1623 -
Also, es war toll, euch alle kennenzulernen! Danke für alles und passt auf euch auf! Hasta la vista baby!
This is it! As I'm about to switch my computer off for the last time, I wanted to give you all a big hug and wish you all the best once again! Ta ta!
C'est la fin de la journée et je m’apprête à éteindre mon ordinateur pour la dernière fois. Quelle tragédienne cette Avatea ! Merci encore à tous et à bientôt peut-être pour de nouvelles aventures !
The official City of Heroes Freedom forums will be down for a publish between 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time (1:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 6:30 p.m. GMT / 19:30 CET) and 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time (5:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:30 p.m. GMT / 23:30 CET) on Friday, December 16th, 2011.
We will keep you posted on our Facebook and Twitter page if there is any status update during the forum downtime.
It's the one this time people! -
The Guardian Powers #02
Following the announcement at the end of Issue #1, DA Alex Wentworth seeks to shut down Alice Banks’ witch-hunt before it can start. Kent Poderes sets up the next phase of the unofficial group. Captain Paragonna has an encounter connected to her days as Lady Templar. And Tainted Eve’s much-promised operative arrives in Paragon City, and that spells doom for Galatea Powers.
Special appearances by in-game characters Maurice Feldon and The Lady Grey.
For more information about this comic series, as well as take part in the latest online poll, please visit the official website: GuardiansOfTheDawn.wordpress.com
And we here at "The Guardian Powers" also say thank you and wish Avatea well in her new venture. We have come to appreciate her support for fan-made comics, as well as her words of encouragement. -
Result! Thanks for the confirmation!
Alright, Union, give us your best shot! And by that I mean try and copy characters over, it *should* be fixed now!
It is possible that too many requests were being processed at the same time when you first tried to do it. For me it took about an hour, I'm not sure if this is consistent at this point. Glad it went through the second time!
Sadly I cannot say I fixed it myself. Besides it won't be genuinely fixed until Union is included!! I've reported the issue and our web development team responsible for the forums are already looking into it.
The Character Copy Tool has resurected but we do need to make sure that it is back for good now!
Could you give it a try and let us know whether you've been able to or not?
If you're having issues with it, please let us know what server you tried to copy from and what the destination was (Test Server or Beta Server).
Please note, it does take a while longer than it used to!
Thank you for your patience all! -
Merci à tous, et allez-y molo avec 7deCoeur hein
Hallo zusammen,
Es passiert nicht so oft, wenn ich eine solche Nachricht schreiben muss. Viele unter euch können die englische Version meiner Aufwiedersehen-Nachricht hier lesen, aber ich wollte nur eine kleine Nachricht besonders für euch posten.
Ich habe meine erste Schurkin nach Stufe 50 auf Zukunft gelevelt und viele gute Erinnerungen auf Zukunft gesammelt. Allerdings hat Zukunft einen speziellen Platz in meinem Herzen.
Ganz einfach wünsche ich euch viel Spass ins Spiel und in eurem Leben. Frohe Weinachten und einen guten Rutsch!
Macht gut!
Avatea -
There is so much I have to thank all of you for, but I'm afraid even my post would get all teary-eyed (sorry if you watched Ustream!). Thank you for all your kind words, this community rocks!
Certains d'entre vous liront certainement la version anglaise de mon message d'adieu où je vous annonce que je m'en irai ce vendredi. Je serai brève dans mon message à votre attention.
Ces 6 années et demi n'ont pas toutes été une franche rigolade, nous avons eu nos moments difficiles, mais malgré tout j'ai toujours eu un chouillat d'affection en plus pour vous. Ça doit être le tempérament franchouillard et votre franc parler qui me manquent ^^
Merci à tous pour ces années de folie. En jeu, personne ne s'est jamais douté de qui j'étais lorsque je jouais incognito mais j'ai passé de superbes moments sur Vigilance. En personne, aux quelques IRLs et conventions auxquelles j'ai pu participer, j'ai pu faire la rencontre de gens passionnés et certains sont devenus mes amis !
Merci encore à vous. On ne mentionne jamais assez la gentillesse des joueurs français et j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir en bénéficier tout au long de mes années parmi vous.
Bonne continuation à vous et à bientôt peut être (si vous venez en Chine)
Avatea -
Cowboys ride their horses casually into the sunset so I thought I'd do the opposite. I'll fly conqueringly into the rising sun instead, but not on my hoverboard, I'm not Marty (get that Freitag?)! My husband and I are indeed moving to China where new adventures and new challenges await, like accessing the Internet I'm used to for instance, that'll be fun!
For almost 7 years now I've had the immense honour and pleasure to play AND work on my one most favouritest MMO of all time (I'm making my very own Grammar policing instincts cringe with horror right now but the superlative is worth it).
I've been able to live on two different continents thanks to that very game and meet many amazing people from all walks of life and from all over the world.
It still strikes me as odd when I see how some people still disparage the role of games in our modern society. While I understand the dangers, I have seen first-hand what effect our game has had on a lot of people, not to mention myself! Games like ours bring people together. Games like ours foster the type of communities where people would know and befriend their neighbours. You may not always see eye to eye with them but they're your friends all the same. And I have made friends for life thanks to our game
I don't know how often I'll be able to access my newly created Titan Weapons droid or my Street Justice bandit or any of my now retired characters from China but I will definitely be logging in from time to time to see the amazing things the team is working on come to fruition! What with Dark Astoria, one of my favourite areas, getting spookier and increasingly more captivating story arcs (I read the mission texts, I do!) that our talented designers conjure out of thin air for us.
Thank you to all of you whom I've crossed path with during the past 7 years. Thank you for treating me as one of you on my personal characters (you couldn't know it was me but still) and thank you for treating me with respect on my Avatea.
Zai jian!
P.S.: I'm not actually leaving today but Zwillinger forced me, he forced me to post it today so he had a reason to get me on Ustream, woe is me -
Being able to sip a cup of tea by the blazing fire pit in the Ski chalet or zooming down the ski slopes at dizzying speed are a sure sign that the Winter Event has started!
The Winter Event is indeed back until 7:00 a.m. PST (10:00 a.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. GMT / 16:00 CET) on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012 and will allow you to get your fill of holiday cheer with presents and snowmen galore!
If that's not enough, a couple of new additions will do the trick! Instant Snowstorm will summon a harmless snowstorm that will follow you for a spell, while Duplicating Gift will perpetuate the gift giving tradition... as long as the person you use this power on uses it on someone else and so on and so forth, so keep passing it on!
For more details on the Winter Event 2011, check out our Events section later today!
For some serious wintry fun, though, jump in game now!
Join in the Community discussion now! -
Being able to sip a cup of tea by the blazing fire pit in the Ski chalet or zooming down the ski slopes at dizzying speed are a sure sign that the Winter Event has started!
The Winter Event is indeed back until 7:00 a.m. PST (10:00 a.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. GMT / 16:00 CET) on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012 and will allow you to get your fill of holiday cheer with presents and snowmen galore!
If that's not enough, a couple of new additions will do the trick! Instant Snowstorm will summon a harmless snowstorm that will follow you for a spell, while Duplicating Gift will perpetuate the gift giving tradition... as long as the person you use this power on uses it on someone else and so on and so forth, so keep passing it on!
For more details on the Winter Event 2011, check out our Events section later today!
For some serious wintry fun, though, jump in game now! -
Congratulations and welcome to MiniTurg!
The official City of Heroes Freedom forums will be down to address a number of issues between 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time (1:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 6:30 p.m. GMT / 19:30 CET) and 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time (5:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:30 p.m. GMT / 23:30 CET) on Tuesday, December 13th, 2011.
We will keep you posted on our Facebook and Twitter page if there is any status update during the forum downtime.
Thank you for your patience! -
Quote:Love that scene! That's actually the first thing I think about when I think of Troll 2. Somebody give Chad a Brownie point for knowing his movies-that-are-so-bad-they're-good!"They're making him watch Troll 2... and then they're gonna make me. Oh my gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwd."
Empire records! -
KK Comics Continues!
Countdown to Gawd Complex Cross Title Story arc continues.
Rona LIVE! Season 2, Episode 2
Countdown to Gawd Complex - 7
Blast Lord goes gets the info to Rona,
Only for Rona to get 'real' with him.
Special Guest, Blast Lord from the FREEDOM Server
Don't forget the last issue also, to keep up on the story.
Krushing on the Kitten #3
Countdown to Gawd Complex - 8
Krusher Kitten joins a new ally, Blast Lord,
to gather information from Zombies.
Special Guest, Blast Lord from the FREEDOM Server
More to come very soon!!!!!!!
See these issues, and all our past issues at......
Home of the Evil Malibu Barbie Series
Thanks to all,
TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten -
I haven't seen anybody mention Troll 2...so disappoint!
Congratulations to all! I still can't get over the fact that I haven't been able to create the costumes some of the finalists are wearing. Thankfully I didn't have to pick the overall winners, that would have been too difficult!
Issue 21 Special Update: Media Blitz is live with not one but two Incarnate Trials for you to pit your favorite hero/villain/rogue/vigilante/Praetorian against increasingly more Machiavellian foes!
In the first Incarnate Trial, you will have to fight your way into the TPN Campus complex in the heart of Imperial City, in order to broadcast the truth about Emperor Cole to the citizenry and gain their support against him. Cole, for his part, sees an opportunity of his own, and sends his elite IDF and DUST forces to TPN, under the leadership of Maelstrom!
After the successful broadcast at TPN Campus, however, the people of Praetoria become more loyal to Cole than ever before. Then, members of the Resistance begin turning to support Cole. Soon, nearly all of Praetoria is enthralled in support of Cole, leaving you and a small band of those resistant to the control to investigate the problem. When it is eventually discovered that Mother Mayhem has perfected Mindwashing and is using powerful psychics to project it upon the entire world, you resolve to stop her in the second Incarnate Trial available now!
Head on over to the Issue 21 Overview section for more detailed guides to the TPN Campus and the Minds of Mayhem Incarnate Trials!
Join in the Community discussion now! -
Issue 21 Special Update: Media Blitz is live with not one but two Incarnate Trials for you to pit your favorite hero/villain/rogue/vigilante/Praetorian against increasingly more Machiavellian foes!
In the first Incarnate Trial, you will have to fight your way into the TPN Campus complex in the heart of Imperial City, in order to broadcast the truth about Emperor Cole to the citizenry and gain their support against him. Cole, for his part, sees an opportunity of his own, and sends his elite IDF and DUST forces to TPN, under the leadership of Maelstrom!
After the successful broadcast at TPN Campus, however, the people of Praetoria become more loyal to Cole than ever before. Then, members of the Resistance begin turning to support Cole. Soon, nearly all of Praetoria is enthralled in support of Cole, leaving you and a small band of those resistant to the control to investigate the problem. When it is eventually discovered that Mother Mayhem has perfected Mindwashing and is using powerful psychics to project it upon the entire world, you resolve to stop her in the second Incarnate Trial available now!
Head on over to the Issue 21 Overview section for more detailed guides to the TPN Campus and the Minds of Mayhem Incarnate Trials!