How do you emote?

Bright Shadow



Since it seems using the [;] key to emote causes me to crash, have a weird HTML code and other bugs, I'm wondering how everyone else emotes?

Does you emote with:




[Using * to explain actions?]

I guess this is sort of a pole and seeing if anyone else that uses [;] has bugs following it's use. The more that can reply with what they use to emote, the better. Please and thank you.



Originally Posted by Defragment View Post
Since it seems using the [;] key to emote causes me to crash, have a weird HTML code and other bugs, I'm wondering how everyone else emotes?

Does you emote with:




[Using * to explain actions?]

I guess this is sort of a pole and seeing if anyone else that uses [;] has bugs following it's use. The more that can reply with what they use to emote, the better. Please and thank you.
Using ';' has it's own bugs. Using '/e' has its own bugs too.

And they're not really bugs, just that the way CoH seems to handle text input seems very clunky and weird sometimes.

But I've found that using ';' is the less weird of the two, and it gives me two extra characters compared to "/e ". xD



I use [;] and have not run into any bugs with it for myself.

I remember when a patch (accidentally?) removed that keybinding and I re-bound it to start an emote... Some/most of my characters still use the bind that I gave it, so I don't know if anything weird has happened with it again.

I used to use "/em" before I learned that ";" did the job.

I will sometimes use double asterisks as well.

Perhaps rebinding your ; key in-game would clear your problems with it?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I have been trying since Issue 19 to figure out why I have issues:

I will crash if I emote more then one-two full posts.
I used to think only one one character, but as time progresses, it happens on other toons.
I get weird HTML coding that is of a random bit of text I did -NOT- write like a zone event. Anytime I write after, no matter what or what channel, I get the exact line.
Recently, I've been getting a weirder bug where if I emote, no matter what I say and what channel, it's random words like Menu, Level 50, Blaster, Enhancements, Chat, Menu...ect.

The crashing and text bugs make it difficult to RP. Oddly enough, it happens a lot when I'm in deep conversation or scenes. The more bothersome issue is I don't know of anyone else with this bug... or at least anyone that it doesn't effect anymore. It's ruining my RP a bit.



Odd ... I use /e without issue ...



Originally Posted by Defragment View Post
The crashing and text bugs make it difficult to RP. Oddly enough, it happens a lot when I'm in deep conversation or scenes. The more bothersome issue is I don't know of anyone else with this bug... or at least anyone that it doesn't effect anymore. It's ruining my RP a bit.
Perhaps if you post the emote that is causing you trouble here we could figure out why, and test it ourselves to see if it's something that just affects you.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



I always use /me

Never have any problems.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



I use /emote. Deal w/ it