All Blaster
I thought this thread was about a literal XXX themed ITF
I am dissapoint
My ilk & I, are doing all plant ITF here soon.
Plant Controllers/Doms
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
Second all blaster. I have an Elec/NRG that needs the merits and/or try out her new build if I have time to do a respec.
As for time... Friday nights work for me the best.
I'd totally go on an all-blaster ITF. I've organized all-scrap, all-dark and no-melee ITFs and they have all been great, but never been on an all-blaster.
I thought this thread was about a literal XXX themed ITF
I am dissapoint |
All Blaster ITF - Friday 8 Est or 9 Est. Any prefernce on the time?
Bow chika bow wow!!!
Sorry, I had to. The thread title is incredibly suggestive.
I tried an all-Corruptor ITF. Incredibly fun.

we once did an all dom RSF quite fun, we also did an all corr RSF dropping 16 shivans and 4 nukes on the Phalanx they didnt last 30 seconds.
I was sure this thread was going to be about some extreme activities in Pocket D.
A plant dominators and controller, and a dark tank, scrapper, stalker, corruptor, and defender. And one schoolgirl to be the victim of their naughty tentacles. There's your XXX ITF.
"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman
"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning
I guess that's another primary for the Anime Girl AT.
Hi Guys,
was on an all Defender MoITF a few weeks back and it was a hoot. We rocked the roof and got the badge without raising a sweat.
It was a real happy team that got together just for fun and the Master thing was always going to be the secondary objective with no blame attached to anybody if we failed it.
So go for it you Def's and you will be smiling at the end.
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Hi Guys,
was on an all Defender MoITF a few weeks back and it was a hoot. We rocked the roof and got the badge without raising a sweat. It was a real happy team that got together just for fun and the Master thing was always going to be the secondary objective with no blame attached to anybody if we failed it. So go for it you Def's and you will be smiling at the end. Cheers ![]() |
I've been working on my all-Scrapper project for quite a while. I'm not levelled enough to do an ITF, but I'm getting there?
Also... all-Canadian ITF. *shot*
All VEAT ITF... Did this once... It was a glorious sight to behold.
My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)
Friday Night 8 Est will be the all Blaster ITF. I should be there a little early. I look forward to seeing you there!
Woo all Scrapper ITF.
Though, I will do it nude the whole time to make sure it's pretty XXX.
First Of The Year
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
The All Blaster ITF was a roaring sucess. Also 1:30 minutes.
First mission we rolled through without issue.
Second Mission we killed all the mobs before for taking down the cysts. We downed to ambushes so we would have 8 blasters 8 cysts.
Third mission we fought our way all the way and pulled Rommy and Requim to the side of their platform. Between bonefire, caltrops and the end drain they dropped nice and easy.
Fourth Mission we went left because that is just the way we roll. We cleared the platform then single shot the nictus, brought Rommy to the grass and went to town.
Thanks all for coming.
Next All XXX ITF is going to be...... TANKER I will have to pick a time and date.
Thanks again, went great! Now I have to level a damn tanker to go on the next one
Over the weekend I recieved many many tells about the all MM ITFs we did. Now I will leave it to the first person to post an AT to select what the next All XXX ITF will be.
Once that is selected we can work on the time.
Master Mind - Completed
Blaster - Completed
Controller - Completed
Tanker - Completed
VEAT - Completed
Defender - Completed
Scrapper - Completed
Kheldian - Completed
Brute - Completed
Dominator -Completed
Corruptor - Completed
Stalker -Completed