Discussion: May Producers Letter




Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I don't know why you guys are so antsy about removing some of that old content. Like my friend thoughtlessly said straight to the face of the guy who made a lot of it at the PAX East Meet & Greet, it is beyond terrible.
Some of the old stories have great foundations. They just massively need a face and gameplay lift. I personally am fond of the *story* behind an arc like the Terra Conspiracy (I think that's the one)--an ancient blueside DE introductory story. But the good premise gets lost when the overwhelming majority of said story is told through a dozen defeat-alls scattered across the entirety of Paragon.

Complete removal of this story would make me a little sad as it would represent an opportunity squandered. Meanwhile a proper robust action retelling of this story using the wider range of updated mission writing tools would make me happy indeed.



I absolutely agree with leaving Atlas and Galaxy as separate zones. I would much rather see a new early-level zone added to CoV. Mercy Island bores me to tears, to be honest. There's nothing to do or see there. Half the island is a hovel, and the other half is a sprawling mess of a city. It's just depressing. It's really more like a hazard zone than a city zone -- very little personality.

In fact, all of the early CoV zones are like this. I think part of this is the lack of "Defeat X" missions to make the villain groups more interesting. Look at all the Luddites and Corulax in Cap Au Diable. Who are they, and what do they want? Is there even any story content behind them, or are they just there? It's been a while -- I really need to play through the lower-level content of CoV to get my bearings -- but I've honestly never gotten a character past lvl 20 on CoV because it's just so chaotic and dull. I don't feel plugged into the story. I rather feel like I've been dumped into a world full of random spawns and contacts with fixed story-arcs that offer no variety or sense of choice. Maybe there's some intention behind it to make the CoV experience feel different from the CoH experience, or maybe I'm just not as fond of playing a Villain as I am of playing a Hero -- it could very well be me who's not a good fit for the game. But here's the thing...I really want to feel like a villain on CoV-side, and honestly, all I really feel like in each and every zone is a two-bit thug. I commit a few random crimes, rob a bank, and maybe do a story-arc or two, and then I hit a new zone and the cycle repeats -- I'm back to being a common thug again. For a "Destined One" I sure don't feel like I'm being groomed at all for any kind of significant destiny.



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
For a "Destined One" I sure don't feel like I'm being groomed at all for any kind of significant destiny.
Spoiler Warning: You're not. The "Destined One" is a lie.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Spoiler Warning: You're not. The "Destined One" is a lie.

By the way, the words "Spoiler warning" only count if you actually give the person a chance not to read what comes afterward. It also helps to be bold, in CAPS, and screaming bloody murder not to go any further if you don't want to see what's coming next.



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post

By the way, the words "Spoiler warning" only count if you actually give the person a chance not to read what comes afterward. It also helps to be bold, in CAPS, and screaming bloody murder not to go any further if you don't want to see what's coming next.
*shrug* I don't really care about spoilers.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
*shrug* I don't really care about spoilers.
What's funny is I just mentioned this to a friend, and he says, "You're chatting with villains. Do you actually expect them to follow 'Miss Manners' etiquette?"



First, thanks very much for committing to these monthly updates, they are a big deal keeping us informed about what is going on in CoX. And also I'd like to say that I greatly appreciate all the content that's been added within the last few years. The new(ish) Paragon Studio's team has been doing a bang up job overall with all the new content.

Some specific thoughts on you Producer's Letter:

1. I can sure see updates to content in Atlas Park & Galaxy City. Mercy, not so much, it's actually decent.

2. However, the mechanic villain side that requires us to do some number of newspaper missions before we actually get a contact in each zone is pretty much just grind. Can these be removed, as a requirement? Perhaps brokers could be merged with Tip missions somehow, to make the brokers more interesting. Of course, please keep the mayhem missions.

3. Missions in St. Martial desperately need updating, much more than Mercy, imo. Vivacious Verandi's arc, Chaos Unbound, I just happened to do at random via Flashback, and it was probably the worst I've experienced. I'd nominate that as needing a good revamp.

4. In general, mid level villain content seems like filler. Stuff just cranked out to provide something to grind, with little thought into the stories or how repetative they'd seem to players. See #3 above. I'd look at some of this higher level content redside before Mercy, personally.

OK, thanks for keeping us in the loop! Take care devs.



I would love to see Boomtown get the upgrade that we see in the villain morality mission Rich People are Dumb. Just a way to show that Paragon City is actually trying to get all parts of the city back to being "civilized".

I'd love to see Skyway City be changed to look like it does at the end of Admiral Sutter's TF. I like the idea of things that happen in a TF have effect on the city.

I think that Dark Astoria is ripe for a series of contacts a la Striga/Faultline/Croatoa. A TF at the end, where we can reclaim Astoria from the Banished Pantheon, would be great. Perhaps those with the TF badge/souvenir could have the fog turned off in DA, to show that they've cleared it?

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
1. I can sure see updates to content in Atlas Park & Galaxy City. Mercy, not so much, it's actually decent.
That's so weird...you and I are of the exact opposite opinion. Atlas and Galaxy contain so much content compared to Mercy it's not funny. Depending on your origin and whether you pick Atlas or Galaxy, you've effectively got 10 "story-arcs" to choose from, whereas in Mercy you have only 2. If anything, I would give Mercy more content to make the beginning-game more interesting, because right now it's between "this done-to-death arc" and "that done-to-death arc", whereas in Atlas and Galaxy I'm always asking myself, "Hmm...what to play this time...so many options...."

2. However, the mechanic villain side that requires us to do some number of newspaper missions before we actually get a contact in each zone is pretty much just grind.
Agreed, plus it sometimes results in our outlevelling the contact to whom we're finally sent, which is frustrating as heck. And when the 3-mission requirement becomes a 5-mission requirement later on...OMG, how dull. On hero-side 3-mission and 5-mission seems right because, let's face it, if you're doing these one-offs you're usually just grinding, anyway, or trying for the low-lev travel power. But on the villain side, these are the missions you have to do to get your contact stream going. Why not pare the number of missions required on villain-side to 1 in the early game and 2 in the later game? That keeps the requirement and "villain making his bones" feel of the game intact but pares down the grinding.



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
If anything, I would give Mercy more content to make the beginning-game more interesting, because right now it's between "this done-to-death arc" and "that done-to-death arc"
Agreed. Mercy needs various paths for new villains to progress through, primarily for variety. I love the concept behind Mercy Island: a "proving ground" for the newly-arrived villains in the Rogue Isles. The visuals of the island are very fitting! You're dropped off in the run-down, forgotten "wastes" of the island, and expected to survive long enough to make it to Mercy proper. Still, the island itself is much larger than the current content demands, and it would be nice to have several more "branches" of content there.

Also, as I've mentioned, I'd like to see older contacts "revisited" with new missions for later levels. We've seen this with the City Hall Representative and Kalinda (for cape & aura missions at later levels). I'd like to see the uniqueness of contacts played up more! The Vincent Ross arc was one of the best ones I've played in a long time, for exactly that reason! You get to choose a "secondary" contact to work with, which affects how the story works out and adds additional flavor. Brilliant!



I think it's possible they might use some of the revamped content to bring the older stuff into line with the post-GR game world - like adding some Praetorian enemies, and dropping a few hints about the Well and Incarnates, so the meta-story flows more smoothly from 1 through 50.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's possible they might use some of the revamped content to bring the older stuff into line with the post-GR game world - like adding some Praetorian enemies, and dropping a few hints about the Well and Incarnates, so the meta-story flows more smoothly from 1 through 50.
Awwwwwwwwwww......... Hell naw! The PPD/TEST and Clockwork are NOT and invasion force, or even a covert ops force. They're a Police Force and armed janitors respectively.
And don't you dare suggest making level ones fight the IDF, just because you don't remember how tough it can be to play a lowbie doesn't mean everyone else has. IDF are mean in groups and would chew lowbies apart.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'll be extremely happy if all the "run to this zone to meet a contact, who will tell you to run to this zone to meet a contact, who will give you a mission" missions are fixed.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Awwwwwwwwwww......... Hell naw! The PPD/TEST and Clockwork are NOT and invasion force, or even a covert ops force. They're a Police Force and armed janitors respectively.
And don't you dare suggest making level ones fight the IDF, just because you don't remember how tough it can be to play a lowbie doesn't mean everyone else has. IDF are mean in groups and would chew lowbies apart.
Yes, I'd be impossible for the devs to create low level IDF scouts to be sent to Primal Earth to spy on us and steal info and tech

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork