44 -
Two emotes, when performed by players using the Huge bodytype, require fixing:
/em plotting: The emote does not loop correctly (Male and Female bodytypes use an intro animation, and then a looping animation, Huge bodytype uses intro animation, and then replays the intro animation instead of switching to the looping animation)
/em drink: The cup object is held sideways (axis issue)
I don't get why threads I make are dead before they start. Anyway, forget the question mark thing, just a little attempt at random comedy. It's the blue question mark icon you see at the forum view.
And as for the class I guess I'll just have to keep helping folks in game. It goes without saying that not every City of Heroes player utilizes the forums, or guides, or internet searches for either of those. Some are fresh to the game, and prefer to stay in the game. My methods are helping people directly, utilizing the free time I occasionally possess to help others in learning unique aspects of the game that they can use to their advantage.
So, for lack of interest here, I'll ask around in Pocket D instead. If you are interested in this sort of thing, send me a message through the forums. Hell, thought it might involve even a little role-play, and considering Virtue's popularity for that in comparison to the other servers, I'm a little more surprised it didn't garner interest. -
If you look closely, there are two questionmarks in the title!
Anywho, I was helping a new player out with mastermind controls, binds, information, etcetera, when I suddenly realized I might help others in the same way in bulk.
Basically, broadcasting in a few channels to invite folks to their local university, and teaching the most basic mastermind principles to players who are completely new to masterminds.
This thread is just to get a general response--I have a feeling this has been done before, but I wanted to get a take on how many people might be interested.
Note that I speak the scripting language, not the math language, so I wouldn't be able to teach numeric values like "what powers should I take to give my henchmen the best defense" or "how to softcap" or anything like that; my knowledge extends to controlling henchmen (or henchbots, henchdemons, etcetera). And a good mastermind isn't just all about numbers, it's all about control.
My method of masterminding is to literally direct henchmen into formation lines, to set individual pets to scout or pull or defend while individual ones attack specific targets--this sounds pretty much on-par to some of you I know, but binds and macros are definitely required for this sort of thing, and it's those that I want to share in these 'classes'.
So, again, rookies new to the mastermind, or folks who want to expand their control over their henchmen, particularly folks who feel their henchmen 'disobey' them constantly! Any interest? -
Right on. Can't wait to see the body work as well; good luck to yer'!
Very groovy brushwork! The ear does seem a bit flat-pressed to the head from that angle though; darned nifty all the same o'course.
And that fanart is awesome looking! -
Well, after visiting some of the other galleries that seem to have a significantly greater amount of replies and views than mine (and which also contain the words 'art' and/or 'commission' in them), I noticed that some had simple portrait-style pictures, and instead of transcribing moments of in-game action to digital-paper, I went ahead and just drew a portrait of Khazghron the dragon fellow.
Click to view full drawing
Indeed--they're so very fickle here, hurr hurr.
'Cept Christopher, that fellow seems to always be encouraging.
Anywho, looks like a groovy start on the art! Keep focused in that chemistry stuff, and the 'troll' bloke reminds me of...one of those beast creature dudes from Where The Wild Things Are or whatnot. Anyway, keep it up! -
Added a new screenshot, Burke the Beast (recognize a pattern here?). Anywho, a Stalker with claws, intense mental discipline he uses to make his movements extremely illusive, and aided by a stealth suit means he's very...effective.
Click for full image
And just for fun, here's the original screenshot (edited somewhat obviously, I had to customize the pose and paste all the characters onto the background) -
Veeeeery fuuuuuunnnny.
Anywho, FIXED Shaman's hand (his name is actually Shaman', my name is Bernard the Beast, so it's my signature, see), ADDED a new drawing (Khazghron the Dragonish bloke) kicking some poor (but villainous!) fellow off a rather high spot, AND laughed a very evil sounding laugh when I realized some new photoshopping techniques that ought let me make groovy screenshots even groovier. -
Well ya', but you couldn't play as 'dem!
Now it does...
Heh, anywho, did up that Shaman' fellow this time 'round. You'll find him up top there with the drawn dragon fellow. Purty groovy about the fantasy origins, think it's kind of common though. People, Still Life, or The Valiant Knight Fighting The Vicious Dragon X To Rescue Princess Y From The Evil Sorcerer Z, that's where drawing starts, ha ha! -
Just finished at the gym and getting ready for work, but later on I'll get out the tablet and start drawing.
Really, I don't have any more CoH related art--most of my stuff is fantasy. That is to say, the four other complete digital drawings I've done are fantasy (minotaurs, orcs and the like). So I'm really just getting started in City of Heroes art.
About time though, I've always wanted to draw my super-powered characters, but when I realized I was actually kinda decent at using Photoshop, I went on an image-manipulating spree and the tablet was left in the dust, heh.
But thank'yer kindly for the compliments, and I hope the images I have to offer now and in the future are at least interesting to examine and pleasing to the eye! -
Starting to regret the title of this topic.
Anywho, added a quick color sketch to the gallery there, took about two and a half hours total I think--been months since I've touched my tablet. Haven't had enough time to really focus on drawing lately, those photoshop-edited screenshots take maybe just over an hour or so. This drawing stuff requires a clock commitment, heheh! -
Sounds like a menu bug of some sort. Does the scrollbar just stop half-way down the screen? Or does it go all the way down the screen, yet you still only see a limited number of costumes?
As Electric-Knight posted, have you navigated to your City of Heroes directory (e.g., "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\") and looked in the "costumes" folder? That's where all your saved costumes are stored. Use it to confirm the number of saved costumes you have.
Are more costumes partly visible when you are at the bottom of the page, when you scroll down? As in, can you see the top part of the letters for another costume, but the rest is covered up by the bottom of the screen, suggesting there are indeed more costumes? Or is there a large blank space somewhere that seems out of place?
You might also consider putting up a screenshot; it's almost always useful. -
Uploaded a new set of images; the dragonish fellow at the University. Decent bit of editing I think, took me about an hour. Felt like twenty minutes, heh.
Yeeeeah I'm bumping my own topic, blah blah. -
You'll never guess what's in this thread! *Wink!*
Meh, lame attempt at making the topic more appealing for those who hover over the topic title before checking out the thread.
Anywho. Unedited quote time: "Total vanity. Complete hubris. This is the most self-obsessed thing I've done yet. But I figured I'd get them out there. Consider this a sort of one-sided art gallery, and it might remain on the first page of topics for at least a day or two before being drowned by better topics. Maybe, I dunno.
Either way, the images below are what me and Photoshop do during free weekends in the space of an hour or so. Hopefully they do justice to the game and my characters. Note that most of these screenshots were taken and edited before the release of Issue 17.
I've always been interested in joining a small casual group and experiencing what PvP is like, but this Boot Camp thing sounds like an opportunity to maybe give PvP a try just from a general perspective.
On the whole though, I approve of the idea of making an event for this sort of thing. PvP is nevertheless an aspect of the game often overlooked by players who might be timid towards fighting other players, compared to the general indifference of beating up (or being beaten up) by computer-controlled NPCs.
(Also figured I'd offer a post that doesn't merely criticize the PvP aspect of the game, but rather focuses on the offering made by this group; the subject of the topic! It's groovy to see folks of the City of Heroes/Villains community offer a non-partisan event inviting people to learn more about the other half of the game they play. Of course I work at exactly 2100 on Fridays, but I'd still be interested in hearing about the sessions and how they operate.) -
My first Mastermind was Thugs/Poison. Played to level 6 and set him aside for deletion because...well, I just didn't really like the Thugs. Tried Robots to level 4 I think, same story--though I did like the robots a little more. Laser beams, woo.
Then Going Rogue came about, and I decided to give Demons a try. Level 35 now, and picking one poor bugger to suddenly throw fire, ice, and shadow at is pretty cool to watch. Lovely colors. The demons themselves seem kind of weak though--dunno how, but two hits from one of those Council Vampire blokes and they're dead. 22% Resist damage as well. I dunno.
I too wish they had more available emotes though--some sitting down would be nice. I'm a gentlemanly demon summoner, and not being able to have my subservient demonic entities sit down or enjoy a cuppa tea is rather dull. 'Course, I recognize 1) They're demons, and 2) Their skeleton is different (I think, maybe it shares the Warwolf skeleton with simply different attack animations and such), meaning they might not look that pretty when sitting or whatnot--but they don't look 'pretty' anyway. They look good, but not pretty I mean. It'd be hard to see any model clipping even if they were sitting.
Meh, random post while I'm waiting for coffee to finish. I'mma go now. -
Hrrum. My Controller, Shaman' (regretting the name now that I've actually been playing a lot more), is Ice/Storm and I'm having a great time with him. He's also my first Controller, and the simple ability to overwhelm entire mobs in an instant with immobilization, slow, -recharge, and still do a little damage is just awesome. Come level 43 or whatnot, I'm gonna go for Fire Mastery, and take all the fire powers I can, so I can be some kind of elemental hero of awesomeness, freezing enemies in ice flows, conducting and frying them with lightning bolts, and then setting them on fire! It'll be awesome I'm sure. But I do enjoy the general feel of it a little bit. I'm a Brute by heart, so my happiest moments are shoving aside all the frail-bodied controllers, defenders and blasters to get up close and personal, but I'm finally starting to see the light...!
Well, a light filtered through a blood red haze of Rage's +200% Damage increase or what not.
My Controller bloke is only level 26 right now, but as I always say, level 30 is where the game really begins; you have a good range of powers, and you still have a goal of leveling to achieve. So I'm looking forward to reaching level 30 and getting started on adding Invention Origin Enhancements. But I do like Storm as well. Wish I could have Storm as primary, and ice secondary, but wanting Fire Mastery, Defender wasn't a choice. Ah well.
Still darned fun. -
While I've got a brief idle moment I thought I'd throw in an opinion.
I've been role-playing since my earliest computer gaming days when a friend introduced me to video games. With the advent of the internet suddenly at my disposal (2000 is when I started, but I'd never really used computers until then), I began looking for communities that I could game with--I instinctively knew that there would be all kinds of personalities showing themselves. Some would be posers, some would be jerks, and some would be genuinely good people.
Thankfully, I found in a Yahoo! video game chat room of all places, a bunch of people role-playing. Uninformed then, I thought role-playing was 99% sexual in nature--thankfully I've learned since then.
Anywho, for a few months I slowly introduced myself to the concept of text role-playing, and even found myself in a few fights. I used the "T1" method of combat--meaning I'd post two or three paragraphs containing all my actions for my "turn" in the round, and wait for the next person in the rotation to do the same. What I eventually realized was that players engaged in text combat tend to use their impression of other players to dictate their aggressiveness. Despite finding myself in the fight, I had been a generally nice bloke, and the round eventually ended with me the victor due to reservations by my opponent. It was satisfying to win, but on the other hand it was satisfying for my opponent not to lose so much as honorably concede.
Anyway, moving to City of Heroes--when I started role-playing in 3D video games, I found myself drastically limited by my skill at the game. My skill with language was immaculate, and I could illustrate entire worlds as easily as I could my character, but when I found myself forced to use game-mechanics as combat mechanics, I was frustrated by generally always loosing. An earlier poster in this topic mentioned a "Well-Defined and Creative Character" losing to a "Less-Impressively Creative Character but with Better Enhancements and Power Sets" (not in any of those words I'm sure). The idea is, if your character, personality, history, style, and game accomplishments outrank that of the other player, is it, in a way, 'fair' for that lesser developed character to win? On one hand it sounds unbalanced to suggest they shouldn't win, but on the other hand shouldn't creativity and character development be rewarded as well?
So it's a tough situation, which is why I've decided not to engage in combat at all. If I see a jerk trying to provoke me, flaring his trench-coat, stupid hair, and katana while saying I'm "a foul beast that is a blight upon this earth and that I shouldn't give so many glances towards his girlfriend", I just put the bugger on /ignore and move on. I've decided that I simply don't want to deal with the amount of passion that comes up in player versus player engagements, whether through text or game-mechanics. It's a simpler life. -
Woo--my first event and title too, was pretty neat--though a bit crazy! Low Framerate and High Ping are never a fun combination, but it was still fun in knowing that I wasn't alone, hurr hurr!
*Thanks to the Admin folks for setting it up! Was a nice little change of pace! -
I'm a bestial bloke in all my characters, but I'm the "good" beast. Literally "Beast", actually--"The Beast" from X-men, or "Beast" from Beauty and the Beast...hell, most my character's names end with "the Beast" just for clarification that I'm not a Werewolf.
Anywho. Bestial in the sense that yeah, I look like a Beast, but underneath I'm a charming guy, very personable, reasonably intelligent, amazing in bed--etcetera, etcetera. -
...you'll make all the other archetypes jealous!