Problem with the Paragon Market




I bought the Street Justice powerset the first week of November, or maybe it was December, I can't recall which. I rolled a couple of Street Justice brutes, one on Virtue and one on Exalted. The one I have on Virtue I've gotten up to level 37, and she's been a blast, and so I rolled another on Exalted who's only up to level 10 or so.

The problem is just now I logged on to Virtue and it says my StJ brute is locked because I don't have access to the Street Justice powerset. I checked the Market, and next to the Street Justice powerset, I have the option to buy it, and I thought the "Buy" button was not supposed to show on items you've bought. Obviously the Market has it wrong, and because of this, it has notified CoH to lock my brute.

Who do I contact about this and how do I contact them? Can I do it in-game, or do I have to email someone? I have never, ever had an account issue like this in all the time I've played CoH so I'm not sure how to proceed on this.



Sounds like you need to contact customer support. Something must be glitched on your account then. But this is purely something that customer support can help you with not your fellow players.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Sounds like you need to contact customer support. Something must be glitched on your account then. But this is purely something that customer support can help you with not your fellow players.
Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Who do I contact about this and how do I contact them? Can I do it in-game, or do I have to email someone?
However, the players COULD help me with these two questions, which were the only questions I asked.

Ok, so Customer Support is the answer to 1a. So far so good....



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
However, the players COULD help me with these two questions, which were the only questions I asked.

Ok, so Customer Support is the answer to 1a. So far so good....
There's the support center on the site, but I would probably submit a /bug in game, as it's easier.

I would ask you, did you tried logging out, and back in. The VIP power sets, and back in the day, the EATs sometimes would think you didn't meet the requirements for them, and the logging out and in would most of the time fix that. If you tried this, and still no luck, then customer support is your best bet.



Originally Posted by Gemesis View Post
There's the support center on the site, but I would probably submit a /bug in game, as it's easier.
You would want to Petition, not Bug. Petition calls for a GM, Bug isn't supposed to.

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What StarGeek said.

However, petition is mostly for in-game issues - if there is something wrong with your account, the support site is the way to go. If you have not used it before you will need to make an account there (Support account is kept separate in case of issues with the master account).

Two things to check - have you tried logging into one of your other Street justice characters, and have you tried making a new one - sometimes you can when this happens and it resets it.

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That happened to me the day I bought TW (3 days ago). Created a toon with TW, got her to 5, chose another server and... I couldn't create another TW and my 3 Beam Rifle (which I bought when it was released) toons were locked.

Just logging out, closing the game and running it again solved it for me tho.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
I bought the Street Justice powerset the first week of November, or maybe it was December, I can't recall which. I rolled a couple of Street Justice brutes, one on Virtue and one on Exalted. The one I have on Virtue I've gotten up to level 37, and she's been a blast, and so I rolled another on Exalted who's only up to level 10 or so.

The problem is just now I logged on to Virtue and it says my StJ brute is locked because I don't have access to the Street Justice powerset. I checked the Market, and next to the Street Justice powerset, I have the option to buy it, and I thought the "Buy" button was not supposed to show on items you've bought. Obviously the Market has it wrong, and because of this, it has notified CoH to lock my brute.

Who do I contact about this and how do I contact them? Can I do it in-game, or do I have to email someone? I have never, ever had an account issue like this in all the time I've played CoH so I'm not sure how to proceed on this.
This happened to me a few weeks back on my beam rifle corruptor, who was level 37 at the time. I put in a ticket at and my problem was fixed in short order.

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Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
That happened to me the day I bought TW (3 days ago). Created a toon with TW, got her to 5, chose another server and... I couldn't create another TW and my 3 Beam Rifle (which I bought when it was released) toons were locked.

Just logging out, closing the game and running it again solved it for me tho.
i've had the characters using purchased sets being unavailable bug pop up a couple times. i've found that even just backing out to the server select screen and selecting the server again fixes it for me.

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Thanks for everyone's suggestions on who to contact for this problem, and what could possibly be happening.

It turns out that it was just an instance of the bug, I'm guessing, because I logged on just a few minutes ago, and both of my Street Justice characters were not locked like they were earlier today. I'm hoping that when I get around to making a Beam Rifle character, I don't have the same problem. (I bought Beam Rifle a month later than Street Justice but still haven't used it to make a character yet.)

Thanks for the replies and I'm keeping some of the information so I know who to contact if I ever have a similar problem again. I'll also remember to try the re-logging trick too.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i've had the characters using purchased sets being unavailable bug pop up a couple times. i've found that even just backing out to the server select screen and selecting the server again fixes it for me.
Actually I think I just logged out and back, I added that I closed the game because I wasn't sure. Only happened once to me, switching servers didn't work because my BR and TW toons were on different servers and they were all locked switching back and forth but anyway, logging out should solve it if the server switch doesn't.



Sometimes the paragon market does not connect properly to the account database. Stuff you bought won't show as purchased. Logigng out and back in forces the market to reconnect to the account data and usually fixes it, usually the first time. Sometimes you have to shut down and wait a couple minutes and log back in because things seem to get stuck in the internet tubes.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.