The polite way to make room on your PuG for an SG mate
"Is everyone staying after this mission?" or even "I have an SG mate that wants in, is anyone leaving soon?"
These messages convey your intent to have someone new join the team. But if everyone wants to stay, guess what ... you need to deal with the team as is or quit your team and form a new one with your SG buddy. The rude ways to make room on your PuG: *kicking the non-SG PuGger without warning *asking/targeting a non-SG PuGger to leave to make room |
Or is this something you're telling us to tell us?
If it helps any, when I have a full team of PuG and a SG member wants in, I just tell them to wait.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Sadly, the general population of CoX isn't much different than the general population.
If it helps any, when I have a full team of PuG and a SG member wants in, I just tell them to wait.
Either they're children or they have that mentality.
Frankly, people in PUGs leave quite often enough in even an hours' sitting. So the only "polite" way to go about it is just wait for that room to open up.
"Is everyone staying after this mission?" or even "I have an SG mate that wants in, is anyone leaving soon?"
These messages convey your intent to have someone new join the team. But if everyone wants to stay, guess what ... you need to deal with the team as is or quit your team and form a new one with your SG buddy. The rude ways to make room on your PuG: *kicking the non-SG PuGger without warning *asking/targeting a non-SG PuGger to leave to make room |
Sadly part of the problem is you are asking for politeness in a game where, in many cases, rudeness is more the norm. I have responded to posts in globals advertsing for a particular Task force or trial i wanted for my character and the leader said sure he'd save me a spot (since I was on a villain and he was a hero.. ITF in case you wondered). I ouro portaled to cap, flew to the midnighter club, zoned into Cimerora and sent another tell letting him know I was in zone.. Now I did all that as quickly as possible so i didn't make the team wait a long time.. but when i finally arrived in zone I was informed "Oh we filled"
Now I have formed teams of my own and understand that a leader can be dealing with a pile of tells depending on the Tf and the time of day but if you promised someone a spot on a team the PLOLITE thing to do is not turn right around and give it away.. At the very least that leader could have had the decency to send a tell back saying "Sorry we over recruited, or whatever, and the team is full" I was IN a solo mission when that opportunity arose... I quit the mission, and zoned like 3 times to get there only to be turned away. If he'd have gotten back to me at least maybe I wouldn't have had as long a trip back to where I started.
Fortunately the vast majority of the community isn't like that but the sad fact is your post will fall on deaf ears to the those that NEED the education. There are good players out there leading.. I have seen I Trials where in the confusion 1 too many players got invited and the leader did ask if anyone was willing to leave.. if not he made it clear that a last in/first out policy would apply.. so the last person invited would be the one to go. on more than one occasion someone else stepped up and said they coud wait or had other things they could do and wished us well before quitting.
If you had a bad experience recently I hope things go better for you. Its unfortunate but it does happen.. just forget about it and move on chances are the next team will be better anyway.. face it if the leader is an impolite jerk forming the team, a time where you'd think being NICE would be to his advantage, what will he be like once you start running missions.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Hinting at wanting someone to leave just because you have a friend who wants to join is rude in it's own way. If you want to team up with your SG friend so badly that you feel the need to ruin someone else's enjoyment by denying them continued involvement in that team, you should probably quit that team and start a new one.
Personally I have half a mind to kick anyone who says anything similar to, "kick someone so my friend can join." but that is rude, too. And I rarely, if ever, lead teams :P
Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender
If Im taking the incentive to make a team I'm going to kick who I want. If you dont like that, make your own teams. Of course Im generally pretty nice about it. I say 'Hey, youre the last to join and I have a friend that wants in, sorry' then I boot.
I'm not for being rude for no reason, but I've no obligation to you to keep your spot on my team when I have friends waiting to play with me. We're friends for a reason.
Now not saying a spot on a TF after they say they would? Thats sheer dickery, and should not be tolerated.
I very seldom lead teams, and if I am leading I'm already doing so with friends from The Cape. My own thoughts on this topic though are that if the team leader has a friend/SGmate who wants to join and you're full, the leader should politely ask the team if someone wouldn't mind making room for their friend.
Polite - "Hey, I've got a friend who wants a spot on my team. Is someone planning to leave soon, or would someone mind dropping?"
Impolite - "Someone drop so my friend can join"
Rude - *kick bottom person on list without warning or explanation*

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers
"Is everyone staying after this mission?" or even "I have an SG mate that wants in, is anyone leaving soon?"
These messages convey your intent to have someone new join the team. But if everyone wants to stay, guess what ... you need to deal with the team as is or quit your team and form a new one with your SG buddy.
The rude ways to make room on your PuG:
*kicking the non-SG PuGger without warning
*asking/targeting a non-SG PuGger to leave to make room