them:
C:\binds\FireTherm\1a.txt numpad1 "teamselect 1$$powexec_name Thermal Shield$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1b.txt" C:\binds\FireTherm\1b.txt numpad1 "teamselect 1$$powexec_name Plasma Shield$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1a.txt" |
Then if you want to get really fancy about it, and hopefully "error-proof" the targeting, try the following:
C:\binds\FireTherm\1a.txt numpad1 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1b.txt" C:\binds\FireTherm\1b.txt numpad1 "+$$powexec_name Thermal Shield$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1c.txt" C:\binds\FireTherm\1c.txt numpad1 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1d.txt" C:\binds\FireTherm\1d.txt numpad1 "+$$powexec_name Plasma Shield$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1a.txt" |
If executed correctly, that will target the player on keypress, then cast/queue the power when you release the button. That will take twice as many files, but it can save some accidental "double-doses" if the power fires off before the next player is actually targeted (which sometimes happens when using the first method). The little time it takes you to hold the button should be enough to ensure you have the correct target first.
As for your "reset" button:
C:\binds\FireTherm\0reset.txt numpad1 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\1b.txt" numpad2 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\2b.txt" numpad3 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\3b.txt" numpad4 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\4b.txt" numpad5 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\5b.txt" numpad6 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\6b.txt" numpad7 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\7b.txt" numpad8 "teamselect 1$$bindloadfilesilent C:\binds\FireTherm\8b.txt" |
Then press numpad0
A single press of numpad0 will reset all 8 numbers. In fact, that will make setting up the binds even easier to begin with. Once you have your files in place, it's just a matter of initializing the numpad0 key so you can use it to automatically initialize the rest.
I hope that all makes sense to somebody. lol
I changed the code-boxes to quote-boxes to prevent possible forum-stretching.
Master Blade, awesome! That's all I can say. I think the 'hopefully error-proof' is what I'll be going with. But just a quick question on this.
For the numpad 0 reset.. shouldn't those be 1a, 2a, 3a etc, instead of 1b, 2b, 3b etc?
For the numpad 0 reset.. shouldn't those be 1a, 2a, 3a etc, instead of 1b, 2b, 3b etc?
The next file to load would be "b".
Also note that you shouldn't really have to reset the whole list on a regular basis unless you are particular about which power you are casting first and lose track of what you've done, because each button will reset itself after both powers are used anyway. Then again, lag or various other issues may throw off the mechanics of it, so having a reset button is always a good idea for those cases regardless.

I originally had a longer, more complex bind that actually loaded each of the actual "a" files, but then it was too long (character limit), which resulted in having to put a rotating bind on Numpad0 as well, but then I realized that it could be done so much easier.. so I re-edited my post. lol
Anyway, I'll admit I only tested bits and pieces of my code to ensure the mechanics of it worked correctly, but not the specific code and multiple file set as a whole. Please let me know if it works for you, and feel free to send any other bind questions my way. Even if it sounds impossible, I might be able to come up with something close.

For my buffers, I use the NumberPad numbers for TeamSelect and loading a PopMenu (see my sig) to pick which power to cast on them. For example, the numberpad numbers would be bound like this:
NumPad1 "TeamSelect 1$$PopMenu ForceFieldBuffs"
For a buffer with two buffs to cast, I end up hitting keys like this (N# = number pad key):
Teammate 1
N1, 1, N1, 2
Teammate 2
N2, 1, N2, 2
Teammate 3
N3, 1, N3, 2
Teammate 4
N4, 1, N4, 2
It would all be so much easier if the Select commands would happen BEFORE the PowExec commands in the command interpreter. Then you could just use Chord Keys (Shift/Alt/Ctrl) along with the NumberPad keys to buff them.
Ok, so long story short, I've tried playing support toons before, specifically the ones that cast shields on teammates. I've never really cared for it, but I'm trying it again. In the past, I've tried the /teamselect 1-8 binds before on my numpad, with the shields on the divide and multiply numpad buttons, but even then it feels off to me for some reason.
So I thought about making a rotating bind, but wasn't quite sure how it the syntax would look. For the sake of ease for me, I'll be using it on a fire/therm troller. I imagine it would end up looking like this..
/bind numpad 1 "teamselect 1$$powexec_name Thermal Shield$$bind numpad 1 powexec_name Plasma Shield"
Then substitute the 1's for 2's, 3's, etc.
But then they would all be stuck at being binded to Plamsa shield...
I thought then of maybe doing a bind load file for numpad 0 to reset the binds back to what they were, but the bind load files are something I've not quite gotten my head around.
Any help, or better ideas you can think of?