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I'm not sure that can be answered in such broad terms. Different powersets will benifit on varying degrees with each. What I'm trying to say is it depends on the character and build. imo
Some will stay and some will go. Those that go will be to free up a slot for new power sets I want to try out
The mid to late 30's can be a bit of a drag. But for me the characters don't really get good till the mid 40's. ymmv
I havn't seen anything new that wasn't already talked about here, so I guss it was mainly for publicity/advertising, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I was hoping for some new information.
Quote:I imagine it will work like patrol xp works.Sooooooort of, yes. You can buy "double XP" tokens. I'm extremely curious if that means "twice as much XP for N time logged in", or "the next Y XP you earn is doubled".
Both options certainly allow for more rapid leveling.
And if you're willing to 'sell' XP, I'm not sure how far away Inf is from that - and "If Inf, then everything Inf can buy". -
Personally, I think they will be selling IO's. This whole business model change is about making more revenue. If they can sell the IO's for revenue, they will. Thus, I would assume Auction house pricing would go down. Have to wait and see though.
This is great! Thx for putting this together. I generally don't have time to keep up on the latest so I'll be using your build sheet soon!
Quick q? Will the higher end build run CoH at highest settings? -
One thing that bugs me; on my fire/fire tank with minotaur head, breath of fire comes from between the eyes rather than the mouth :/
My first character was a spines/ da scrapper. I had to put her on hold at about lvl 32 (?) the mutually exclusive armors and end costs were not fun. I then started a grav/kin controller that I took to 40 (when it was the max lvl). I now favor controllers and doms, but still like a bit of melee action from time to time.
I deleted a lvl 44 fire tank some time back. I deleted him right after they made burn cause fear, which to me made it totally worthless. Now I hear burn has been much improved since then. But no biggie, I can always start another
Thank you! I hope it comes soon; day by day initial loading times are growing increasingly longer for me...
I'd take the first one available, wouldn't much matter either way to me.
crazy long load times for me as well, and numerous crashes while playing since the last issue.
My first character Spines/DA created on the day CoH went retail. My oh my what a ride she's had. Definitely glad I stuck it out with her. She's so much better off now. She and I definitely paid out dues
Grats! and thank you for your service!
Been here since the day CoH went retail. At first it was something new and I made a lot of friends. I used to have much more time to play and having a strong SG of active people kept me entertained. For the money $15 a month was a small investment considering the hours I spent playing.
Now I don't have as near as much time to play, most of my earlier friends stay greyed out, but for $15 a month it's still a good investment. I've taken breaks from time to time due to real life or slight case of burnout, but I always come back. As long as theres something new for me to try out, a new powerset combo, changes to powersets, new task forces/ strike forces, new costumes to customize my characters, and a great community, I'll probably still be around. -
I think you hit the nail on the head with your first suggestion. Katana/WP. WP seems to take care of itsself and katana is a solid primary, good damage, defense mitigation, and not too heavy on the endurance.
Ill/radiation controller might work well.