Discussion: May Producers Letter




This thread is to discuss Second Measure's Producer Letter for the month of May:

Originally Posted by Second Measure
One of the most common questions we are asked as developers here at Paragon Studios is what existing content we are going to update in the future. A lot of our legacy content is still getting played regularly, and it’s content we love. Those early missions and zones and features set the tone for everything we still do today. But over recent years, we’ve also chosen to update some signature gameplay to demonstrate who we have become to new players, as well as reinforcing who we have been in the past to our old friends. The Positron Task Force revamped in Issue 17 is one great example. I remember very well the first time I ran the original Posi TF in 2004. I was excited to see so many villain groups and to travel around the world: I truly felt like I was part of an important and evolving story. But that Task Force also took what could be politely called a significant investment of time to play, and it was missing a few key features, like, say, the dam you were trying to protect (a dam we had added many issues after launch, in an issue that was itself centered around updated content, come to think of it). So we revisited the Positron Task Force and updated it, bringing it more in line with the changes we had made to the game over the ensuing years.

On the other hand, our commitment to ever expanding content is one of the things on which we pride ourselves, and that commitment has helped us achieve phenomenal success over the last seven years. In addition to the Positron revamp, Issue 17 had some of the most thrilling new missions we have added yet. Issue 19 updated the Monorails and Ferries and brought back the Calvin Scott Task Force due to popular demand, but it likewise had some great new features and missions. In any particular issue we may focus more on new content or on content updates. This is not an indication of a change in the big picture, but rather an indication of an opportunity we have identified to add more value to the game for new players and our existing Community alike.

The value we are adding to the game is in offering more viable choices for how players can spend their time in City of… When we updated Faultline, our goal was to ensure that there were good reasons to go to an underused zone, giving you more gameplay and more reasons to explore. When we updated the Positron TF, we wanted give new players and old players alike a more engaging challenge, increasing your ability to find a group for an important gameplay experience.

One of the drawbacks of updating existing content is that the original content is replaced. When we make these updates, we go to great lengths to avoid permanently removing things from the game. Fortunately, the Menders of Ouroboros give you the ability to experience some of this legacy content in its original state, or near to, and you can still play the old version of Story Arcs or Task and Strike Forces if you wish. When we must remove content, we try to bring it back when we have the technology or a great idea about how to make it work. In recent years we have revived the Cathedral of Pain and the Calvin Scott Task Force after long hiatuses. I certainly can’t promise that we won’t ever need to remove something from the game, but we give a great deal of consideration to the ways we can keep familiar favorites around when the time comes to make a change. In the end, if we can keep something around without sacrificing our ability to improve the game, we make every effort.

Last month I let you know that the next issue features a new zone, and I’m very excited about how it is coming together. We are also going to be making improvements to our early gameplay experience, starting with updates to some of the lower level zones. I wanted to share the specifics, however Black Pebble threatened my life if I divulged the details. That being said, we’ll have more information in the coming weeks!

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That is wonderful news. It really is.

However, it saddens me that a lot of aspects within the current state of City of Heroes clash so terribly with every new content we get.

From costumes, to new zones, to new task forces...back to costumes!

To put it bluntly, when a character leaves Praetoria to Rogue Isles or Paragon City...it's like they stepped into a completely different game. It's like they just stepped out of a modern, highly polished MMORPG into an ancient one with terrible graphics, terrible models, and highly unpolished features.

Here is an example:

Does Paragon Studios have any plans to update some of the ancient aspects of this games in terms of visuals, graphics, models, the interface and various other features that do not strictly count as "gameplay"?



Well, interesting, but need more information to really be able to comment.

Edit - Dark Astoria - as others have said, add some contacts with story arcs, allow access for villains for their own story arcs, top with a TF. Revised zone.

Considering you added a whole new low level experience with GR, I hope that low level isn't just Mercy/Atlas/Galaxy.



Sounds like revamped initial contact arcs for Atlas/Galaxy/Mercy. Sounds good to me!



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Sounds like revamped initial contact arcs for Atlas/Galaxy/Mercy. Sounds good to me!
I would be nice to see some of the architecture spruced up visually, or even a low-level villain group or two updated for Ultra mode.



Kind of an "Oh crap! It's the 31st!" feeling, there.
Not really much to discuss other than the fact that there's nothing to discuss.



I'd much rather have something like this than nothing at all. But then, i find this stuff interesting.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Sounds like revamped initial contact arcs for Atlas/Galaxy/Mercy. Sounds good to me!
Please GOD, if there is any gaming justice let it be this.

I was causing my channel-mates to duck for cover recently when I re-discovered the utter cr- I mean, the joy of low level blueside, being sent across whole zones on fedexes, turning them in, only to get sent the OTHER way for a 'Talk to Lt Wincott' mission.

I'll do it myself if I had better tools than the AE and its bugged text boxes to work with! >_<

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I don't know why you guys are so antsy about removing some of that old content. Like my friend thoughtlessly said straight to the face of the guy who made a lot of it at the PAX East Meet & Greet, it is beyond terrible.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Honestly we blow through the low level so damn quick it needs to be more interesting. Have The Hallows, Perez Park and Boomtown finally be reclaimed like Fault line was and add an interesting story there.

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Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
Honestly we blow through the low level so damn quick it needs more ambushes.
Fixed, for a possible future

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I find Villain content to be much more enjoyable, not just because the Devs obviously learned lessons since CoH launch (and its associated original-content), but also because the contacts and zones are more colorful, and have their own "personalities".

I don't see why the Devs are overly concerned with "preserving" old content. Items like the Calvin Scott Task Force is understandable, as it was a limited-time, story-driven piece of content. But revamped content like Positron's Task Force are clearly superior in terms of gameplay, storytelling and "flow". I think those kinds of revamps are bringing content more in-line with the original vision & idea behind it.

Anyway, I'm 100% for the revamping of existing content! I think there's a lot that could be done to bring more character to existing content, rather than just letting them fall by the wayside in the wake of "new" content. I'd like to see lower-level contacts revisited as you level; there's no reason you shouldn't have a career-long interaction with some of your contacts!



Bring back the Rularuu Invasion Event!



One of the drawbacks of updating existing content is that the original content is replaced. When we make these updates, we go to great lengths to avoid permanently removing things from the game.

Well then the Shadow Shard is the prefect place to revamp because...

There's so little content there that *ANY* update would *BE* new content.

(It's not like there's anything to be removed, except those god aweful TFs which need a once over with a rusty hatchet.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Insert Zombie Man's usually posted solution:

1. Take the same arc that can be given out by several contacts and limit it to just one contact so that shared mission completion can happen.

2. Take all the one-off missions that are not part of an arc and move them to a perpetual mission giver.

3. Look at the arc and cut out all streetsweeping and fedex missions. Move the doors to only two possible zones: the zone in which the contact is and the nearest hazard zone.

The end.

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I've been loving the producer's letters, but this one was really cryptic and didn't say much.

I can rewrite this pretty quickly and say about the same thing.

"Hey guys. We like to update old content sometimes in addition to make new content. Remember I17 and the new Posi task force? Remember I8 and faultline revamp? Those were good times, right?

Yup, new zone is still coming... Can't say more now, later!"

And that's about it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some neat stuff is coming, but I was sure of that before the letter too...

Not trying to hate or be mean here, just really thinking that Dev letter said very little.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by JollyRoger View Post
But revamped content like Positron's Task Force are clearly superior in terms of gameplay, storytelling and "flow". I think those kinds of revamps are bringing content more in-line with the original vision & idea behind it.[/b]
I disagree. I hate the new Posi TF with a burning passion.

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
(It's not like there's anything to be removed, except those god aweful TFs which need a once over with a rusty hatchet.)
I happen to like the Shadow Shard TFs. Well, all of them aside from Justin Augustine. I agree, they can use some love, but I still like them.

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Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
I disagree. I hate the new Posi TF with a burning passion.

I happen to like the Shadow Shard TFs. Well, all of them aside from Justin Augustine. I agree, they can use some love, but I still like them.
It sounds like you don't like well-designed and varied content!

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
It sounds like you don't like well-designed and varied content!
Or maybe you and I have different ideas what a "well designed content" is?

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
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Well I certainly don't think well designed content is kill-all after kill all. I don't think well-designed content requires 4 players only because of some arbitrary collection objective and not because of any combat difficulty. I don't think well-designed content, despite being literally the only stories in the whole dimension, takes place half the time in the other dimension you spend all your time in. I don't think well-designed content requires 2 hours minimum at the fastest. I don't think well designed-content puts the contact in the most remote place possible and then doesn't give it a Call option.

What would you say is well-designed content? I truly want to know what you see in the Shadow Shard TFs.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Well I certainly don't think well designed content is kill-all after kill all.
I like the kill alls because they're one of the very few things remaining in the game that are actually somewhat challenging without having to set the missions to +4/*8 on a solo or 2/3 man team. If the devs are giving me the tools to make my toon uber, they are, IMO, required to give me enough content to actually make me use all that mighty power on. Not just use it for "Lulz" and speed runs. And the high level game content most certainly lacks that.

I don't think well-designed content requires 4 players only because of some arbitrary collection objective and not because of any combat difficulty.
Eh, I don't like it, and I don't dislike this. I nothing it. *shrug*

I don't think well-designed content, despite being literally the only stories in the whole dimension, takes place half the time in the other dimension you spend all your time in.
That's way over exaggerating. Only few missions take place back in Paragon city, and some of them are even just Talkies.

I don't think well-designed content requires 2 hours minimum at the fastest.
I do, actually. I don't think in order for a content to be "well designed" that it must be done in absurdly quick times. Don't get me wrong, I run Speed TFs all the time. But I also like spending more than just 30 minutes on a TF, especially when I actually happen to like it.

I don't think well designed-content puts the contact in the most remote place possible and then doesn't give it a Call option.
I can't argue with that, it does annoy me.

What would you say is well-designed content? I truly want to know what you see in the Shadow Shard TFs.
I didn't say that the old Posi and the Shadow Shard TFs are "perfectly well designed amazingly awesome content". All I said is that I like them. There is a friggin' huge difference.

The main attraction of Shadow Shard TFs for me is their difficulty (That, and I think Rularuu are just so freakin' cool). Diving head first in a mob of Rularuu on your own is mostly gonna get you your *** handed to you on a plate except maybe for few selected power combos (Will Power and Elec Armor do rather well against Rularuu) Even a lot of the "high end, fine tuned" toons have problems fighting hoards of Rularuu. Nemesis aren't exactly easy either. If you're not careful they will get a few Vengeances stacked on them and pound you to mush. Plus, the rewards for those TFs are rather pretty nice.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
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Are you aware that the Shard TFs you're so fond of were (I am told by a knowledgeable fellow player whom I have reason to believe) intended to use maps and other new art assets that ended up not making it into the live game - so that, for example, rather than the same mission four times on the same map, you'd have four different maps? And that when that extra content was cut from the final release, the Shard TFs were pushed live as they are anyway? (That's why they seem so interminably long, repetitive and padded - well, that and that was the state of MMO design six years ago.)

If there's any truth to the above... IMO, finish the zone or write it off and close it.

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