Discussion: May Producers Letter




Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Are you aware that the Shard TFs you're so fond of were (I am told by a knowledgeable fellow player whom I have reason to believe) intended to use maps and other new art assets that ended up not making it into the live game - so that, for example, rather than the same mission four times on the same map, you'd have four different maps? And that when that extra content was cut from the final release, the Shard TFs were pushed live as they are anyway? (That's why they seem so interminably long, repetitive and padded - well, that and that was the state of MMO design six years ago.)

If there's any truth to the above... IMO, finish the zone or write it off and close it.

I abhor how Super Speed and Hasten look, but that doesn't stop me from taking them on almost every single toon because, to me, they happen to be the best pool power and best travel power in the game. I really dislike how most epic shields look, but also doesn't stop me from taking them because they are so damn useful. I'm very irritated we can't re-color our epic/patron powers to match our primary/secondary power set color themes, but that also doesn't stop me from taking them because they're good powers.

The day that they give us these options I'm probably going to cry out of joy. But I still make full use of all the aforementioned stuff as is.

See where I'm going?

Would be pretty cool if they added different maps and art designs for the TFs as is. Or slightly update the TFs without any major changes or overhaul to it like they did to Posi. But that doesn't stop me from liking the existing ones and having fun with them.

This is what I think. No one is forced to agree with me. Just like no one is forced to agree with any of the other opinions mentioned here. I'm just irritated at how some posters voice their opinions as if every single one of the player database shares their opinion.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



The talk about replacing old content, making it still available in Ouroboros, updating the beginning experience... Second Measure is giving us quite a bit of hints.

Primal Earth is getting a Mercy Island/Atlas Park/Galaxy City update, eh?

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Primal Earth is getting a Mercy Island/Atlas Park/Galaxy City update, eh?
I hope they decide to roll Atlas and Galaxy and Perez Park into a single zone, and update it with some nice new graphics. That would rock. Could also add a Hellions-Skulls gangwar zone event in the Perez Park section. Oh and give the Perez Park section the Hollows make-over to make it more interesting. I don't really believe this will happen but one can hope.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I hope they decide to roll Atlas and Galaxy and Perez Park into a single zone, and update it with some nice new graphics. That would rock. Could also add a Hellions-Skulls gangwar zone event in the Perez Park section. Oh and give the Perez Park section the Hollows make-over to make it more interesting. I don't really believe this will happen but one can hope.
I21 has a new zone that has a ton of content in it. Do they have the bandwidth to do something like what you've mentioned and make this new zone for one Issue? Probably not.

Not saying I wouldn't mind combining Galaxy City and Atlas Park though - what a great idea! Never thought of it after all these years.

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@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I21 has a new zone that has a ton of content in it. Do they have the bandwidth to do something like what you've mentioned and make this new zone for one Issue? Probably not.

Not saying I wouldn't mind combining Galaxy City and Atlas Park though - what a great idea! Never thought of it after all these years.
By the Load I hope not, I like Galaxy City, it's quiet, it doesn't get swamped with people during invasions, and it's kind of a huge part of my playing experience.

Nothing of much substance to the Producer's letter, sadly. Someone summed it up much better, in a more concise manner further up in the thread. It's nice that they're continuing with them, though.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I21 has a new zone that has a ton of content in it. Do they have the bandwidth to do something like what you've mentioned and make this new zone for one Issue? Probably not.

Not saying I wouldn't mind combining Galaxy City and Atlas Park though - what a great idea! Never thought of it after all these years.
The revamps will probably be in I22 and I23 rather than I21

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I hope they decide to roll Atlas and Galaxy and Perez Park into a single zone, and update it with some nice new graphics. That would rock. Could also add a Hellions-Skulls gangwar zone event in the Perez Park section. Oh and give the Perez Park section the Hollows make-over to make it more interesting. I don't really believe this will happen but one can hope.
I've suggested Atlas Park and and Galaxy City being merged for ages - having a single starting zone is better than splitting new players between two - which is why the devs only had one for CoV and GR.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've suggested Atlas Park and and Galaxy City being merged for ages - having a single starting zone is better than splitting new players between two - which is why the devs only had one for CoV and GR.
Not if you're playing on Freedom. on Freedom being able to zone into Galaxy is a blessing to esape Atlas Park.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



I'm glad that low level zones/content are going to get some attention. If this is done, Atlas Park and Galaxy City should get the Ultra Mode upgrade for buildings, roads, parks, etc; make it appealing to go there.

Not keen on the Atlas Park/Galaxy City merge. I like them seperated, so long as both Atlas and Galaxy City gets some serious attention to more NPC contacts, repeatable mishes and maybe even zone events added.

Personally, I'd like to see Perez Park, Boomtown and Dark Astoria get the primary focus. They need help, period.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've suggested Atlas Park and and Galaxy City being merged for ages - having a single starting zone is better than splitting new players between two - which is why the devs only had one for CoV and GR.
I prefer two starting zones simply so I can avoid Atlas Park.

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They could combine Atlas and Galaxy together IF they removed the AE building from Atlas as well, forcing the farmers to go to a different zone.



Atlas Park and Galaxy have unique environs and backstory to each of them that would be BETTER as separate zones than as one conglomerate mess. That's genuinely 'taking things out of the game'.

Leave them separate.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Whatever you do please don't screw over villian side like usual.

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... Can't say this wasn't expected, but it's still a tad disappointing.

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Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Would be pretty cool if they added different maps and art designs for the TFs as is. Or slightly update the TFs without any major changes or overhaul to it like they did to Posi. But that doesn't stop me from liking the existing ones and having fun with them.

This is what I think. No one is forced to agree with me. Just like no one is forced to agree with any of the other opinions mentioned here. I'm just irritated at how some posters voice their opinions as if every single one of the player database shares their opinion.
I'm on your side Wanted... our SG spent well over a month in the Shard slowly going through all of the task forces and having a ball. The roleplay was phenomenal because it was like going off to war on another planet - cut-off from our loved ones and everything else we knew or thought we knew about existence and experiencing the weirdness that is the Shadow Shard and the effect that had on our psyche (and in my case it is the cause of that character's incarnate powers).

We also did the same to the old Posi. We just treated him like any other contact and played a couple of missions a few times a week for about a month - starting at 13th and gaining like 5 or 6 levels before the end (and immediatly jumping into Synapse). There is no way I would try the current Posi's with everyone below the max level. I like the new Posi, but it isn't the same... the two serve entirely different goals. I'm glad they kept the old one in Ouroboros because both styles of TF design are valid.

I would love it if they put in a few new maps in the SS TF's and perhaps cut out 1 or 2 of the most repetitive stuff, and for the sake of all that's holy give Faathim a psychic hotline so we can call him! I'd also like it if they lowered the team requirement to either 4 or 6 (depending on the TF) so that small SG's can attempt them as an ongoing project. But if a revamp means adding insane ambushes we can't see coming or gigantic areas everyone is just going to fly over anyway, then I'm not so eager for that.

Now if they added an entirely NEW TF in the shadow shard that is the quick pick-up-group type of TF, then I'm all for that.



My QOL thoughts on the early game of CoH:

1) Please make 1st Hollows contact David Wincott a popup contact like 1st Midnighter contact Montague Constanello (or whatever his name is). I am so incredibly sick of having to run to the Hollows just to blow through a "meet me" mission.

2) Please keep Architect Studio Manager from being your "you should talk to so-and-so" reference contact when your missions run out at your level. It's ridiculous.

3) Leave Perez Park alone. In all my time playing the game, I've never had reason to complain about that zone.

4) Revamp Boomtown and Dark Astoria. Those zones are just sad. Dark Astoria in particular has great story potential.

My QOL thoughts on the early game of CoV:

A) Give a choice of 2nd contacts in Mercy Island. Kalinda shouldn't force you to take Mongoose next, nor should Burke force you to take the Doc next. You should get a choice instead.

B) Really, really don't like secret contacts, nor do I care much to explore the city on my own. I played CoV for almost a year before finding out about the ghost traps missions in the NE area of Port Oakes, where I never had any reason to go and find that out.

C) Add some "Defeat X of this villain group" missions to the missions offered by contacts, especially in Mercy Island, but elsewhere, too. One of the nice things about CoH is that by singling out villain groups, CoH allows you to familiarize yourself with your enemies and form opinions of them as distinct groups, whereas in CoV, it's more like, "Here's some spawns. Rt-click and read the text if you care what they're about."

And here's a QOL issue that applies to both sides:

PUT TASK FORCE CONTACTS ON THE MAP!!! I SO hate looking for TF contacts!

P.S.: I would actually like to see "Defeat X of this villain group" missions added to the Newspaper and Police Band missions. Maybe they could count only halfway or a third of the way toward a bank mission credit, just so they're not exploited?



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
Honestly we blow through the low level so damn quick it needs to be more interesting.
I remember back in the day, when there was always a good chance of getting a team together for a Hollows run. These days, it just seems to be a bit of a ghost town*.

I guess we're just outlevelling the early content so fast these days - that we're not hanging around in the low level zones for long enough. Heck, the other day I found myself in a corner of Atlas Park I didn't recognise - and I was only there because I was badge hunting.

So, yeah a revamp of low level content (if that's what's on the cards) would be welcome, but if we're outlevelling the early zones quickly, will we notice any changes ?

going back to my corner now..

*At least, that's what it's like whenever I go there. Perhaps everyone is just hiding when I'm there...

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The thing that bugs me about the new-style zones in CoH (I'm talking I3 and later) is how linear they are. You have to see contact 1 to get contact 2, contact 2 to get contact 3, etc, and practically everything is zone-contained. So it's not like, "Which contacts will I do now?" but instead, "Will I do this zone or not?" If you're not going to do ALL of the Hollows, then never mind the Hollows. If you're not going to do ALL of Croatoa, then never mind Croatoa. And the same goes for Striga Isle, Faultline, the Rikti Crash Site, and pretty much all the City of Villains Zones that I've seen so far.

Another thing that bugs me about CoV is that having to do 3-5 Newspaper missions before you can get a story contact sometimes means you level up past your contacts before you even get a chance to do their arcs. (Maybe this has been remedied already?) Also, the contacts are all single-story-arc -- no mission choices. I'd love to have more variety from the story contacts -- story arcs mixed with one-off content and "Defeat X" missions, just like in CoH.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Considering you added a whole new low level experience with GR, I hope that low level isn't just Mercy/Atlas/Galaxy.
I doubt it'll be Mercy/Atlas/Galaxy.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Insert Zombie Man's usually posted solution:

1. Take the same arc that can be given out by several contacts and limit it to just one contact so that shared mission completion can happen.

2. Take all the one-off missions that are not part of an arc and move them to a perpetual mission giver.

3. Look at the arc and cut out all streetsweeping and fedex missions. Move the doors to only two possible zones: the zone in which the contact is and the nearest hazard zone.

The end.
Readdress merit rewards for shortened arcs.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



For pity's sake, offer an option to ignore a contact so they don't crop up every time an NPC suggests our characters should talk to someone (the AE Studio Manager and Levantera are the worst offenders).

Also, seconding NewScrapper's request to make David Wincott a popup contact.



You do know you can talk to David Wincott and start his missions even if you aren't introduced?

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Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
You do know you can talk to David Wincott and start his missions even if you aren't introduced?
QOL problem is the opposite -- we're tired of having an early contact force us to go to the Hollows for a meet-me with Wincott if we've already decided we're not interested in doing Hollows content. (Personally, I feel the same way about the Hero Corps/Fateweaver throwaway mission. Please don't send me traipsing off to KR for no reason.) All the initial new-zone contacts like Wincott and Stephanie Peebles in Striga should be popup contacts like the 1st Midnighter contacts. That way, if we're not interested in them, we can just ignore them and go on about our day.



Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
I prefer two starting zones simply so I can avoid Atlas Park.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Atlas Park and Galaxy have unique environs and backstory to each of them that would be BETTER as separate zones than as one conglomerate mess. That's genuinely 'taking things out of the game'.

Leave them separate.
/agreed with both of these.