398 -
Yeah, your account doesn't get suspended anymore. You stop paying, and you go Premium! You'll still be able to play for free, so no your characters don't, and won't get deleted. But as others said, make sure you claim email items before you go, if you won't be playing as a Preem.
What Hopeling said and IIRC as it's been a while since I played a MM, the pets still need to be in a close range to the MM. So if your minions run up to melee, while you and the rest of your pets stay at range, the damage will be split across the pets still near you, and the minions would not take damage from Bodyguard.
Quote:While in theory this seems fairly ideal for Premium members, it doesn't help for the total Free to Players, that are not Premium, which I believe is the stance the OP has.As a Freebie and former VIP who has 7 years time + money vested in this game, I agree that Feeb's should have more access, especially taking in to consideration the length of time sub'ed to the game.
Someone like me is unlikely to spam the boards with junk and and yes since I have been here so long I do feel a tinge of entitlement to posting. I'm not one to feel entitled to much at all. In this case I do.
Not sure what sub'ed time <-> board access should be, I do think that if someone was here from launch *cough* and was sub'ed up to just before Freedom *cough* I should be able to run naked through this place. -
I see it from all sides.
From a VIP player Point of view: I see no need for increased access, for those who aren't supporting the game by paying for the service.
From the point of view of a Premium Player: I see the desire to get access to areas of CoH that I'm currently restricted from. My 50s on my premium account can't run incarnate trials, and if/when my VIP account goes Premium, there will be parts of the forum I can't access.
From the viewpoint of the devs/Community Mods: Originally there was no forum access for free players, then gave them some access. Now they ask for more. This one person is asking for the For Fun section, and nothing else. But then another wants the Server forums. Another will want PvP forum access.
I understand all these different points of views, and more, and the way I see it, is that there isn't a need for more access to be given. If it's given, great I won't object.
Honestly if saying that the restriction is enough to make you quit playing the game(Or edit your posts to say never go Premium}, then I see that as your loss. Like Aett said, the community here is great, and you're not cut off from it. It's why the City Life forum is open for all access, and not just the 'ask for help here' forums. It's limiting of course, but if you can play the game and live with the chat restrictions there, I don't see that the forum restrictions being that harsh. -
Quote:You did say in your original post "I would like some other players views on this, both that of free players and for those that pay to play." so dismissing my post simply because I'm not a free player, which by the way, I am, is rather rude. Did you not notice I said I have two account, one is premium, and I do play on it. You asked for views, and I've given mine.You probably dont see the need as your not a free player, I dont see why someone should have to pay for the use of the game's forum. If you look at most MMO's their forums are open to all players and have a small section of their forum for the paying players. I'm not saying to open up the whole forum, even if they just open up the whole "For Fun!" section I would be happy with. Just to make the forum worthwhile for the free players.
Quote:Nope! Forums don't count as gameplay. But you get access to gameplay without paying. You pay for more access to features of the game, which do include the forums. I've got two accounts right now, one VIP, and one premium. And the VIP might be going Premium soon if my income doesn't start looking better.With regards to what you said as an incentive to subscribe, do the forums actually count as gameplay?
Some folks have said that the only benefit of being VIP is the incarnate access, and the 400 PP, but they forget about the forum access. Maybe for some people that's worth the $15, and for others, it's not. There needs to be limits. Personally I see no reason for more free access. -
Quote:http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/RegulatorsIf there's one thing the SSA's have proven it's that the entire Freedom Phalanx is a bunch of dimwitted chumps... the entire team ought to be wiped and heroes with actual brains be brought in. I mean besides Miss Liberty, the Regulators are a better team!
(ML seems to have inherited her grandpappy's talent for arrogance and holier-than-thou attitude- I seriously hope the next recipient of the Well's power is someone who won't be scared into impotence by it- I vote Back Alley Brawler...)
The Regulators, or The Vindicators? Regulators were BAB's team with Blue Steel. -
Quote:Not to come off as confrontational or anything, but you realize that is breaking the forum rules, right? Starting new threads for topics that already exist.I'm gonna complain about this every so many months until I see it fixed or I get tired with the game.
Coming 2012 I think I will up the posting to once a month.. Just a heads up..
I did a quick search, and saw in your previous posts, that like this one, many forumites agree with you about this, but spamming the forum with a new thread about it every month isn't going to help you. -
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...4&postcount=16Everyone is on vacation from the developer team and I believe the CR are too. Think we will still see a Paragon Market addition on Tues?
I'd say yes, we will. -
Quote:There's the support center on the plaync.com site, but I would probably submit a /bug in game, as it's easier.However, the players COULD help me with these two questions, which were the only questions I asked.
Ok, so Customer Support is the answer to 1a. So far so good....
I would ask you, did you tried logging out, and back in. The VIP power sets, and back in the day, the EATs sometimes would think you didn't meet the requirements for them, and the logging out and in would most of the time fix that. If you tried this, and still no luck, then customer support is your best bet. -
Long term, huh? So someone who's never played before can't pay a few hundred dollars, in and get enough tokens to get all those rewards, without having even rolled up one character? Cause I'm pretty sure they can.
Well considering this forum is for players asking players questions about the game, you're not likely to get someone to give you the answer you want. I recommend contacting support to ensure this doesn't happen to you again.
Quote:That's kind of the idea. Zwill said in a recent Ustream that with each issue release they were planning to release one set to be free for VIPs, any released between issues will be ones needed to be bought.I'm a bit uncomfortable with three of the last four power sets released (Time Manipulation, Beam Rifle, Street Justice, and Titan Weapons) have been placed up for sale on Paragon Market (i.e. not free for VIPs). But, that said, having four sets released in pretty quick succession is pretty impressive.
Darkness Control will be free when Issue 22 drops, and Staff fighting will be purchasable. -
Quote:When you go to premium, you'll get two character slot unlocks, along with any unclaimed character slots unlocks. ALL slots on every server will be locked. You then use the unlocks on either slots that have characters in them to play that character, or an empty slot to make new ones.What I wanted is, when I drop back to premium, move 2-3 slots from Union to Virtue. Not neccesarily move the chars, just the slots and I'll be happy. Is that possible?
If you've already used character slot unlocks in the past, I'm 98% certain you won't be given them again, and you'll only have the two unlocks that any premium gets. You're option around that would be to buy more. -
When you do a transfer, you have to already have an open slot on the server that's getting the character. For instance, say you've got 12 slots on Justice, and all of them are being used, and you want to transfer a character from Infinity to Justice, then it won't allow you to transfer the character to Justice until you've freed up a slot.
Now if you are VIP right now, and transfer the character, then when you drop to Premium, you'll be prompted to unlock the slots you want to play, be they slots with characters in them, or empty slots so you can create new characters.
This is the part that I can't say for certain on. If you're wanting to transfer once you've gone Premium, I would assume the character slot will not transfer. I would assume it will work the same as if you're VIP, the new server has to have an open slot for the transferring character to occupy, and then will leave an open slot on the original server.
My best suggestion would be to do the transfer before dropping to Premium, but not knowing the hows or whys, you might want to wait to do it, I'd prepare for the situation as I assumed it would happen above. -
Anyone else having issues with MM pets after dismissing them?
I haven't played an MM in a while, so I don't know if this is an old bug, or a new one, but when I played one today, I had it happen twice where I tried to dismiss my minions, and they didn't go away. Their names vanished from the pet window, but they were still there.. and still took commands.
I tried resummoning them, and it acted as a misfire.
I did /bug this, but I remember Posi said once that bugs get noticed here better than /bug does. -
Leveling pacts aren't broken, they were taken away. We were told this would happen, we were told when it was going to happen, and we were told that they would be working on bringing them back.
The level pact does not break if one goes premium. I don't know if it breaks if both are no longer VIP. -
Quote:I only played this once, so I might be off on this, but I'm pretty sure we stayed back to hold off the waves of Arachnos, and let Manticore escort her. He got jumped and she was taken. So you escorting her would have resulted the same way. You get jumped, she gets taken.we could have escorted her out rather than stick around and punish the Marshal for being wicked.
Quote:Instead of going after the nukes in the second mission, we could have mounted a rescue operation first. Quote:And in the third mission we went for the Marshal before making sure Alex was safe, vigilante style. A bunch of wrong decisions that go against a hero's code of conduct, and eventually cost the life of the person we were meant to protect.
The SSAs aren't choose your own adventures, they're sets of stories that you get to participate in. That doesn't mean you get to change the story to suit your wants. If you don't like it, don't play them, no one is forcing you too.
Now about your overall suggestion, and to get off the SSAs, more lighthearted, or happy endings in the new content wouldn't be a bad thing, so for the -overall- suggestion /signed. -
Just to scratch this off the possible reasons... when you say servers are you including the test and beta servers? Because both of those are separate from the live servers. if you bought it on beta, you won't get access to it on the live servers, and vice versa.
There was another thread not long ago talking about this as well. Big Bang Theory has a LOT of CoH/V stuff in it.
What really surprised me was in an episode of Chuck this season(Only two episodes so far!) there was a large display stack of City of Villain game boxes in the Buy More. -
1: Like Ad Astra said, you earn them during the winter event by turning in Candy Canes, which you can start buying off the auction house now. I believe they are 50 candy canes a piece, one nice, and one naughty. Also, it's per character.
2: No, those dresses do not exist for players. Only NPCs have them, and they've been requested to be ported over to players since Cimerora came out.