Suggestion: More Access On The Forum For Free Players!
The original plan for Freedom was that Free and Premium players would have no ability to post on the forums.
Quite a few of the subscribers complained about this limitation so they adjusted the plans to give limited posting access to areas where players can ask for help such as Gameplay/Technical Issues & Bugs, Player Questions, City Life, and Suggestions and Ideas.
I think the only other forum that may need ALL ACCESS would be the Mac Users forum section.
The limitations are there partly to keep spam posts down and partly as an incentive to subscribe.
Considering that the original plan was for no posting priveleges for non-VIPs I doubt they'd be willing to accede to opening any more forum sections than what they already have.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
The original plan for Freedom was that Free and Premium players would have no ability to post on the forums.
Quite a few of the subscribers complained about this limitation so they adjusted the plans to give limited posting access to areas where players can ask for help such as Gameplay/Technical Issues & Bugs, Player Questions, City Life, and Suggestions and Ideas. I think the only other forum that may need ALL ACCESS would be the Mac Users forum section. The limitations are there partly to keep spam posts down and partly as an incentive to subscribe. Considering that the original plan was for no posting priveleges for non-VIPs I doubt they'd be willing to accede to opening any more forum sections than what they already have. |
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Just beacause it was the original way they were going to impliment it doesnt make it the right one. Generally having people allowed to post on fan based sections like the one the OP was talking about would be a good idsea. After all if they are posting cossies it is probably a good indication they like the game to start with.
I can see why in game they limit things to get you to sub more, but having all apart from 4 sections of the forum off limits, especially the fan based type ones, seems totally stupid, just like the chat limitations. I can see why many think its bad, but if they implimented a max post count per day for nin subscribers on other sections then at least this would help newer players ask questions in the right sections. Have it tied to how long their account has been active on the forums or if they have that type of character where they ask on specific sub section forums.
Defending something just because it was going to be a total ban and instead is only a partial ban is not a good argument to start with and totally anti freedom.
Just beacause it was the original way they were going to impliment it doesnt make it the right one. Generally having people allowed to post on fan based sections like the one the OP was talking about would be a good idsea. After all if they are posting cossies it is probably a good indication they like the game to start with.
I can see why in game they limit things to get you to sub more, but having all apart from 4 sections of the forum off limits, especially the fan based type ones, seems totally stupid, just like the chat limitations. I can see why many think its bad, but if they implimented a max post count per day for nin subscribers on other sections then at least this would help newer players ask questions in the right sections. Have it tied to how long their account has been active on the forums or if they have that type of character where they ask on specific sub section forums. Defending something just because it was going to be a total ban and instead is only a partial ban is not a good argument to start with and totally anti freedom. |
Like others have said, Free players need access to the Mac section, and that's about the only additional spot I'd like to see made available to free players.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
It would also be nice if premium players could post in the servers section of the forums. I play on Virtue and would like to be able to post on specific server-related topics on the Virtue forums section.
I'd be happy with the idea of gradually opening up more sections of the forums to Free/Premium players, as has happened. However, if it got too spammy, then I'd also be happy with the sections being closed down again.
Maybe it would be possible to make a finer distinction between Free and Premium, so that more sections could be opened up to Premium players, while leaving Free accounts more heavily restricted.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
The original plan for Freedom was that Free and Premium players would have no ability to post on the forums.
Quite a few of the subscribers complained about this limitation so they adjusted the plans to give limited posting access to areas where players can ask for help such as Gameplay/Technical Issues & Bugs, Player Questions, City Life, and Suggestions and Ideas. I think the only other forum that may need ALL ACCESS would be the Mac Users forum section. The limitations are there partly to keep spam posts down and partly as an incentive to subscribe. Considering that the original plan was for no posting priveleges for non-VIPs I doubt they'd be willing to accede to opening any more forum sections than what they already have. |
With regards to what you said as an incentive to subscribe, do the forums actually count as gameplay? I dont really want to subscribe as I'm fairly happy playing the game as a free player, therefore why should I pay for the simple use of a forum? It just doesnt make sense to me.
With regards to what you said as an incentive to subscribe, do the forums actually count as gameplay?
Some folks have said that the only benefit of being VIP is the incarnate access, and the 400 PP, but they forget about the forum access. Maybe for some people that's worth the $15, and for others, it's not. There needs to be limits. Personally I see no reason for more free access.
Nope! Forums don't count as gameplay. But you get access to gameplay without paying. You pay for more access to features of the game, which do include the forums. I've got two accounts right now, one VIP, and one premium. And the VIP might be going Premium soon if my income doesn't start looking better.
Some folks have said that the only benefit of being VIP is the incarnate access, and the 400 PP, but they forget about the forum access. Maybe for some people that's worth the $15, and for others, it's not. There needs to be limits. Personally I see no reason for more free access. |
Im not saying to open up the whole forum to free players, but just because someone is a free player doesnt mean that they are likely to spam, in order to make an account on here you must have a COH account anyway. Hell whats to stop a premium player from spamming? Its less likely, but I'm sure it happens. But like British Battler pointed out, the costume design thread clearly show's that people actually enjoy the game and actually want to be a part of the forum and the community here. I for one, want to be a part of that and I dont feel I'm being given that oppertunity with all the restrictions in place.
With regards to what you said as an incentive to subscribe, do the forums actually count as gameplay? I dont really want to subscribe as I'm fairly happy playing the game as a free player, therefore why should I pay for the simple use of a forum? It just doesnt make sense to me. |
So Free accounts are much more likely to spam than Premium or VIP accounts. Limiting the potential damage is not a bad move on the Devs' part. If we open up a few forums, and we don't get much spam? Sure, open up a few more areas over time. But until we know what's going to happen, I'd rather the Devs take a cautious approach to the matter. The forums and the community here is what has kept me in the game as long as I've been here. If it becomes overridden with spam, I'll likely leave.
And no, the Forums aren't gameplay, but like a poster above me said, you're not paying for the actual gameplay, why should you be allowed to post at all? The forums require maintenance and moderation as well as the game, but there's no income for it from free players. And since there's potential for the forums to be spammed, it's a smart business decision on the Devs part to limit the amount of moderation that is needed.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
You probably dont see the need as your not a free player, I dont see why someone should have to pay for the use of the game's forum. If you look at most MMO's their forums are open to all players and have a small section of their forum for the paying players. I'm not saying to open up the whole forum, even if they just open up the whole "For Fun!" section I would be happy with. Just to make the forum worthwhile for the free players.
The forums and the community here is what has kept me in the game as long as I've been here.
I would like that too, I'm interested in the topics that are posted on the forums, and I'm sure it would keep me playing too. The free players should be just as important as the Premium players as there's always that possibility of a free player turning to Premium. In my opinion, if the forum stays as it is, I'd be more inclined to stop playing than to go Premium. DC Universe offers similiar gameplay and the free use of their forums.
You did say in your original post "I would like some other players views on this, both that of free players and for those that pay to play." so dismissing my post simply because I'm not a free player, which by the way, I am, is rather rude. Did you not notice I said I have two account, one is premium, and I do play on it. You asked for views, and I've given mine.

I see it from all sides.
From a VIP player Point of view: I see no need for increased access, for those who aren't supporting the game by paying for the service.
From the point of view of a Premium Player: I see the desire to get access to areas of CoH that I'm currently restricted from. My 50s on my premium account can't run incarnate trials, and if/when my VIP account goes Premium, there will be parts of the forum I can't access.
From the viewpoint of the devs/Community Mods: Originally there was no forum access for free players, then gave them some access. Now they ask for more. This one person is asking for the For Fun section, and nothing else. But then another wants the Server forums. Another will want PvP forum access.
I understand all these different points of views, and more, and the way I see it, is that there isn't a need for more access to be given. If it's given, great I won't object.
Honestly if saying that the restriction is enough to make you quit playing the game(Or edit your posts to say never go Premium}, then I see that as your loss. Like Aett said, the community here is great, and you're not cut off from it. It's why the City Life forum is open for all access, and not just the 'ask for help here' forums. It's limiting of course, but if you can play the game and live with the chat restrictions there, I don't see that the forum restrictions being that harsh.
As a Freebie and former VIP who has 7 years time + money vested in this game, I agree that Freeb's should have more access, especially taking in to consideration the length of time sub'ed to the game.
Someone like me is unlikely to spam the boards with junk and and yes since I have been here so long I do feel a tinge of entitlement to posting. I'm not one to feel entitled to much at all. In this case I do.
Not sure what sub'ed time <-> board access should be, I do think that if someone was here from launch *cough* and was sub'ed up to just before Freedom *cough* I should be able to run naked through this place.

As a Freebie and former VIP who has 7 years time + money vested in this game, I agree that Feeb's should have more access, especially taking in to consideration the length of time sub'ed to the game.
Someone like me is unlikely to spam the boards with junk and and yes since I have been here so long I do feel a tinge of entitlement to posting. I'm not one to feel entitled to much at all. In this case I do. Not sure what sub'ed time <-> board access should be, I do think that if someone was here from launch *cough* and was sub'ed up to just before Freedom *cough* I should be able to run naked through this place. |
As a Freebie and former VIP who has 7 years time + money vested in this game, I agree that Freeb's should have more access, especially taking in to consideration the length of time sub'ed to the game.
Someone like me is unlikely to spam the boards with junk and and yes since I have been here so long I do feel a tinge of entitlement to posting. I'm not one to feel entitled to much at all. In this case I do. Not sure what sub'ed time <-> board access should be, I do think that if someone was here from launch *cough* and was sub'ed up to just before Freedom *cough* I should be able to run naked through this place. |
While in theory this seems fairly ideal for Premium members, it doesn't help for the total Free to Players, that are not Premium, which I believe is the stance the OP has.
As for the OP and Total Free Newbs (TFNs), I think they get pleanty of access for never having dropped a dime into the game* I see what forums we/they are allowed to post in and I think it's rather fair and gives them a variety of places to post varying topics/questions. Hell they have access to the main board with all the action. The MAIN BOARD. I can't post in my beloved Comic section, but, any scrub off the street can come like it's some idiotic occupy movement and defecate all over the main board?! Bah! BAH! BAHHHH! I say.
On to the more important thing; Me. I still say the it should be a Tier 8 or so Vet Reward. Lump it on to an existing fluff piece.
*I am aware that many TFNs have dropped a minimal amount on various Store items, minimal compared to a super awesome Vet like myself with a chip on my shoulder because I can't post on a MMO website sub form about comic books and other geeky culture things.

Oh I am aware of that. I was thinking only of my self obviously. I leached on this thread rather than making a new one with a slight twist.
As for the OP and Total Free Newbs (TFNs), I think they get pleanty of access for never having dropped a dime into the game* I see what forums we/they are allowed to post in and I think it's rather fair and gives them a variety of places to post varying topics/questions. Hell they have access to the main board with all the action. The MAIN BOARD. I can't post in my beloved Comic section, but, any scrub off the street can come like it's some idiotic occupy movement and defecate all over the main board?! Bah! BAH! BAHHHH! I say. On to the more important thing; Me. I still say the it should be a Tier 8 or so Vet Reward. Lump it on to an existing fluff piece. *I am aware that many TFNs have dropped a minimal amount on various Store items, minimal compared to a super awesome Vet like myself with a chip on my shoulder because I can't post on a MMO website sub form about comic books and other geeky culture things. |
With regards to what you said about paying for the use of the game, why should someone have to pay extra in order to discuss this "geeky culture"? All other MMO's do not limit their forums to just the paying players, including some of the competitiors of COH, DC Universe has forums that can be used by all players, as for Champions Online, I am unsure on.
Uhmm you can already PLAY for free. Sorry no sympathy from me on granting even more forum access. For someone who is requesting other's opinions you truly do not seem to want any except those that agree with your stance.
Free players get WAY more than they did before Freedom launched... Some things are meant for those who actually PAY to play and help cover the costs of servers etc.
It amazes me how ungrateful some people are for what they already do no cost to them.
So to answer your question: No I do not think the developers need to revisit forum access has already been adjusted once to include more sections for freebies/premiums.
I understand that with opening up the boards means more posts, more likelihood of spam, and thus, increased workload on the community reps. I get that.
That said, I do think that there should be more forum access to the free players. Yes, I pay my monthly access and as such, I should be entitled to more than a free player. I get that with my market access, larger influence cap, inventions access, AE access, all archetypes, VIP sets, incarnate access, tells, in-game email, chat-freedom... you know... things pertinent to the game itself. I don't particularly see the forum as being much incentive to stay as a subscriber. But that's just me.

Thank you, Champion.
Honestly, I like the earlier mention of a daily post limit for non-VIPs, as long as it's reasonable (5-10 should work for most questions and followups.)
But otherwise, the way it is now gives it a pretty good balance, I think. It lets them into the broader categories to ask questions, and they can still read the other sections.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
Before joining the forum myself, I became exremely interested in the costume design thread, in the fan creations section of the forum. I spent hours looking at other people's designs and couldnt wait to start making some costumes for myself and share them with fellow players. However I was thouroughly disappointed when I realised that free players have such limited use of the forum, including the fan creations section. I understand that pay to pay players should have some privilages over those that dont pay, but limiting the fan creations section seems a little harsh. After all the forum isnt actually part of the COH gameplay.
I would like some other players views on this, both that of free players and for those that pay to play. I would like to know your opinions on this subject matter, and whether you guys think it would be a good idea for the developers to look at this idea.