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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post

    I've never been more disappointed in a game. How you can play that tiny, repetitive trashpile of a game is beyond me.
    Good luck, have fun
  2. Hey Guys, I'm Pure American the leader of the Virtue Expatriates a former COH players league (SG) from DC Universe online. I just wanted to say how deeply saddened I am that my old friend COH is going away. I haven't played it in many months, my feelings for COH are sort of like an old girlfriend that you fell out of love with and split up with no hard feelings. I just wanted to extend to you guys how sorry I am that something we both enjoyed so much is closing it's doors for good. I miss all the good times I had pvping in RV and joking around talking trash, epic times. The best thing about COH is by far it's community and it's willingness to come together when it looks like something is impossible and pull out a win. The players are what makes COH great, and I hope you all find a game you can all enjoy and bring your great community spirit to. I am really big fan of DCUO now, and I hope you all give it a try and bring your good cheer over there with you.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cigar_Face View Post
    my new question is, if you two don't like me, why are you trying so hard to post on my forums??
    Cigar Face do you mean this thread or are they actually trying to post on your forum on a website somewhere else ?
  4. I liked your spin on the events, made for some fun reading in my otherwise boring job.
  5. PureAmerican


    you guys are guilting me into posting something, I am really just a doodler , all I do is hang things on my cubical wall. I just do it for fun , heh maybe I just don't want to deal with peoples criticism.
  6. One of the reasons people like MMO's and Super Heroes is because , well, we all march to the beat of a different drum. That's the thing about the COH community, some of it, the one thing that brings us together is our differences. Yeah Knight might not be the smartest guy, the smooth talking ladies man, or the athlete, but his differences deserve respect like any other fellow nerd.

    Given the fact that we are all MMO players I can think it's safe to say that we have all been treated as an outsider at times. We all have different lifestyles, likes, and dislikes.
  7. great acting, I liked it quite a bit.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Yes, READ.

    You said you have not seen anywhere where Clark was an outsider while growing up and you viewed this as somehow original.
    I pointed out that in every title I have ever come across you are wrong. The reason I said I had not read the titles is because of that it is possible they differ from the several sources; Superman the Movie, Smallville, DCAU, and various other comic sources I have read/watched and are the mainstream.

    You are claiming some genius originality when the fact of the matter is it isn't original at all, considering all the mainstream sources have it that way.

    I claimed no such thing, I said no such thing, I said I liked it. I cannot go back and re-hash every instance of Superman's origin story that has been published since 1933, because that is dumb, there have been countless re-tellings of it. You don't even have a point of reference for just one, because you yourself stated you never even read a Superman comic, the extent of your knowledge is sitting in front of a TV. This is like saying " Rock and Roll was invented on my 16th birthday when I got a guitar as a present ". You don't even know the context of what is in the book, you have not read it, I merely pointed out that it parallels Smallville. Often times stories are made more modern to appeal to a new audience, in 1933 they had different social norms than now, to say that he should be that same character as he was then is absurd. The story has changed over the years and what you are interpereting is your idea of what his origin story is, from what you learned, my knowledge of the character is probably much older than yours and I have seen it transform over the years. I would never claim that the story of Superman is unique or original to begin with, how many different ways can the story of Moses be retold anyhow.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    While I have not read Superman's comic titles I can tell you that you are wrong from almost every incarnation I have run across.

    It is easier to say something sucks or is a failure to come across as a smarty critic guy, rather than to actually put work into researching what you are talking about, and make an educated evaluation of something. So you comment about something you admittedly never even read and somehow you are an authority on the character? In Smallville the current storyline reflects a similar take on the character, so that is wrong too ?

    Treat yourself and spend the $10.99 on it, read it, it's a good book. I am sure Amazon has it.

    READ ! Just read please.
  10. lol forum psychologist rage.

    you have no point because you didn't read it. Go read it, come back and maybe then we will discuss your feelings. Sorry if I made you sad, so here is a picture of a kitty in a pumpkin to cheer you up.

    there now you are smiling, you feel better ?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NobleFox View Post
    This honestly makes me sad.

    I had a wonderful upbringing (until the age of 15, but that's another thing entirely). My parents passed on a good moral compass, they didn't hit me any more than was really necessary for discipline. Any fighting I did was not to be a *****, it was to fend off people who were pricks. I was also a little kid, so I got thumped, often. It really makes me sad that your childhood was so full of posing and bad behavior that you think that's the only way it could possibly happen for anyone.

    And in-universe.. Clark did not lay low or avoid confrontation, and he absolutely protected himself. He just had to be very gentle and forgiving while doing so soas not to kill others. Given who his parents were, even without superpowers he'd have been the same boy.

    He's not Superman because he has all these awesome powers... He's superman because he has all those awesome powers and still goes to work every day, still maintains a strong set of morals. He'd be just as "super" without the powers.. he just wouldn;t be able to help as many people at one time.
    oh did you read it ?

    because you seem to think you have some sort of insight on the book and somehow you think you have some sort of insight on my life too, which leads me to think you are not wrapped too tight.

    lol u rage over comics
  12. In the book the ship that carries him to Earth is made with some weird Kryptonian technology that has data encrypted into the very atoms of the metal it is made of. He touches a piece of the spaceship and is infused with the knowledge of the events leading up to the destruction of krypton, including the life experiences of his real parents. So he is not without these memories, they were given to him.

    why not try reading it, looks like quite a few of you find it interesting.

    It is easy to just sit back and mindlessly trash on it, any idiot can just sit back and say everything is stupid or sucks, how about saying something postitive. All you are doing is showing how out of touch you are with comics.
  13. I read it, and I thought it was pretty good, one thing I liked was how all thru supes previously told origins he grew up all rainbows and sunshine where life was perfect and nobody ever said a harsh word. I don't care where you are from, any kid at any given time has the ability to be a completely cruel little punk at the drop of the hat for no particular reason other than to get themself over as a tough guy with their friends. I don't think any one person ever got thru their childhood without ever having to fight for one reason or another, it's a reality , it's going to happen. So here is a kid growing up, who if he so much as breaths on someone the wrong way he is going to cause some serious damage, so he has to avoid conflict. With kids, if they saw someone not defending themselves they would eat that kid alive, so the whole head down, hoodie up, laying low aspect makes perfect sense, he is trying to hide in plain sight. It is a very good story and I recommend it.
  14. I was playing another MMO yesterday and saw that the game had what I called "jiggle physics" , they move !! not accurately, they seem way too firm, but I said " now that is some quality work right there."
  15. you know that little VGA jack on the side of it plugs into a monitor cable right ?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hollowpoint_Hero View Post

    I don't live in this game or visit the boards every 5 minutes, I visit maybe once a day, if it took me 24 hours to make a follow up post I sincerely apologize for disrupting the time/space continuum.

    "Seriously".. a discussion about boobies in a video game is such a serious issue that it's worth raging about.. If you ask me there needs to be more threads that are just simple goofy fun posts like this to break up the monotony.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Thus staying true to the superhero comics genre.

    Example A:

    Example B:
    what he said...
  18. bigger please

    you really expect any other kind of answer from a man ?
  19. gratz man, real nice, I wish I could get away from being yelled at by my wife long enough to play this game, I hear it's really good..

  20. Quote:
    4) I would have liked for the contest to have actually had less of a gathering time allowance.
    a.) I can understand the need to have more contestants on lower population servers so waiting a bit is okay. However, not on a busy server like Virtue.
    b.) I understand that some of the judges didn't show on time. So some judges had to be pulled from elsewhere. Perhaps next year PERC can make a rule... if a judge doesn't show up, the judges that are there will be doing all the judging instead? This way you guys don't make all the players wait. A few minutes, like 10 minutes or so is acceptable.. but 20 is a bit much. It's kind of boring having to wait that much longer.
    WOW! This is actually something I hadn't heard of till now. It is an interesting conundrum. According to the schedule gathering started at 8:00 and judging at 8:20. Many are debating this. Last year the time was hours long. Yes we judged on the spot... but in all honesty I liked having the event have about twenty minutes. No judges were late though. I was one and we all were here on time. The time lapse of 20 minutes is to allow us time to broadcast in global channels so straggles and last minuters can hustle on over before judging starts. It is an interesting point though and appreciate the feedback. I know one thing we've talked about on Champion is just setting a simple event START TIME and leave it to the people to show up by then. Personally... I've done it both and some people are A) always late / never on time & B) something can come up. Having that 20 minute cushion has always served to give us ample time to setup, allow people to arrive, and allow for unexpectedness. Thoughts?
    Dazz the person you are replying to is from Pinnacle, they are not a very big server, 20 minutes organization time on Pinnacle is probably not acceptable due to the population size. All due respect, I think they might be a little out of touch with the scale in the difference in size of the player population. I would say 20 minutes is perfect, it would give players time to get into zone if they became locked out, any less than 20 minutes given the size of the participation would probably not be fair to the contestants. Pocket D on Virtue is always bustling with RP'ers socializing, at times I am sure it could fill with just those players all by itself, on Pinnacle it's only really used for the holiday event.

    The weekly costume contest hosted by The American Legion has a 20 minute setup time.
  21. We all have to do our part to be positive and support this game, and MMO's in general, stop the real enemy:


    I..DON'T.. like this...

    neither should you, because quality games suffer.
  22. MMO's are getting hammered by social gaming like the garbage on facebook, I can see why the guy got laid off.

    If I was to say who made the most important changes in this game over the last 5+ years I would have to say it was him. He is probably under a no compete clause so we might not see him around for some time , but given his experience, the guy has all the stroke to be an A-list dev wherever he wants to go. Cryptic Studios needs some help, I hope he goes there, if anyone can pull them out of the toilet he could. I can say with 100% certainty that BAB's always had the players best interest at heart, and in the MMO business that is an extinct animal.

    EDIT: this is coming from a guy who never has anything good to say about anyone.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    Thats kinda the difference between pure PVP and RP PVP.

    PVP is just for slapping each other around and your enjoyment mileage may vary.

    RP PVP is for a story, and given the broad group of people you are bringing in along with different skill levels you need to have some rules of engagement set out so that its fun and not an exercise in frustration for everyone.

    This isn't to say that there weren't times, like Apoph mentioned where it was just an all out rumble. Depends on the event, depends on the people. Just like different PVP events have different rules, what inspirations if any are allowed, whether you can hosp, etc.
    There should be one rule of engagement:

    Have fun.

    All due respect, I am saying this a bit tongue and cheek:

    Not all fights are fair, not all fights are nice and respectful exchanges where two people stand toe to toe and slap each other. Would a villain really obey rules of engagement ? Any good villain has to be a good antagonizer, the first thing to go while RP'ing a villain is the rules, right away. Am I wrong in assuming that if I am RP'ing a villain the idea is to get you frothing mad and want to kill me ?