What Stereotype do you play?
just to name a few....
Cien fuegos ( namesake) is a Science accident i based on firestorm with out duo personality
Arthurian is a black Knight (mavel)
Twin pistols is jonah hex (DC)
Commander powers is a captain atom (DC)
Arrowe is based on green arrow (DC)
The Grey is the question (DC)
Jai and toxic are loosely based on Dr who
I steal from everybody....
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Non-spandex/patriotic. The closest I have is a misinformed spandex wearing djinn who was inadvertently freed from her vessel when all the demon summoning spells leaked into the magical community. She thinks spandex is the current normal human fasion...
The second closest to the spandex/patriotic hero I have is a retired MI-5 operative/nictus who, due to circumstances beyond either of their control, were forced to merged to save both of their arses.
Most of my toons are simply indviduals doing the 'hero' thing due to circumstance. Shaw is the prototypical wandering monk/martial artist with a bit of a magical twist. Urth is an incarnated aspect of the Norn of Yesterday. Marigold is the only surviving daughter of a brilliant cyberneticist and decided to wear the power armor he designed before his death as a tribute to him.
Heck, I even have sorority girl wielding an unknown Masamune gifted to her family by the swordsmith himself. She's a bouncer at the Tavern on the Edge. Not sure if thats exactly heroic...
To be honest, I try to make the characters I play the most fairly unique, but I suppose they can still be loosely classified like this. Lemme give it a shot.
My character Blaze Charge'd be the drunk, charming guy that picks up chicks.
Robot Ninja'd be the quiet, sage-like mentor-of-sorts.
Golden Explosion's the typical big shot, boy scout hero that's very proud of what he does.
Lord Valor's the old man that's dedicated to what he does and loves telling stories of past exploits.
Tae Kwon Jones would be your typical Bruce Lee-era martial artist, heavily inspired by Jim Kelly.
And that's pretty much it for my most RPed characters.
I tend to play the monster. The anti social, brooding, hostile and almost feral monster.
Because humans suck.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Yes? Uh, lets see,
- the naive, spunky kid with way too much power
- the gruff tactless vet with a hidden caring heart
- the 4 color justice and honor
- the being chased, helping others on the way through
- the costumed secret ID prowler of the night
- the bounty hunter
- the accidental hero
- the arcane protector
- the secretly a good guy on the bad guy's payroll
- the condescending mutant supremacist
- the hidden heritage, looking for answers/biological family
- the old hand mercenary
- the sexy double life thief
- the order through any means necessary
I have no idea how the hell to even classify Roxy so not even going to try, but that covers the rest I think.
Large breasted, scantily clad, psychopaths.
I am not well in the head.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
There was this Champions book (the PnP RPG) that came out several years ago, called Strikeforce, that categorized different types of role players in the game. I have a love for tragedy, which shows in my heroes (to be fair its prevalent in the source material as well). Following that guide, I submit that most of my characters are tragedian/romantics. I love the overcoming some tragedy in their backgrounds, and well romantic was someone who likes relationships. These do not have to always be romantic ones, but friendships as well.
Taboo, captured by CoT, which caused her latent magical abilities to come forth.
Icicle, underwent the typical mutant hysteria and have pure white skin.
Ms America, father died and inspired her to become a symbol (a little cross between Batman and Cap America)
Death Shrieker, villain, murder victim who came back as a spirit of vengance.
Seer Taboo, Praetorian counterpart to my main. She was tortured by Praetor Tilman and forced into the Seer program.
Lady Praetoria, Praetorian counterpart to Ms America, also lost her father but was duped into being a symbol of the regime.
Its funny I didn't really see the pattern at first myself, but a good friend pointed it out for me.
Taboo, Seer Taboo and Death Shrieker can all be found of VitrueVerse as well.
Without realizing this until years later, nearly every single one of my characters is without a family, orphaned early on or much later. This is whether it was a genetic family, adopted or any peer structure.
Some of their stories are sad, some are light-hearted, some are just obscure footnotes.
- Annie and Silk were both seperated from their family at the same age in very different ways. Annie escaped from bungling childrens-organ harvesters in Mercy and chooses to stay alone in the Isles despite still having parents to call because of the wild adventures and strange people (Peter Pan syndrome). Silk's nomadic seafaring tribe was murdered by a group of marauding pirates and cannot return home (Penzance).
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42089
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34348
- Una and Aranita had no family but were forever seperated from their peers/siblings.
Una was written into a personal lore where there is a seperation in gender (personal identity and physical attributes) for angelic beings. Her brothers were the Watchers who "saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them.(Genesis)" They assumed the identity of Olympian gods and forged a new religion. Una, my dragonian seraphim, was forever seperated from them in spirit when awakening beneath a carving on a cave in Carthage reading, "Bloody the borne who break with your brothers." A political trap laid by her brother who masqueraded as a god named Eros keeps her from any reunion from the few reformed Watchers all these years later.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34267
As for Aranita Torralva, she seperated from her combat unit which was the closest she had to a family. Having been selected for the grafting operation to become a Tarantula, her would be Queen maimed Torralva in a rage that was part competitive jealousy and in part a show of dominenance to the younger recruits.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41970
- Anthem and Vamp are mentally blocked from their families.
Anthem became delusional when her brother passed away. I'm pretty sure she has no concept of who her family is. She's forever locked in a tunnel-vision daydream of being a larger than life celebrity super-heroine.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34344
Vamp is an amnesiac. Once a bright-eyed 'up and coming' investigative journalist, she now lives a life in Arachnos ranks - some of the very people she would investigate. She's ever grateful they took her while she struggles to remember who she once was.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42066 (not sure why Cit is showing a blank page now)
- Alt never had a family. She's a self realized character creation in a video game.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/35403
- Exotica was the only entity found inside an extraterrestrial craft salvaged from deep beneath Rogue Isles seas. Twice orphaned if you consider how her radiation killed every person in the first town she was sent to for care by the pirate who found her.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34268
In a way, Sunday Mourning's bio is a spin off idea of Ex. She's a sickly joyless girl who always happens to land in a new orphanage every week where people mysteriously die.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42097
- Brunette's creator was murderd and siblings never made. Her creator crafted android armies. Not for the military but for mid to large sized corporations who needed waitstaff, caregivers, entertainers, etc. They'd meet the prototypes and commission a workforce. The blonde and redhead lines always went over well, selling like hotcakes. The brunette line was never ordered once. The prototype was bubbly, chatty, sweet faced and curious and just not quite what the buyers were looking for. I need to get around to writing her bio.
- Nefer - assassinated, revived and bewitched by her own temple priests. Lives now, centuries later, centuries seperated from her family to travel on cargo ships in the Rogue Isles and extract revenge on those who trade in her former empire's antiquities.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42077
- Phobia was a lesser diety. Her bio reads, "When Man lay waste the old temples with Disbelief and seated himself upon the throne of Progress, his ancient gods left quietly. Left humbly. And left behind their favourite daughter; the deity loved not best but held closest to the heart of stubborn mortals. Her name is Phobia."
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41966
- Noa, Witchcraft, Starmada: forever seperated from their origin, their time or society altogether.
Noa was a protective entity. She'd create iceburgs to capture oil spills and human bodies bloated with bacteria after wars at sea to nudge back to foreign shores. One such trip left on Paragon's shores where she remains to this day to weak and misplaced to return home.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34773
Witchcraft was just orphaned by circumstance. She is the thing every village and town accuse her of - Salem, New Orleans, the Congo. Not sure she minds. I think she truly enjoys killing a few townsfolks in every new lifetime before they discover and execute her.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/57420
Starmada is locked in a strange shifting universe - she lives in rips between time and dimensions always struggling between the past present and future overlapping in the same moment for her. Not sure she'd remember a family if she had one and most certainly cannot have one now. I only mention her because her circumstance is a complete seperation from society and the known world.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41597
- Dakota's tribe murdered by rival casino owners in St. Martials. She was away at Paragon University.
- Posh's sister and entire dorm were murdered in a savage raid one evening by a drug cartel's local army. It was a message to all families in the area. They were a poor farming community who provided resources to a group of Catholic nuns there to educate their daughters in hopes they could improve the community locally or travel abroad and bring money back to their economy.
I think minus the psycho part for about half my chicks I'm in the same boat as well.
I tend to play the monster. The anti social, brooding, hostile and almost feral monster.
Because humans suck. |

My witch is a monster in spirit. When she needs robin's eggs for a spell and can't find any, she'll pluck the soft blue eyeballs from a bratty kid because it's a reasonable substitute. It had gold specks.. close enough.
Realize it may seem harsh but I have plenty of sweet do-gooders. Just something different to do on occasion.
I've got a mix of true, earnest heroes (MJ, V-Max, Gamma, VERB, Star of Justice, Champ) and cynics (X, Watchmaker, the Row, Martinez). Redside, two who are just out for themselves (Kowalski, Prae Max) and one (Forsythe) who's done terrible, monstrous things for the Greater Good as he sees it.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
It's a toss up between Power Armor (Iron Man, Beetle, etc...) and genetically engineered super soldiers (I blame Dark Angel for that one, curse you Project Manticore!).
But I have plenty of others too, robots, mutants, cyborgs...
Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
And don't forget to join the fight for our City! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html
As far as stereotypes, I have three characters that are 15-18ish year old social misfits who are varying levels of socially awkward around girls.
As far as superhero cliches/tropes, sure I'm missing a few but these are the main ones that come to mind.
Ahreman the Red
Are all variations on the caped flying brick type.
Saberstorm is an inventor girl in anime-inspired power armor.
Johnny Megaton's Megabot 5000 is visually inspired by Gundams.
Shadow Scourge is a shape changing shadow guy.
Aceron is a Hulk/Doomsday style monster
Black Reckoner is a "street level" vigilante Daredevil homage.
Simon Specter is a modern day Robin Hood/Omar Little type character
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

I'm a bestial bloke in all my characters, but I'm the "good" beast. Literally "Beast", actually--"The Beast" from X-men, or "Beast" from Beauty and the Beast...hell, most my character's names end with "the Beast" just for clarification that I'm not a Werewolf.
Anywho. Bestial in the sense that yeah, I look like a Beast, but underneath I'm a charming guy, very personable, reasonably intelligent, amazing in bed--etcetera, etcetera.
Well, my current character Shri'taki is the "naive, clueless, overly cute with no sense of personal space" green-skinned alien space babe.
Jessica Wrench is a "wrench wench".
Sepherat is the typical caped golden age hero.
((All of my characters are happy-go-lucky, not-a-problem-in-the-world types.
Well... one of them is. Maybe.
Super-powered people with perfect lives are bo-ring. Omnipotent bad guys are (usually) even more bo-ring. All of my heroes and villains have problems, either from circumstance or from their own faulty personalities (or both). So I guess my favorite stereotype is the hard-luck type. The down-and-out do-gooder. The angsty anti-hero. The good girl/boy with bad luck. Nobody ever pulls for the dog that's on top.))
I'm guessing you mean archetypes, not stereotypes. I love archetypes, mostly because I love Joseph Campbell, but that's a topic for another discussion. I'm a card-carrying altoholic (a quality I try to mitigate by keeping one designated 'main' at the forefront of my alt-army), and I tend to divide up my new alt projects based on archetypes, but I also enjoy putting an ironic 'spin' on traditional archetypes.
I've got a noir detective, with a bit of Tolkien thrown in (Calarien)
A sultry, roguish thief type: cross between Black Cat, Black Widow and Daredevil (Nightdance, who is a re-rolled Moon Dove)
An angel on earth, inspired by both Superman and Good Omens. (Aingale)
Kabuki-masked, traditional samurai girl. (Akechi Ren)
A lawful-good heroine in tights, public role model and daughter of a heroic dynasty (Arcaness)
A couple others I'm working on: The Power Armor pilot, the imperious and arrogant archvillainess, the thoughtful, philosophical mind-reader, the vengeful caped crusader and the displaced demi-deity. They're just concepts at the moment, though.
I don't know...being a spandex wearing crime-fighter never seemed sterotypical in Paragon In fact, I thought it seemed to be more of the minority.
But, from a comic book point of view, I try to make all mine look the part you'd likely see in a superhero comic book. Thusly, spandex! All willing to fight the good fight, and never back down.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
My characters are all from somewhere else.
I make them in groups of 6 to 10, a team from the future, a team from an alternate steampunk world, a team from Praetoria so far.
Its a recurring theme for me. My magnus opus Freedom Force mod was "The Strangers" - a group of disparate heroes from other worlds or hidden societies within our own.
And I've yet to make a magic based character, I think.
Just Jack
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
So a thought occured to me the other night as I was fussing about with the character creatore and talking to some friends on our ventrillo server, that each of us play and role play a different "stereotypical" Hero or Villain type.
I play usually the spandex and sequins type of hero whom has great national and civic pride, is generally lonely, brilliant and always has that one great friend or family member (like Spidermans Aunt May and Uncle Ben) whom they confide in.
While another friend always plays the Spawn-esq antihero, another the dead knight, yet another the 50ft woman with boobs like basketballs and another who plays a series of robots.
So here's a question for all of you, what kind of stereotype do you play?