University Mastermind Class?
I personally don't need this since I taught myself the hardway of tactics and controlling henchmen but just wanted to say good luck. I think quite a few players could benefit from this. I notice that a few future MM's give up when they realize they can't just put themselves in the middle of group and expect their henchmen to attack or when the player attacks in the background while their henchmen just stand around twiddling their thumbs heh.
The hard part I think will be the various differences in the henchmen and how to play them effectively. Trying to teach that is difficult in itself but I think its worth the effort to learn. I just hope others feel the same.

Try as I might, I can only see one question mark in the title...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Two question marks
could be
reverse question mark before university
University (?) Mastermind class(?)
Im thinking if you really want mm binds go to forum guides and look under guide to guides its old not updated much but works or look under at for masterminds forum
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
I don't get why threads I make are dead before they start. Anyway, forget the question mark thing, just a little attempt at random comedy. It's the blue question mark icon you see at the forum view.
And as for the class I guess I'll just have to keep helping folks in game. It goes without saying that not every City of Heroes player utilizes the forums, or guides, or internet searches for either of those. Some are fresh to the game, and prefer to stay in the game. My methods are helping people directly, utilizing the free time I occasionally possess to help others in learning unique aspects of the game that they can use to their advantage.
So, for lack of interest here, I'll ask around in Pocket D instead. If you are interested in this sort of thing, send me a message through the forums. Hell, thought it might involve even a little role-play, and considering Virtue's popularity for that in comparison to the other servers, I'm a little more surprised it didn't garner interest.
There are four lights?
"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."
I wouldn't consider it dead after one day. As I've seen nobody saying it's a bad idea the thread is still very much 'current'. Even more so given the huge news announced today pulling every poster to one thread.
The lack of posters wanting to sign up may seem discouraging but keep in mind some posters only check in once a day or even once a week.
Don't let all the other posts that would on the outside appear to look like derailing deter you, as it serves to bump the thread and keep it visible.
Unless I'm missing something...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
If you look closely, there are two questionmarks in the title!
Anywho, I was helping a new player out with mastermind controls, binds, information, etcetera, when I suddenly realized I might help others in the same way in bulk.
Basically, broadcasting in a few channels to invite folks to their local university, and teaching the most basic mastermind principles to players who are completely new to masterminds.
This thread is just to get a general response--I have a feeling this has been done before, but I wanted to get a take on how many people might be interested.
Note that I speak the scripting language, not the math language, so I wouldn't be able to teach numeric values like "what powers should I take to give my henchmen the best defense" or "how to softcap" or anything like that; my knowledge extends to controlling henchmen (or henchbots, henchdemons, etcetera). And a good mastermind isn't just all about numbers, it's all about control.
My method of masterminding is to literally direct henchmen into formation lines, to set individual pets to scout or pull or defend while individual ones attack specific targets--this sounds pretty much on-par to some of you I know, but binds and macros are definitely required for this sort of thing, and it's those that I want to share in these 'classes'.
So, again, rookies new to the mastermind, or folks who want to expand their control over their henchmen, particularly folks who feel their henchmen 'disobey' them constantly! Any interest?