Stalker or Scrapper on your team?




Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
Could add a fat chunk of unresistable -regen to AS. Stalkers are not going to replaces the real debuffing classes, but they'd have a trick that the other melee classes couldn't trump.

Eight Rad defenders are better, yes, but they already were and always will be. The stalkers just need to have an edge on the melee people.
All of those players asking for "debuffs" when forming Task/Strike forces are often asking for one thing in particular: -regeneration. It really would be nice if players could say "looking for a Rad, but a Stalker would suffice if necessary."



Usually if forced to pick I would take the Scrapper. But I have in the past intentionally picked a Stalker over a Scrapper just to irk annoying know it all team members.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
I kind of agree with this even though I think Stalkers need a buff. More damage isn't necessarily needed. Two things should happen, however:

1: Assassin Strike should offer some kind of debilitating debuff against AVs/EBs/GMs. Stalkers don't necessarily need to do more damage, but when they take the time to attack the vitals of a powerful opponent it should hinder them drastically. If it were up to me, I would basically attach [Benumb] to the bonus damage from Assassin Strike, but limit it to a 5-10 second duration.
Assasins strike DOES have a good debuff against AV's/EB's/VG's - it offers an unresistable to hit debuff and has since the last round of stalker changes. Its only -7.5% but thats a lot against AV's that resist 85%+ of normal to hit debuffs. I think a better solution to the utility of AS is one I propose below:

2: A Stalker has very little control over Assassination's ability to augment your critical rate by having players nearby. Allow for the first player within 15' of the Stalker to add a 10% critical rate. Allies 3 through 8 within 30' should add 2%. This would allow players to "flank" enemies and offer a sense of reward for strategically attacking foes that are distracted by a nearby ally. Front loading 10% and having 2% added by other allies would leave maximum performance pretty much the same-- 32% versus 31% under ideal situations, including the 10% base.
Complicated solutions like this add coding complexity and server processing time that tend to make them not worth implementing. I would stick to the KISS rule and instead look into increasing the radius on crit buff so that allies don't have to be so close - make it the same size as the leadership powers (what, 40' radius) and you will get a lot more benefit out of it. I also think that interrupt time on AS needs to go away - the long activation makes it impractical for use in a regular attack chain as it is, the intterupt time just means that def based stalkers have a better time getting placate->AS off and is unfair to res/regen based stalkers.

Personally I think almost ALL the interrupt times on most powers are outdated and unneeded, with the exception of pool powers like aid self which would be far to good if they didn't have an interrupt. However snipes, AS, trip mine, and many other powers with interrupts have other drawbacks already built into them (usually animation time) and removing it would not in any way over power them.

EDIT: To keep this post a little more on topic, I have to agree with Memphis_Bill - I would always take whomever asked first when recruiting for a group, the proposed 'situation' is bogus and would never happen to me. I never look at AT's when inviting anyways, I only look after the group is formed and usually then because I know that I or someone else might be willing to alt if we need to balance things out.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Stalkers really do need to be looked at again. It isn't fair that Scrappers out-damage and out-survive them. Brutes recently had Fury mitigated to keep them from stepping on Scrappers' toes too much, Stalkers need a buff to give them indisputably better damage than Scrappers given how much squishier they are.

P.S. This is another reason why making Incarnate rewards tied to teaming was a bad idea. Some Archetypes and powerset combos really do have a tougher time finding a team, especially in the crucible of the tougher Task Forces. Here's hoping for soloable options in I20.
Sounds like it'll be there.

Originally Posted by Second Measure
About That Accessibility Thing
For our more casual players, we have added an option for you to continue to build your way up the Incarnate Tree by collecting Incarnate Shards without doing any Incarnate Trials--you will even get Incarnate Shards when you are exemplared down. It will take longer than it will take by participating in Incarnate Trials, and you’ll miss out on some epic storylines, but you will be able to claim your seat at the Incarnate table nevertheless.
Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
In issue 20, you will be able to craft all abilities from the Incarnate trees that are available via Incarnate Trials using Incarnate Shards and some INF. It will take longer than it will take getting components via the trials, but you will be able collect the shards as you play everything(!) else in the game to offset that. If you mix in the occasional Incarnate Trial you will make more progress.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I never turn down a stalker in favor of a scrapper. At least when I pick Stalkers I know what to expect, and that is bosses dying very quickly.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



I don't like turning down a player on principle, but if I could magically arrange one rather than the other to appear and offer to group, I'd pick the scrapper. Generally more surivival, and AoE and sustained damage is generally more usefull than ST burst.

And at least a 12.67% lower chance to have an irritating PvP inspired name.

Edit: for the record, I'd be strongly in favour of PvE mechanics that would strongly favour stalkers.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Scrapper, except in two circumstances...

1)Electric/nin stalker over electric/anything scrapper, because it is capable of higher dps in those AV fights if the player knows what he is doing.

2)A team made up of players who will stay in melee range, and no significant damage buffs. If I could count on getting the full 33% crit chance out of the Stalker, his damage pulls ahead easily. This type of team is pretty rare for these things though.

1) An Electric Melee Scrapper with their best ST DPS chain, will do more damage than the Electric Melee Stalker. Assassin Strike does not help in DPS, except for that initial burst of Assassin Strike, at which time the Scrapper will pull ahead (because Placate lowers DPS).

Now, when playing solo and not fighting things that require DPS, this is true. Then Assassin Strike pulls it ahead in ST damage. But you specifically said AV fights.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Scrapper, except in two circumstances...

1)Electric/nin stalker over electric/anything scrapper, because it is capable of higher dps in those AV fights if the player knows what he is doing.

2)A team made up of players who will stay in melee range, and no significant damage buffs. If I could count on getting the full 33% crit chance out of the Stalker, his damage pulls ahead easily. This type of team is pretty rare for these things though.
I would have to say about 80% of the gaming population has no clue about the circumstances when a Stalker will out do a Scrapper. I consider myself middle of the road and I wouldn't honestly know either.

As a semi experienced player I know that you don't need a full team for anything. I think 4 solid players do the work and everyone is DPS. So that being said if I have the key players picked up for a TF then the rest is fodder, including myself depend on what AT I am playing.

So like some others I would pick up whomever sent me a tell first. But I have never looked to pick up a stalker for some specific reason as I might a healer, debuffer or controller or DPSer.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

1) An Electric Melee Scrapper with their best ST DPS chain, will do more damage than the Electric Melee Stalker. Assassin Strike does not help in DPS, except for that initial burst of Assassin Strike, at which time the Scrapper will pull ahead (because Placate lowers DPS).

Now, when playing solo and not fighting things that require DPS, this is true. Then Assassin Strike pulls it ahead in ST damage. But you specifically said AV fights.
Even accounting for the animation times of both powers with the "Arcanatime" associated with them, Placate + Assassin's Strike is still higher DPA than anything in Electric Melee (it's around 1.43 damage scale/second of activation... which is better than Gloom or Incinerate). The only power that Stalkers get that offers higher DPA is Energy Transfer. Better DPA = better DPS.

If you don't get interrupted, which people were saying was a big if but oddly enough only happened to me twice (both against Black Scorpion) during an entire STF full of AV fights including not being interrupted by Ice Mistral dropping a Blizzard on top of my ElM/Nin, Placate + Assassin's Strike will almost always improve your DPS. I have no idea where this idea that it's bad came from, unless people just assume that they're never going to get a critical after they Placate. Even on a resistance set, hidden status offers soft-capped level AoE defense all on its own with a SO in the base slot, and if you're on a team... guess what? A Placated AV isn't attacking you.

Now, a Scrapper will still probably end up doing more damage while solo due to having a higher base damage, higher buff modifiers, and access to a secondary that offers a persistent damage bonus that gets them a LOT of extra +damage that Stalkers don't have access to... but if enough teammates are nearby a Stalker can pull ahead on single target.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



A good stalker player is much better than a bad scrapper player. I see the hide as a plus on some missions (as long as the stalker has recall or assemble the team! ;-) ) I do think , however in general that stalker shine best solo. The few times I have played my stalker on teams i scrap ( as well as a scrapper), there the AS interrupt is a bother because that power is a one pony trick.

I do not know if it is possible but they should get rid of the interrupt when you want to use As in a normal fight. ANd make the damage high instead of moderate. In general AS is less usefull in teams (especially steamroller teams) due to its interruptability (is that an actual word?) quite often i simple I do not have time to set up AS. EB and AV yes if they don't have to many hide interupting AoE's. So I usually scrap when on teams as a stalker. I do think that the stalker damage should match (maybe dare I suggest even esceeds) the scrapper damage due to it's squishiness.

ALthough with a lot of buffs and debuffs AT's on the team this entire discussion is moot anyway!

PS. A stalker has a higher chance of critical strikes than scrapper btw (as long as they are in hide)



I'd pick whichever asked me first, but I do prefer Scrappers. They have better AoE, are more survivable and generally the players are more aggressive, which is a good thing for most things. From my experience, Stalkers often like to hang back and then approach the boss, melt him and then placate and retreat. Scrappers on the other hand, well, they often just charge into a spawn before anyone else and start beating stuff up. I don't find that problematic if I know the Scrapper can do it.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



The Stalker.


Scrappers don't do Anything better than anyone else. Stalkers do One thing better than anyone else, even if it's not hugely useful all the time. This is a statement of opinion (obviously).


Scrapper players are routinely terrible because they don't pay attention to the rest of the team.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



There is one thing that Stalkers have over Scrappers, and that's the ability to stealth almost any mission and use a team port. If I'm going to run a speed TF, then I want as many people who CAN stealth on the team as possible.

I'm also a huge fan of /Nin Stalkers. They may not have the raw numbers that other builds enjoy, but two of their three utility powers are great both solo and on teams. Smoke Bomb has limited use, in my opinion, but Blinding Powder is awesome, and Caltrops can actually do fairly impressive damage when proc'd out, aside from its control.

When it comes to straight-out teaming, I'd probably prefer Scrappers. They run in, set a steady stream of damage down on enemies, and are great for hopping back and forth between killing enemies around the tank and protecting squishies from anything going their way. I mostly see them as interchangeable with Brutes (despite what people think, most brutes CANNOT act as a surrogate tank without the right buffs), though maybe with less AoE and more ST damage.

I don't like saying this because I team regularly with Stalkers played by friends of mine, and I've seen what they can do to a mob of enemies with just one round of Assassin Strikes. There are some VERY cool Stalker builds out there, but Stalkers need time to Placate or go back into Hide before they can unleash a big critical attack while Scrappers just keep hitting things.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I don't want answers like I only take "experienced" players or whoever PM me first. If you run a full team and already have other areas covered (buffs/debuffs/tanking) and you are forced to pick one melee dps, who would you choose and why? Stalker or Scrapper?
Sorry that it's not what you wanted to hear, but: Whoever PMs me first. If "all bases are covered", I don't care if it's a Scrapper, Stalker, Brute, Blaster, Dominator, MM, Kheld, Spider, Corruptor, Tank, Defender, or Controller. All of those ATs can provide damage, as can the ones already on the team that have covered the "buffs/debuffs/tanking". Furthermore, any that have low damage don't have to worry about that, thanks to the buffs and debuffs.

Damage is damage. Anyone can provide it. In fact, the non-damage ATs can be the most devastating teammates you'll get; check out some of the threads about all-defender teams. And before you consider me a "Support fanboi", I can't stand playing those ATs. Except one Bane, all my 50s are scrappers, brutes and blasters.




Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
I don't like saying this because I team regularly with Stalkers played by friends of mine, and I've seen what they can do to a mob of enemies with just one round of Assassin Strikes. There are some VERY cool Stalker builds out there, but Stalkers need time to Placate or go back into Hide before they can unleash a big critical attack while Scrappers just keep hitting things.
2007 called. They want their stalkers back.

Stalkers that wait for Placate or Hide are gimping themselves. With the bonus to crit for having teammates nearby, a stalker that wades in and melees can unleash as much damage as a scrapper, sometimes even more.




Originally Posted by Constant_Motion View Post
I'd take the first one available, wouldn't much matter either way to me.
Another way to retain the OPs intent is, suppose you are setting up one of these TFs and you've advertised it on your server global channel and someone sends back a message "I'd like to join, I can log over and bring either a stalker or a scrapper, same powersets, and I'd be happy to play either, which would you like?"

That takes "whichever player is more skilled" and "whoever asks first" out of the question.

I'd actually lean towards the stalker in this, if I have decent AoEs on the team already. Hard targets like EBs and some bosses can slow teams down, and I have a higher likelihood that a stalker can help take out hard targets quickly as they virtually all have good ST damage. A player who is thoughtful enough to offer a choice of ATs also stands a chance of being a thoughtful enough player to choose targets intelligently, though obviously this is unique to the response I invented above.



Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
suppose you are setting up one of these TFs and you've advertised it on your server global channel and someone sends back a message "I'd like to join, I can log over and bring either a stalker or a scrapper, same powersets, and I'd be happy to play either, which would you like?"
Reply: "Bring whatever you want."




Anyone that knows me knows that my response is always:

Rule Five: Any build, any budget, no exclusions.

If asked for my preference:

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Stalker or Scrapper?
Neither, thanks. We'll do fine without.

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I don't want answers like I only take "experienced" players or whoever PM me first. If you run a full team and already have other areas covered (buffs/debuffs/tanking) and you are forced to pick one melee dps, who would you choose and why? Stalker or Scrapper?
Ok, under said ridiculous restrictions, scrapper every time.

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I'm not going to turn anyone away just because they're playing a Stalker. Okay, the Scrapper will do more AoE damage. So will a Blaster, so under those circumstances my choice would be "neither". But I'd never turn a way a Scrapper or Stalker because I would only take a Blaster, either.



I understand the stalker vs scrapper debate. Scrappers win 99% of the time when looked at unbiasly, and I see that as a problem, and belive stalkers need to be buffed.

However, if the OP's evidence is that they went to the zone where the weekly strike target TF starts, and broadcast for a team for awhile with no success, then switching to a scrapper isn't going to help them. First, I don't believe anyone is saying hrmm... there's a stalker available, but we're going to hold out for a scrapper. Second, most of the teams aren't forming in broadcast, they're forming in global channels and SG/coalitions. Third, when a team does start to broadcast looking for specific members, 9 times out of 10 it's not a melee damage toon they're needing... it's a healer or a tank.. possibly someone with holds, if they're planning to use that stategy or doing a LGTF. So being a stalker isn't any different then being a scrapper in that case.

All that considered I believe the OP's unstated premise that scrappers are repalcing stalkers on TF's is just wrong.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



If I HAD to choose, I'd usually pick the Scrapper every time. Although, I really don't care what people bring on my teams ever. I always tell people who ask, to play whatever they want to play. It's not like Stalkers can't contribute to teams, I mean I've had some tank Recluse in the STF, but generally a Scrapper can do more.





After Trying to get on teams for years with My stalkers, I no longer play them. And since I am petty, when I form teams I don't invite scrappers.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Reply: "Bring whatever you want."
Thank you

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
I don't think I'd find myself in the situation set up. If I was forming a team and there were two people asking for the last slot, and they were a Scrapper and a Stalker, I'd simply take whoever asked first every time.
This. I don't form pug teams, but I form teams that have pick up players. If I think I need something in particular, I ask for it, but I never ask for anything more general than "buffs/debuffs" or "damage", etc. I would never ask for a specific AT except maybe for the Barracuda SF.

On the other hand, I actively resent that that SF is designed in a way that anyone should be compelled to choose its teams that way, and I find the AV lead-around boring, so I am basically never in that position.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




... what, I have to choose one of those two?

Fine. Scrapper. I expect only two things from a melee dps in this game: to hit things until they fall down (both do this) and to hold as much aggro as they can survive, since the tank is probably over the cap or has enemies out of gauntlet's area or taunts radius.

Scrappers can hold aggro (some MUCH better than others). Stalkers are at their best when they get to shed it via placate for a big crit as often as possible (hopefully while scrapping it out if I nabbed them for DPS).

The holding of overflow aggro is why I would choose a brute over either when looking for melee dps.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."