708 -
Thanks for everything, Arcanaville! I've not played COH in quite some time (had our SG sendoff on Sunday), but the quality of people on the forums here has always endeared me to the game. Thanks for all the help, the great attitude, and more ^_^
If you're ever on Maui, let me know! Guri Guri is good, but my friends swear by Ulu Lanis now
http://ululanisshaveice.com/ -
Well, if anything does manage to come up, I hope the devs can find ways to let us show our desire/involvement! Certainly, I've given up on boycotts as a means of showing displeasure, but thanks to Kickstarter and other things, I found I'm more than happy to engage in BUYcotts (ie, you buy something to show support).
I've been a customer of NCSoft since 2005, and have been pretty happy overall! Yes, and I played Tabula Rasa, Exteel, and Dungeon Runners, which were all shut down. But, I've played other games as well, both from NCSoft (Aion, Lineage II, Guild Wars) and games from other companies as well as other platforms (web, smartphones, consoles). Its NOT a zero-sum equation - there doesn't have to be a winner and a loser.
So, I've been signing the petitions, will send my letters, and if there's somewhere useful I can throw money, I'll do that too. As a player since i4 with most every booster they came out with prior to Freedom, many of the games (COH, COV CE, Architect Edition, Going Rogue), etc., I'd be happy to contribute a bit more. And, I'd be willing to /lose/ a few perks to make sure any new business plans are more viable (sorry, but in retrospect I think Paragon Rewards gave away too much for free on the top, but was too restrictive on the bottom). -
Wonderful! Great news! And we'll do our part to report spammers as soon as they show their pointy little heads...
*imagining spammers looking like Redcaps* -
Wow, island girl, we're going to miss you here! You're totally loved (if it isn't obvious already), and the forums will be a bit less bright with you gone
I hope while you're flying over the great blue Pacific you look down on our humble island chain and wave, knowing I'm pretty darn jealous! I've never been to China before, and you'll be so close to Japan (one of my favorite places on Earth) that I could cry
In short; congratulations on this wonderful opportunity. I'm sure its a big move (not your first), but must be sooo exciting!
Just to give you another idea of how awesome the COH community is: on my regular gaming forum your leaving is already a topic of discussion in our COH thread, and one of my friends gave me a 30-day timecard just so I could say goodbye since I was just a Premium player for the past few months.
Thank you for helping nurture our French and English communities here on the boards, making a big world a little more friendly. Thank you for all your humor and well mannered posts (even when we're flamish). Thank you for responding to questions and PM's, and generally being so great and helpful here on the boards. COH's official boards really do stand high above the other official boards I've seen and participated on, even at its relative worst. At its best? No contest ^_^
Ia orana no te noere!
Ia orana i te matahiti api!
Mauururu maita'i!
Much love and aloha! God bless! Or, as might be said here, "a hui hou!"
~Sam, aka Psyte
Maui, Hawai'i, your neighbor in the Pacific -
And one quick note: recipe storage is better, for me, than enhancement storage because in order to use the enhancement storage I've got to make the recipe into its IO form. That might well require more resources than I have convenient. Also, that doesn't help me during a mission. Filling up on recipes means every defeated enemy from there until I clear'em out (deleting, storing, whatever) is a lost opportunity for recipe drop. As such, yeah, having more capacity is more useful. I don't care if I miss a TO/DO/SO drop.
YMMV and all that. -
I'm happy with the market and prices. It seems to me that the higher priced items are more likely to be niche products and single-time, account-level purchases. I'm certainly not enough of a costume hound to really want more than 5 slots, nevermind all 10. While I bought the Science pack I've used the Super Tailor all of once. Additional enhancement storage - why would I need that (personally speaking, its utility has been well described)? Powersets? Got one, but aside from Beam Rifle? I'll pass on the melee sets, thanks.
I think Paragon really hit on specific niches with their higher priced items, and are charging accordingly. Figure in the VIP stipend (which is practically a discount for those items) and it seems okay to me. My only hope is they have cross-game items; costumes and weapons from Aion, Guild Wars, Wildstar, etc., for promotional uses and other fun ^_^ -
now I'm wondering what COH: Family Guy would be like. "All hail Emperor Quagmire! Giggity!"
Arg... why am I doing this...
Can we at least agree on the current Cole is at least more interesting than the old Cole from the Jenkin's arc? When I read/look at his character, yes, evil, bad, don't want him babysitting the kids, but more than that he's a tremendous loss in terms of what he could've been*. Hence I would really, really love a good novel (series) based on his journey from plain ol' Cole to Emperor Cole, because I think it would be rather fascinating. Especially if it released along with a novel following the exploits of Primal Cole/Statesman.
And to me he's FAR more interesting than Recluse. Right now the only character who would surpass him as a topic of writing, for me, would be Nemesis, but since Frank Herbert is dead, I'm not sure who I'd want to see write him!
*I won't say "should've been," because how do we know we have the best possible version of Cole? Lotta universes/dimensions and possibilities out there, you know? The "best" Cole might not even have had powers, but still have done great and amazing things. Or opened up an ice cream truck. I like ice cream. -
Quote:*snerk*That they award empyrean merits.
If Prometheus appeared in Talos and said:
"Behold. These creatures contain a small portion of power from the Well of the Furies. Defeating them will grant all who aid in their destruction an Empyrean Merit."
I'd bet the Hamidon seeds would flee Primal Earth so fast they'd leave skid marks.
I so want to buy you a musubi right now. Or something from Zippy's. Malasada?
/Psyte tries luring a wild Nakayama -
Quote:Why am I thinking of Duncan Idaho...?It's one of the unwritten rules of being an evil overlord not to kill off your able assistants it doesn't engender loyalty nor does it do your ongoing training programs any good.
Cole has the benefit of resurrecting his underlings so he has the best of both worlds. He can kill off people who annoy him but also keep them alive so they can learn from their mistakes. -
Nice read, really makes me want more novels. And thanks for the interesting lore bits that've been brought up - for some reason I thought the Battalion died off when Jack left (weren't they originally supposed to be some enemy group so powerful that heroes and villains were going to have to team up, pre-dating IO's and the announcement of the Invention System by a few issues?)
/not getting involved in the boring, bi-polar dead-horse discussion other than to sigh at how boring it is -
Just a REALLY random question that popped up in my head.
Maybe you're between missions in a PUG. Perhaps someone on the TF had to run out to see what the dog is barking at or get a phone call. Whatever. But real life usually provides a few breaks here and there between beating up Hellions, you know?
Does anyone exercise during this time? And if so, what works for you?
If its not obvious, I'm looking for quick ideas. As much as I enjoy beating up the Cimerorans, I wouldn't mind having their builds instead of my current one -
I'm actually quite thrilled that content will no longer to tied to issues for release. The Signature Arcs are just what the doctor ordered, and seeing the creative teams unbound from issues for new stories, costume bits, powers(!), etc., is quite thrilling to me. I also hope that this will see a substantial acceleration of new content of all types being released when compared to the old issue/subscription model.
That being said, I certainly look forward to issues still, since those should now be freed up for more ambitious projects -
I thought the GR head start was to spread out the demand of updating and all that, getting the existing players first, new players after launch. No?
To all of you who are about to test this, I salute you. After 5+ years of online gaming I think I've had my fill of beta-besting and all that it brings; bugs, things that get changed repeatedly, keeping up with forum notes to know what's actually going on, spoiling the story for myself, etc. It could be a lot of fun, and I still have fond memories of testing past issues, COV, etc. But, no more for me @_@
Quote:Just my two inf? The further the divorce between performance and appearance the happier I am. That other game ties the two together a bit to closely as I recall. Granted, its fine with their system, but its less in tune with how I see COH's system being.Not saying it's impossible, but we'd want to do a new take on it of course.
If the existing travel powers got alternate animations/FX of their own? I'd be quite fine with that. -
My girlfriend's son has a Dell Inspiron 530s - she bought it for him a few years ago and its served him well. When Freedom comes out, I'd like to play COH with him - we've talked about the game (he plays WOW) and he seems pretty excited by City, which is good. However, its a very, very humble machine...
Intel Celeron 450 @ 2.2ghz
2g RAM
Vista 32-bit
Intel integrated graphics
250w power supply
Obviously, this won't be a barn burner by any stretch of the imagination. Can this play COH? I think its relatively okay for low resolutions and details once I take the Intel integrated garbage out of the picture. As such, I'm looking for a nice, but inexpensive, video card for it. No preference on Nvidia or AMD here. I'm aware the CPU will be a bottleneck -
Meh on the Cammy display. Vanessa (KOF) would be awesome, though
Thanks for the pos! -
Out of Sync or Sync Shift - by altering an enemy's perceptions, you mess up their reaction to events, resulting in an accuracy debuff and/or defense debuff.
Not until I know how it plays. No sense rerolling if I don't like it.
Quote:With COV you were getting a stand-alone game (well, an "expanshalone"), but it also expanded COH a little too (bases). It was still a chunk of content that was unavailable if you didn't buy it for quite some time.My personal take on the "paying" for new powersets is this. As a "VIP" customer maybe they should be allowed early access to them, similar as to what happened with dual pistols and demon summoning prior to GR? The examples given about "buying" powersets in relation to CoV and GR is moot. You were not just buying powersets, you were effectively buying a whole new game to add on to what you had that included new powersets for AT's or new AT's in CoV's case. Maybe even a discount on the cost of the new powersets could be implemented. That would also give another incentive for free/premium players to become VIP players as there would be a discount on powersets if they were VIP.
Just a thought.
GR was not stand alone, though. I'm sure there've been arguments made that it should've been part of our subscriptions, too. Only folks who pre-bought it directly from NCSoft (expansion only, so no booster pack, no extra month) got access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning early, so arguably we list out on $15 worth of stuff to play with then early.
It GR was released piecemeal after Freedom, I'd say players would be able to choose what they wanted from it or buy it bundled. Certainly, Electric Control and Demon Summoning were two things I would not have bought if given the option... Bundles are good, but so is ala carte. -
Just so I'm clear, are these the current possibilities?
• New powersets are free with subscription for VIP usage, paid for Free and Premium
• New powersets are "free" with subscription stipend (400pp)
• New powersets are subsidized with subscription stipend (400pp+)
• New powersets also purchasable as a Veterans reward in addition to one of the above, similar to Controllers and Masterminds for Free/Premium players
Am I missing any others? -
As for RMT jerks? Earning inf is a time-sink, and RMT was prohibited before Inventions. It cuts short in-game time sinks (time vs reward), but also generates stolen accounts and credit card fraud. Credit card companies can and do fine companies that regularly have disputed claims, fraud, etc, and its not cheap (can be in the millions over time).