Demons are disappointing! (Greetings, forum, from a new mastermind!)




I rolled up a demon summoner after seeing how awesome demons look in action. My mercenaries were getting a little stale.

And then I discovered that demons are unable to properly /emote many things! They won't play the drums for me, but they will hold torches... do any other power sets suffer this limitation? I love masterminds and will eventually want to try every flavor of them... the ones that can /em correctly, at least.




I'll take the car that runs, and pretty well, even if it looks worn down. Especially over the shiny red convertible that, while it may get you to your destination eventually, will try to run you off the road and stall out at every possible occasion.



Originally Posted by The Demacian View Post
I rolled up a demon summoner after seeing how awesome demons look in action. My mercenaries were getting a little stale.

And then I discovered that demons are unable to properly /emote many things! They won't play the drums for me, but they will hold torches... do any other power sets suffer this limitation? I love masterminds and will eventually want to try every flavor of them... the ones that can /em correctly, at least.

Okay let me see if I have this right..... Now I am not saying that Demon Sommoning is THE best MM powerset there is but it certainly is not the worst.. Your minons give you added defense along with some great damage. BUT you aren't happy with the powerset because when you hit Pocket D, or whatever, they don't do all the coolest dances and emotes?
In keeping with the flow of the day since tonight was the 83rd Annual Oscar.

And the winner for about the GOOFIEST reason not to use a powerset goes to...

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



there ! another reason we need runway-model summoning with vouge mastery secondary !!



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
there ! another reason we need runway-model summoning with vouge mastery secondary !!
I second this motion! There are not yet any female henchmen to my knowledge, which leaves many masterminds' needs not cared for.

When I upgrade to Going Rogue and get my blasted Praetorians back (it should warn you, when you are a trial acct, that some of the features you're using will be disabled when you upgrade!) I will probably still play my Demons/Pain MM. The main reason I'm not is because he's not available to me at the moment - it was a tad surprising to me that their perfectly humanoid arms and legs had such limitations, but not really a big deal.

I would guess that bots, being not humanoid, would be even more limited? They're probably last on my list regardless due to being so incredibly popular/OP.



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
I see no difference between this, and people who don't take hasten because of the glowy hands :P Both seem silly to me, but to each their own.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by The Demacian View Post
I would guess that bots, being not humanoid, would be even more limited? They're probably last on my list regardless due to being so incredibly popular/OP.
Bots can do most of the emotes. They can certainly dance and do the kata, don't remember if they can drum.

As far as I know all 3 pet tiers have access to the same emotes so if you're curious you could roll one of each MM primary and test with the tier 1 pet.

Also, if choosing popular sets offends you, demons are extremely popular. You'd best reroll with mercs or ninjas to maintain your hipster cred.



Don't worry! The mercs/TA I'm playing has more than enough cred to go around, being that it has no healing abilities nor one of the top pet sets. I might take a personal attack, or even two, on the demon if I ever get worried about not hipstering or emoing (or other hated subculture of the month) enough!



Barring those limitations, I think demons is one of the most visually gratifying combat-wise.



My first Mastermind was Thugs/Poison. Played to level 6 and set him aside for deletion because...well, I just didn't really like the Thugs. Tried Robots to level 4 I think, same story--though I did like the robots a little more. Laser beams, woo.

Then Going Rogue came about, and I decided to give Demons a try. Level 35 now, and picking one poor bugger to suddenly throw fire, ice, and shadow at is pretty cool to watch. Lovely colors. The demons themselves seem kind of weak though--dunno how, but two hits from one of those Council Vampire blokes and they're dead. 22% Resist damage as well. I dunno.

I too wish they had more available emotes though--some sitting down would be nice. I'm a gentlemanly demon summoner, and not being able to have my subservient demonic entities sit down or enjoy a cuppa tea is rather dull. 'Course, I recognize 1) They're demons, and 2) Their skeleton is different (I think, maybe it shares the Warwolf skeleton with simply different attack animations and such), meaning they might not look that pretty when sitting or whatnot--but they don't look 'pretty' anyway. They look good, but not pretty I mean. It'd be hard to see any model clipping even if they were sitting.

Meh, random post while I'm waiting for coffee to finish. I'mma go now.



Demons were cool.

Demons are loud

Demons need a shut up emote called "Shut the Hell Up"

Seriousy, Imagine that paired with sonic res if we ever get it? That would be game breaking. Too Noisy!

Plus zombies are cuddlier



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I see no difference between this, and people who don't take hasten because of the glowy hands :P Both seem silly to me, but to each their own.
Or ppl who don't want Cold shields, cuz they're "ugly"?

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Or ppl who don't want Cold shields, cuz they're "ugly"?
Yep, I find that weird too.

Although I do have to admit I'm a bit guilty when it comes to deciding if I *really* want to take the earth APP on a couple of my trollers. That poo armor is just so damn fugly.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]