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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Sixy_ View Post
    Yeah, guys got me on the roll/role. You're right. Must be awesome to never, ever mistype. Anyways...
    Maybe you should proofread your posts before typing. Just sayin'.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    That's a defense set for the VEATs. I'm talking about a support-based powerset.
  3. OP Note: I feel a powerset like this is needed due to the lack of any "natural" style buff/support powersets. This would give people who play DP, AR, Beam Rifle, and so on, a less 'superpowered' powerset to use. Great for military type characters or supergroup leaders. Anyway -- this is just a thought experiment, don't take it as "HEY DEVS, I WANT THESE EXACT POWERS IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW".

    You are an expert field leader, able to direct and boost the effectiveness of any team you are a part of. This powerset provides a cocktail of support abilities including status protection and even resurrection, and a few debuffs to hinder your enemies. Note that if you take this powerset, the Leadership pool will be unavailable. You're already a skilled leader, what would some extra training do for you?

    1: Encouragement (ST Ally +Regen, +Max HP)
    You give some words of encouragement to an ally, inspiring them to fight on. Their Hit Points are increased and they Regenerate wounds faster. The Regeneration buff from this power stacks, but the Maximum Hitpoints do not. Duration: Long, Recharge: Short

    1: Tactical Maneuvers (Toggle: Team +Def, Resist Defense Debuff)
    A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power greatly increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates to all attacks. Additionally, any attacks that do get through have a lesser effect on this protection. While this power provides powerful buffs and consumes very little endurance, it cannot be used at the same time as Tactical Precision or Tactical Assault. Recharge: Short

    2: Focus Fire (ST Enemy: Apply Focus Effect: -Def, -Res)
    A target is set for your team to Focus Fire on. Each successive attack against this enemy will apply a stack of the Focus effect, flaying away their Defense and Resistance with every hit. Duration: Medium, Recharge: Medium

    6: Rally (AoE Ally Status Resistance, +Speed, +Recovery)
    You rally your team to action, increasing their movement speed, endurance recovery, and reducing the duration of any status effects currently on them. Duration: Medium, Recharge: Long

    8: Tactical Precision (Toggle: Team +To-Hit, +Accuracy, +Perception, Resist To-Hit, Placate, Perception Debuff)
    While this power is active, your team's To-Hit, Accuracy, and Perception is increased. Your Tactical Precision also protects you and your team from To-Hit, Placate and Perception debuff effects. While this power provides powerful buffs and consumes very little endurance, it cannot be used at the same time as Tactical Maneuvers or Tactical Assault.

    12: Walk It Off (ST Ally Rez)
    The fight's not over yet, and neither is the life of your ally. This power will bring them from the brink of defeat and partially restore their Health and Endurance. Recharge: Long

    18: Suppressive Fire (Location AoE: On attack, place Pinned effect: Foe Slow, -Fly, -Rech, Chance for Mag 1 Stun)
    You call for suppressive fire on a target location. Every attack upon enemies in the area of effect will place a stack of the Pinned effect on them, successively reducing their speed and recharge and sometimes even rendering them unable to take action. Duration: Medium, Recharge: Medium

    26: Tactical Assault (Toggle: Team +Damage, +Resist, Damage and Resistance Debuff Resist)
    While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates greatly deal more damage, absorb more damage, and are resistant to powers that debuff this effect. While this power provides powerful buffs and consumes very little endurance, it cannot be used at the same time as Tactical Precision or Tactical Maneuvers. Recharge: Short

    32: Go Down Fighting (PBAoE Team +Defense, +Resist, +Rech, Self -Endurance, Recovery)
    When the odds are grim, your only option is Go Down Fighting. If your allies fall in battle, you can lead your team on a final charge, urging everyone to give their all in a battle for survival. Your defense, Resistance to damage and power recharge are all improved. This power lasts longer with each fallen teammate, but when it expires, you will lose all endurance and Recovery for twenty seconds. Duration: Short (increases with each fallen teammate), Recharge: Very Long
  4. Wow. I'm actually looking forward to i21 now. Beam Gun sounds awesome, and so does the new 'freedom' of AT selection.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    This game isn't a game about roleplaying
    Massively multiplayer online roleplaying game?
  6. MondoCool


    I like these pictures, but those annoying OOC tags keep distracting me from actually enjoying the artwork. Sorry!
  7. MondoCool

    F2P Doom!

    Originally Posted by SpaceJew View Post
    >it's a brand new quad core that I bought specifically for ultra mode.
    MFW he spent $2000 so he could play a 7 year old game that uses openGL:

    MFW my single-core pentium 4 runs ultra-mode at 30 FPS:

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
    A good sane voice of reason.

    I have been playing COH for some time now, I usually sit with rum when I play, a lot of my friends are RPers, and I have seen all kinds, I would rather not have my 'pretendy fun-time' ruined by a serial rapist nazi who can't be arrested or killed because he has (OMFG) power.

    Its not that I hate RPers, its I have delt with them all and choose not to deal with ____'s
    "... you are not allowed to lose sight of the fact that there is no possible way anything that happens in pretendy fun time games can actually be important. It is not, nor will it ever be, a big deal."
  9. Quote:
    You are playing a game where you use the impersonal magic of the Internets to pretend to be superheroes or fantasy characters or characters on a television show or goofy anime movie. YOU CANNOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.

    No matter how upset you get, no matter how irrational the initial reaction to getting your nose a little out of joint is, you are not allowed to lose sight of the fact that there is no possible way anything that happens in pretendy fun time games can actually be important. It is not, nor will it ever be, a big deal.

    The moment you put a 'but' after 'pretendy fun time games,' you've missed the point.

    "I know it's pretendy fun-time games, but - "

    But Nothing.

    That's all it is.

    Control your emotions, or wait until they're under control before you start debates or discussions. Hurt feelings can happen, but you have to realize what they're hurting over. It may help to say the things you're upset about out loud.

    "I am angry because the guy pretending to be Snapper Carr on the Internet is being too flippant."
    "I am angry because the girl pretending to be Rocket Tits told me I **** dogs."
    "I am hurt because the person pretending to be Snatchella The Fetching thinks I don't pretend to be The Galloping Gremlin correctly."

    You cannot take things on a pretendy fun time game seriously if you actually say them aloud.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
    Before I post mine....what is your monitor size and resolution?

    I mean, I have a decent sized one myself, but seeing that makes me feel like I should switch to the TV instead.....
    19 inch monitor, 1280x1024 resolution.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Yeah, I was gonna say ... before stuff like this can be done they gotta revamp how vehicles work.

    Not that I wouldn't want to see it, because it would be really awesome to get in on police car chases.

    (Which reminds me, where's all the news and police choppers?!)
    Well, there's a blimp above Atlas Park.
  12. I actually refuse to read bios that are in list format or contain long, boring backstories. Put those on Virtueverse, I want to see an actual description of the character.

    All my character bios are short descriptions of the character, a la NPC descriptions. I don't shove my entire life story into my bio, I don't put a huge list of insignificant details in my bio, I don't brag about how straight/gay/single/married I am, I just make a paragraph or two and that's it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by oedipus_tex View Post
    i had suggested for the trials that huge knockback replace some of the huge damage components. Specifically, i kind of wish the anti matter pulse ray in keyes island that hits you for 50% of your hp every few seconds was instead a huge knockback from the center of the map that required you to put your back to a wall or risk being flung into danger (with pets still being immune to it).
    Many whelps! NOW, HANDLE IT!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Have you PLAYED a regen lately? Regen is BY FAR the squishiest powerset available to a stalker or scrapper (especially stalkers, since they don't get high enough HP to really benefit from Dull Pain)
    This is completely true. Regen is squishy by design, but makes up for it by superior self-healing ability.

    Regen is good in PvP, that's about it. In PvE, every single mitigation set will outperform it when similar effort is put into it's build.
    You seem to miss the point of Regeneration. Regeneration is not a mitigation set. Healing is not "mitigation", it is "restoration."

    If you put 5 billion influence into both a Regen and a Willpower, the Willpower will blow the /Regens performance out of the water.
    Why would you ever waste 5 billion influence on either of these? I can make an unkillable regen, easy, for about 600-700 mil.

    /Regen is the ONLY set that both A) has to seek defense and resistance from outside sources, via power pools and set bonuses and B) can have their primary means of mitigation completely stripped away by a LT class enemy. A SINGLE LT class enemy.
    And a single LT class PPD Sergeant can cause your SR's defense bonus to fail spectacularly with his full auto attack. A single LT class Fortunata can wipe out an Invuln tanker. Like I said, every set has a hole, and Regen's is regen debuff. If you honestly want to be invincible to everything, go play Doom and turn on God Mode.


  15. Quote:
    Items are costume pieces. eg: if you equip the headband of mystical nastiness that you got from the circle of thorns, then your toon has the headband added to their costume. Only the bravest will wear the red undies of externality and imperviousness...
    The entire idea of City of Heroes' costume generator is to allow people to make their character look like what they want to without being constricted by ridiculous looking "gear" that they have to wear, but screw that, apparently.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    If it was less automatic pistol and more sawed-off shotgun it'd mesh better, conceptually and allow for more melee-ish gunfire.
    It's not automatic pistol. It's semi-automatic shots, like Dual Pistols. The set is also designed with, say, a Knives of Artemis style wrist crossbow in mind, instead of an actual pistol. Because, to anti gun liberals, while technologically advanced handheld weapons that fire hard metal projectiles to injure or kill others are evil death-murdering machines, slightly less technologically advanced handheld weapons that fire hard metal projectiles to injure or kill others are perfectly fine.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I like to actually have the ability to attack alongside my pets. Especially if I'm playing a fire and forget secondary like Force Field. I'd rather not have to go into melee to do that, since melee range is about the LAST place I want a mastermind to be.
    I guess you must not like Demon Summoning, what with one melee ST attack and a melee cone.
  18. Regeneration debuff is the only way to stop regens in the first place. Otherwise, they're godmode. They need a nerf, not a buff. /unsigned
  19. So... don't explain it to them. You're not legally obligated to answer people who whine about not being able to see what channel you're talking on because they have never modified the default chatbox.

    People should not be coddled for their own shortcomings. /unsigned
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Also, Masterminds don't get melee attacks as a general rule.
    You expect clowns to follow the rules? :S

    It's not like anyone's going to take the attack powers anyway, because 90% of MMs pretend that all they have to do is order their pets to attack and AFK with their AoE heal on autopower.
  21. No, this is stupid. Gaining special powers from defeating enemies or completing mission arcs is why temporary powers exist, and City of Heroes does NOT need to be an item-based game.