Bernard the Beast's "Screenshops"
Uploaded a new set of images; the dragonish fellow at the University. Decent bit of editing I think, took me about an hour. Felt like twenty minutes, heh.
Yeeeeah I'm bumping my own topic, blah blah.
Starting to regret the title of this topic.
Anywho, added a quick color sketch to the gallery there, took about two and a half hours total I think--been months since I've touched my tablet. Haven't had enough time to really focus on drawing lately, those photoshop-edited screenshots take maybe just over an hour or so. This drawing stuff requires a clock commitment, heheh!
Good use of lighting to create atmosphere.
I like the sniper shot in black and white and the city overlook in the rain (clever to cut the
Wolf's head and put it under his arm like a mask he carries), always wished we could have weather of some sort.
My favorite though has to be the interior shot of the corner shop in Atlas. That's some nice 'shoppin you've done Hammerhoof.
...............This drawing stuff requires a clock commitment, heheh!

I would like to see more of your coh art posted though if you have any.
Just finished at the gym and getting ready for work, but later on I'll get out the tablet and start drawing.
Really, I don't have any more CoH related art--most of my stuff is fantasy. That is to say, the four other complete digital drawings I've done are fantasy (minotaurs, orcs and the like). So I'm really just getting started in City of Heroes art.
About time though, I've always wanted to draw my super-powered characters, but when I realized I was actually kinda decent at using Photoshop, I went on an image-manipulating spree and the tablet was left in the dust, heh.
But thank'yer kindly for the compliments, and I hope the images I have to offer now and in the future are at least interesting to examine and pleasing to the eye!
Well actually City of Heroes has Minotaurs.
Nice, I got my start drawing fantasy as well, dragons and elves and the like.
Heh, anywho, did up that Shaman' fellow this time 'round. You'll find him up top there with the drawn dragon fellow. Purty groovy about the fantasy origins, think it's kind of common though. People, Still Life, or The Valiant Knight Fighting The Vicious Dragon X To Rescue Princess Y From The Evil Sorcerer Z, that's where drawing starts, ha ha!
Those are pretty impressive, thanks for sharing!
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Well ya', but you couldn't play as 'dem!
Now it does...
Heh, anywho, did up that Shaman' fellow this time 'round. You'll find him up top there with the drawn dragon fellow. Purty groovy about the fantasy origins, think it's kind of common though. People, Still Life, or The Valiant Knight Fighting The Vicious Dragon X To Rescue Princess Y From The Evil Sorcerer Z, that's where drawing starts, ha ha! |
He's gone on to draw other kinds of (mostly dead) stuff since but hey ya never know.

Oooh. It's not often I get to bust out a totally relevant Princess Bride quote in commenting about someones artwork but
in regards to Bernard the Beast (the shaman you drew above)... "I do no mean to pry, but you don' by any chance happen to hev... "

Veeeeery fuuuuuunnnny.
Anywho, FIXED Shaman's hand (his name is actually Shaman', my name is Bernard the Beast, so it's my signature, see), ADDED a new drawing (Khazghron the Dragonish bloke) kicking some poor (but villainous!) fellow off a rather high spot, AND laughed a very evil sounding laugh when I realized some new photoshopping techniques that ought let me make groovy screenshots even groovier.
Added a new screenshot, Burke the Beast (recognize a pattern here?). Anywho, a Stalker with claws, intense mental discipline he uses to make his movements extremely illusive, and aided by a stealth suit means he's very...effective.
Click for full image
And just for fun, here's the original screenshot (edited somewhat obviously, I had to customize the pose and paste all the characters onto the background)
Well, after visiting some of the other galleries that seem to have a significantly greater amount of replies and views than mine (and which also contain the words 'art' and/or 'commission' in them), I noticed that some had simple portrait-style pictures, and instead of transcribing moments of in-game action to digital-paper, I went ahead and just drew a portrait of Khazghron the dragon fellow.
Click to view full drawing
You'll never guess what's in this thread! *Wink!*
Meh, lame attempt at making the topic more appealing for those who hover over the topic title before checking out the thread.
Anywho. Unedited quote time: "Total vanity. Complete hubris. This is the most self-obsessed thing I've done yet. But I figured I'd get them out there. Consider this a sort of one-sided art gallery, and it might remain on the first page of topics for at least a day or two before being drowned by better topics. Maybe, I dunno.
Either way, the images below are what me and Photoshop do during free weekends in the space of an hour or so. Hopefully they do justice to the game and my characters. Note that most of these screenshots were taken and edited before the release of Issue 17.
Click an icon to view the entire image at its true scale.