Battlewraith Art




Now that the book project has wrapped, I'm going to start posting my new stuff here. Here is an update on my Comrade Hero ZBrush sculpt. After endless crashes and technical glitches, I've finally been able to start putting some color on my Russian hommie:

Also some GITS fanart:



very awesome , love your detail work .



Very groovy brushwork! The ear does seem a bit flat-pressed to the head from that angle though; darned nifty all the same o'course.

And that fanart is awesome looking!



Thanks Deebs


Yeah the ear is pressed too flat at the moment. I was tight on the geometry when I sculpted that part so I didn't have enough polygons to extrude it as far as I should. I'm going to do a final round of sculpting for detail once the model is posed and can hopefully fix it then.



Right on. Can't wait to see the body work as well; good luck to yer'!



Very nice work.

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All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour

CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)



YAY BW!!! You're own thread! 'bout time!! And two fine pieces to start your thread with too!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Very, very cool.