Stalker or Scrapper on your team?
I hate, HATE being an AT-elitist, but given the rules you gave, my answer is Scrapper and I'd love to see what justifications someone would give for preferring a Stalker.
The "why" is quite simple actually: 1) better aoe damage (except for Elec) 2) more survivability via more HP.
Then there are subtleties such as Scrappers grabbing aggro and Stalker shedding it, so the Scrapper is more squishy friendly in that case.
I know people are going to say "My Spines/SR Stalker does tons of AOE and is plenty survivable". Yes, I'm sure it is. Guess what, that Spines/SR Scrapper is better on both counts.
Please note - I'm not a Stalker hater, and in fact rather enjoy playing the ones I have. I understand the OP's pain, of teams not being enthused about including him for LRSF/STFs. Personally I'm going to make sure my Stalkers get their NotW from Khans this week.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Scrapper. I'm not giving any reasons. Anything I say will be anti-stalker. Nothing personal. Just don't like that AT in teams.
Again, I'd never refuse one, but forced to choose? Scrapper.
I have found that a Stalker is superior on newer content-- such as Apex and Tin Mage. These missions have broken the mold of AV fights being reduced to facing an enemy with high HP and regeneration and melee ATs standing still for optimal DPS. The stalker truly shines in Tin Mage and especially so on the Apex TF where burst damage is actually useful against Battle Maiden. When you are forced to be mobile, burst damage has a very significant role.
However, on almost every other Task/Strike force, I would say that the Scrapper is better-- and this comes from a person that prefers the Stalker AT. Scrappers do more base damage than Stalkers AND they have a 1.0 self buff AT modifier while stalkers are limited to 0.8. Many tier 9 skills for Scrappers also have a 15% chance for critical. The end result is that Scrappers will outperform most Stalkers even when 4-5 ATs are augmenting the critical rate of a Stalker (+12% to +15%).
It's silly that even during those moments where a stalker is optimized, ie there are 4 to 5 allies within 30 feet of the Stalker, they still have lower DPS, lower survivability, and lower AoE than a Scrapper.
The Scrapper, all else being equal, is just a bit better. The one area Stalkers have an advantage over Scrappers - burst damage - they a) aren't far enough ahead to compensate for the fact that b) that advantage is not as important to CoH combat as the advantages Scrappers have.
That said, the gap's not big enough that I'd begrudge taking the Stalker, and really *everything* else would need to be equal (right down to character name) for Scrapper vs Stalker to be the issue that determined who I chose.
Stalkers really do need to be looked at again. It isn't fair that Scrappers out-damage and out-survive them. Brutes recently had Fury mitigated to keep them from stepping on Scrappers' toes too much, Stalkers need a buff to give them indisputably better damage than Scrappers given how much squishier they are.
P.S. This is another reason why making Incarnate rewards tied to teaming was a bad idea. Some Archetypes and powerset combos really do have a tougher time finding a team, especially in the crucible of the tougher Task Forces. Here's hoping for soloable options in I20.
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WARNING: I bold names.

I'm a pretty avid Stalker player, myself, but I'd probably still take the Scrap under most circumstances... particularly if it was a PUG. There are just too many ways a "bad" Stalker player can end up putting a wrench in the gears, and, as has already been mentioned, all else being equal, the Scrap is apt to be tougher and harder-hitting. Those are both good things when the strength of the team as a whole is sort-of an unknown quanity.
Now, that said, there *are* exceptions. If I know the Stalker's player is reasonably smart and good at playing that toon, and the Scrap is a stranger or run by someone I know is more of a wild-card... I'd take the Stalker every time. In spite of the differences in the base ATs, a GOOD Stalker is better than a bad or mediocre Scrap.
On the other side of things, as a player I try very hard to be that Good Stalker. I know the way I play Kestrel and Shade isn't likely to change the larger game population's opinions on their AT, but I think it says at least a little something that as time goes on, I'm getting less and less of the "Can you bring Ash/Silver/Keiran instead?"-thing than I used to with them.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I don't think I'd find myself in the situation set up. If I was forming a team and there were two people asking for the last slot, and they were a Scrapper and a Stalker, I'd simply take whoever asked first every time. I can't think of any possible reason I'd feel pushed to do otherwise. Sorry, I know that's not the answer you wanted! I just don't think there's anything that a team of competent players that includes a Scrapper can do that can't be done by a team of competent players that includes a Stalker. (Or with both/neither.)
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
Stalkers really do need to be looked at again. It isn't fair that Scrappers out-damage and out-survive them. Brutes recently had Fury mitigated to keep them from stepping on Scrappers' toes too much, Stalkers need a buff to give them indisputably better damage than Scrappers given how much squishier they are.
I find it completely unreasonable that in the face of a Brute nerf to damage because of their superior durability over scrappers, that stalkers get stuck behind, being at an unequivocal disadvantage.
To answer the OP's question, clearly I would grab the scrapper. There's pretty much no circumstance under which the stalker would be clearly superior (the burst damage argument I could see in an Apex, but even then the rain of death would have a good chance of invalidating AS, so you are relying on just normal crits).
Too many alts to list.
Scrapper, except in two circumstances...
1)Electric/nin stalker over electric/anything scrapper, because it is capable of higher dps in those AV fights if the player knows what he is doing.
2)A team made up of players who will stay in melee range, and no significant damage buffs. If I could count on getting the full 33% crit chance out of the Stalker, his damage pulls ahead easily. This type of team is pretty rare for these things though.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
If the team is mostly AoE or melee based already, the Stalker
For everything else, there's Scrapperlock.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
I don't think I'd find myself in the situation set up. If I was forming a team and there were two people asking for the last slot, and they were a Scrapper and a Stalker, I'd simply take whoever asked first every time. I can't think of any possible reason I'd feel pushed to do otherwise. Sorry, I know that's not the answer you wanted! I just don't think there's anything that a team of competent players that includes a Scrapper can do that can't be done by a team of competent players that includes a Stalker. (Or with both/neither.)

Actually now that I think about it, I'd take the Stalker. More likely to die, more chances for me to pop Vengeance. >.>
Lumi's Kinetics/Dark Blast Scrapfender, obviously.
Stalkers are pretty much a pure PvP AT for the most part. In PvE, I'd pick a scrapper for sure. At least with everything else being equal. A spines stalker that's invested 20 billion vs a scrapper with SO' that case I might actually pick the stalker.
My friend used to farm with a spines/SR stalker, and the speed was only a tiny bit slower than with his spines/SR scrapper. It was a very expensive build though.
If all you want is people arguing over their spreadsheets, well, you argue. I'll be playing the game.
I know people are going to say "My Spines/SR Stalker does tons of AOE and is plenty survivable". Yes, I'm sure it is. Guess what, that Spines/SR Scrapper is better on both counts. |
I don't want answers like I only take "experienced" players or whoever PM me first. If you run a full team and already have other areas covered (buffs/debuffs/tanking) and you are forced to pick one melee dps, who would you choose and why? Stalker or Scrapper?
Lol honestly, you're just asking people 'Which is better?' Why not just ask that, then? Or are you trying to single out people to know who's the elitist min/maxer and who's stupid.
Why not just screw both the Stalker and Scrapper and pick up the Dominator? More team friendly, more effective and safer than either, I'd say.

I'd take the first one available, wouldn't much matter either way to me.
Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom
I don't think I'd find myself in the situation set up. If I was forming a team and there were two people asking for the last slot, and they were a Scrapper and a Stalker, I'd simply take whoever asked first every time. I can't think of any possible reason I'd feel pushed to do otherwise. Sorry, I know that's not the answer you wanted! I just don't think there's anything that a team of competent players that includes a Scrapper can do that can't be done by a team of competent players that includes a Stalker. (Or with both/neither.)
I actually would pick Stalker because:
1. If the setting is +0, then it really doesn't matter who AoE. Things will just melt.
2. If the setting is a lot higher like +3, then Stalker may have more time getting more of that Team critical chance as things take longer to kill.
3. Contrary to many of you, I find Scrapper pretty over-rated on a team. Things that are said about Stalkers can apply to Scrappers as well. Scrapper can't tank as well as Brute/Tanker. Scrappers don't offer enough buffs/debuffs. If both are on a full team, Stalker's Single target damage potential can be higher than Scrapper. Stalker has better aoe defense and if he is not being target, I find my Stalkers usually survive better (simply because Stalker just doesn't attract that much aggro).
It's just that when I advertise myself as Stalker, people tend to skip me unless there is absolutely no choice left. Of all the ATs I've tried, there's only two ATs that I feel people try to "avoid": Stalker and Peacebringer.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I don't think the difference in AoE or ST damage over time will make a significant difference when you've got Fire/Dark Corruptors and MMs melting faces at running speed already. But the extra ST burst damage from a Stalker may be helpful for knocking down bosses a bit quicker.
I prefer watching Stalkers as well, for some reason. Stand-and-swing is less interesting than bouncing around, charging up, and shanking. Also, years of Hollows Horror culminating in running Frostfire literally hundreds of times has left me with a minor twitch every time I see a scrapper move towards an unengaged mob.
A brute instead of either :P
But i for one dont really care, they are both fine.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
Back before he left, Castle came out on the stalker forum and basically said that stalkers were SOL if they expected to be supreme in damage.
1: Assassin Strike should offer some kind of debilitating debuff against AVs/EBs/GMs. Stalkers don't necessarily need to do more damage, but when they take the time to attack the vitals of a powerful opponent it should hinder them drastically. If it were up to me, I would basically attach [Benumb] to the bonus damage from Assassin Strike, but limit it to a 5-10 second duration.
2: A Stalker has very little control over Assassination's ability to augment your critical rate by having players nearby. Allow for the first player within 15' of the Stalker to add a 10% critical rate. Allies 3 through 8 within 30' should add 2%. This would allow players to "flank" enemies and offer a sense of reward for strategically attacking foes that are distracted by a nearby ally. Front loading 10% and having 2% added by other allies would leave maximum performance pretty much the same-- 32% versus 31% under ideal situations, including the 10% base.
Now wait, didn't I just say that increased damage isn't needed? I personally view this change as a QoL enhancement, giving the player more control over one aspect of the Assassination inherent. It never made sense to me that Assassination wasn't implemented in this fashion from the get go.
I don't want answers like I only take "experienced" players or whoever PM me first.
I'd take whoever sent the first tell. And I don't want to be ON a team lead by someone who wouldn't.
There are good and bad points to both ATs. There are good and bad points to the players of both ATs. I've seen some great and some terrible players of both ATs.
My main is a stalker and I can take her on ANY TF/SF I choose. She has every Master of Badge going. If you're refused TF invites then I don't think that's the problem of the AT. At BEST it's people assuming you're going to stealth. I prefer to kill and I have that in my bio; "don't assume I'm going to stealth and I won't assume you're an idiot".
It's not the AT, it's the player.

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I kind of agree with this even though I think Stalkers need a buff. More damage isn't necessarily needed. Two things should happen, however:
1: Assassin Strike should offer some kind of debilitating debuff against AVs/EBs/GMs. Stalkers don't necessarily need to do more damage, but when they take the time to attack the vitals of a powerful opponent it should hinder them drastically. If it were up to me, I would basically attach [Benumb] to the bonus damage from Assassin Strike, but limit it to a 5-10 second duration. |
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Could add a fat chunk of unresistable -regen to AS. Stalkers are not going to replaces the real debuffing classes, but they'd have a trick that the other melee classes couldn't trump.
Eight Rad defenders are better, yes, but they already were and always will be. The stalkers just need to have an edge on the melee people.
I took out my alpha Stalker the other day for LRSF and obviously nobody was interested in him and I didn't feel like forming my team. I wasn't mad or anything. I kinda knew it.
Now, we know Brute on villain side can tank and deal good damage which makes Stalker less important. (Stalker is not useless)
Generally speaking, no AT is needed (except in very few situations where you need MM's temp power or have loads of debuffs) but who would you take if you are a team leader? Stalker or Scrapper?
I don't want answers like I only take "experienced" players or whoever PM me first. If you run a full team and already have other areas covered (buffs/debuffs/tanking) and you are forced to pick one melee dps, who would you choose and why? Stalker or Scrapper?
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.