The Scrapper's Scraps - A Pencil Potpourri
Yay artz! Yay Defiant gal! Yay!
Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel
Though not specifically City of Heroes related, here's a profile I sketched of a troll... Reminds me a little bit of Hugo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I see that people might be a little more interested in this thread if some free art is involved, so there might be some stuff coming up. I'm not taking queues or making any promises, but I'll be lurking around for characters I like.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Indeed--they're so very fickle here, hurr hurr.
'Cept Christopher, that fellow seems to always be encouraging.
Anywho, looks like a groovy start on the art! Keep focused in that chemistry stuff, and the 'troll' bloke reminds me of those beast creature dudes from Where The Wild Things Are or whatnot. Anyway, keep it up!
Welcome back, back... Back
...Alley Scrapper.
Good to see you've set up a central thread to collect all your artz (apparently it's what all the cool kids are doing these days ).
You're off to a good start and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.
P.S. From what little bit of the text I can make out it looks more like a Lit class you're slacking in than Chemistry.
You really aught to try some thicker paper with no lines for your art.
@Grant: "Where the Wild Things Are" was the first thing that popped
to me when I saw the troll as well, and thanks. I try.
You really aught to try some thicker paper with no lines for your art.

For the meantime, though, a little Photoshopping will get rid of those pesky lines:

R-Tech's The Underdog!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Seeing this really made my day, BAS! The salute is perfect for the character.
Thanks a ton, and I'm glad you could find a use for her!
Here's a little thank you to Jophiel for giving me some ideas in the Costume Redesign Thread.
The character, Pachamama:
I think it came out all right, overall, though the "Dagger" design gets a little lost with the fold detailing, and I'd appreciate any other constructive criticisms. Enjoy!
Edit: Please ignore the slight gridding that can be seen.. This was done on the back of graph paper. I know, I know, I need to bring my sketchbook to school, or at least printer paper. Sue me. :P
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Shameless bump. Shameless, I say!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
I need to pay more attention. Thanks for using my character!
I think it came out all right, overall, though the "Dagger" design gets a little lost with the fold detailing, and I'd appreciate any other constructive criticisms.
I like the pose, details and what you've done with the cloth. Thanks again!
I would work on the shape of the face. The right side (my right, not her right) is a really sharp angle. I think a more oval form would work better.
I'm working on a larger bust of Defiant Gal right now, using a Wonder Woman reference I found on dA. I'll try and find a link to the reference, and post up some pictures, in a day or two.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Hey guys, so I know I re-introduced myself here about a month ago, then proceeded to fall into the abyss of the Player's Guides section, but I'm back, and this time with actual ARTZ!

This will serve as my dump for any doodlings I get done while not paying attention in AP Chemistry... Whoops!
This is Defiant Gal, my Elec/SD Scrapper girl who just can't seem to keep that shirt at a reasonable length.
Stay tuned for more, but don't be afraid to browse other channels during commercials--updates may be few and far between.
BAS (Back Alley Scrapper)
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!