Well, it had to happen sooner or later...




After over four and a half years (granted, I really shouldn't count 15 months of that since I had an enforced interruption in my play with a deployment to Kuwait), a couple of different iterations, and even one upcoming and fairly significant backstory retcon, Modern Samurai has finally reached level 50 and been granted the (out-of-character) title of Hero of the City.

The scene: Attempting to track down Statesman for Maria Jenkins, after the aforementioned hero has vanished into Praetorian Earth, Modern Samurai fights his way through Mother Mayhem's private playground where her Seers are created. After managing to take down several seers and even fighting through Malaise's illusions, Modern Samurai finally faces off against Praetor Tillman herself. After several minutes where both Samurai and Mayhem hold their own, the hero from Primal Earth manages to land a solid blow, knocking Tillman out for good. And as he does so, he realizes what he just did, and, despite describing himself as "just a guy with a sword," he's been holding his own against another world's equivalent of the Freedom Phalanx.

Non-RP version: I ding'ed from taking down Mother Mayhem via Maria Jenkins' arc. (And yes, I know that Sister Psyche is supposed to come along in this mission. For whatever reason, she didn't spawn when I loaded in. Not that I was too worried. Modern's a /regen scrapper. HE FEARS NO DEBT.)

Bad news: I apparently forgot what key my screenshot command was bound to - if I ever bound the damn thing - so I don't have screenshot evidence to back it up.

Hilarity ensued, however. As soon as I heard that final level-up flourish, my Cylon-modified copy of iTunes, displaying it's strangely odd sense of the appropriate, was playing this. Which was kind of awesome, yet creepy.



((YAY Congratulations Kant! Very Happy for you I know this has been a long time coming so enjoy it as thoroughly as you can. ::she plays the Final Fantasy level up theme for MS:: ))




Where do we go from here?



Grats! and thank you for your service!

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



||||||| [[[[[[ ------ ++++ }}}}]]]]]])))\\\\\\///////<><><><>....//?:;'"*****```` Congratulations Kant! Its been a long time and well deserved! ||||||| [[[[[[ ------ ++++ }}}}]]]]]])))\\\\\\///////<><><><>....//?:;'"*****````



Congrats on 50. =)



((Grats! ))



I salute you! Well done!



I liked your spin on the events, made for some fun reading in my otherwise boring job.