604 -
I'd personally like to see a reduction in the animation time, that'd make it a great power for me.
I don't like the way the hover works for some of my characters, but I think it might be a somewhat necessary evil, probably fixable with a new mechanic, but probably not a priority for the investment of design time to fix it.
The end cost... meh. don't really care. -
Quote:Sure fault is better, but that doesn't mean the claps are bad.Fault costs less end and recharges 10 sec faster, has the same acc and radius and does disorient and kd. At least is animates slower.
Probably 1/3 to 1/2 the SS or elm characters I've built have used claps to some degree, (my SS/EA brute would be the most significant one here)
Even if it is awkward, it's still a LOT of PVE control.
In ancient times I remember having some fun with it against MMs in Warburg, seeing how many zombies etc. I could jam into obstructions... but that was... what, 12 issues ago or something? maybe more now... -
I keep meaning to do a parody of my toddler, he'd be a vigilante or rogue called "the wiggler" but I havn't got a powerset combo that's quite perfect. It'd have to include:
lots of knockdown PBAoE in an always on toggle.
Melee and Sonic attacks,
Unlimited endurance,
Mag ten billion immob protection (though possibly with limited protection to sleep)
A "You can't get mad at me, I'm way to cute" AoE placate power
Highly variable alignment/motivations based on imponderables.
I had more success making a parody of my wife's cat once. That kind of worked, but kitty is a less nuanced creature. -
I'd suggest an Inv but you have one, so... how about Elec/Tw?
Solid resistance, even overwhelming resistances with the ATIO and some other IOs...
and with your sweep, some acceptable defence (yes with a c, I'm from Canada)
End management, some extra recharge, etc. etc.
My current favourite tank is my Elec/TW, though that could change in a month... who knows... -
Quote:I like defence. I currently have two ill/controllers, ill/rad and ill/cold and I'm working on an ill/time who's kind of stuck in the 20s...If you have Perma-PA, you shouldn't need Ranged Defense, especially with the ToHit Debuff and Defense buff in Dark. Just let PA draw the aggro before you apply the debuffs, and you won't need any additional defense.
I've been playing Illusion Controllers for quite a while (I have 4 of them Incarnate) and I don't have a Defense build on any of them. By using PA and Phantasm to draw aggro, select use of Deceive and use of invisibility, I am usually able to avoid drawing aggro. I never need to use up my power choices and slots for Defense. Once in a while, I run into an ambush that focuses on me, but it is pretty rare.
But I've really taken a liking to my ill/dark, so he's going to get the works, and for me that does include some def.
I can't always count on having the innitiative, I can't always count on PA aggroing all the mezzers, I can't always count on lots of things
But adding layers of def on control and PA will be a worthy goal...
And as I said before, I think this guy's worth it...
EDIT: I suppose I may get distracted by something else shiny... but vs. this guy? I doubt it. -
Shadowfall yes.
Darkest night can be rather heavily resisted by the big bads. Sure, as a general rule, phantom army will NOT be resisted by the big bads, but even so, I'll probably try and 45-cap at least ranged, and maybe ranged + S\L. I only have time to play 2-3 characters at once these days so all I've saved up in more than half a decade can be respecced into 2-3 characters. I think this guy is going to be more than worth it. -
Ok, tried dark/time and ill/dark
both seem strong but ill/dark is just perfect for me...
Now if I can figure a way to cap ranged def and perma PA this will be my all time favourite controller I think... wow. -
Quote:If they bring it in around the time they bring in ancillary customization, it'd be even better.Ancillary Powers need some love too. Scorpion Shield is a good armor but only available villain side after choosing a Patron. The problem I have is it is the only defense based armor for defenders. Ice and stone have defense armors for controllers for those that want to look the part.
Energy Armor needs to be an option as well for hero side and those that do not want to look like an icicle or a rock... Just my thought.
A significant caveat: One power in the ancillary pool with energy armor must be either crowd control or shatter. -
Quote:For the record the devs are aware that this is a bug.I'd like to know this as well. Make sure to bug it and send them a PM with your data. I'm sometimes amazed at how bugs go unheard of by the people that should be hearing about them.
fix schedule? no clue at all.
and honestly? if they decided it was *relatively* low priority then I couldn't blame them too much. -
dark/time or ill/dark...
No real clue which yet.
Sigh. -
Quote:Out of curiosity, has anyone actually bugged this, or alternatively PM'd synapse et. al.?Proc is bugged. I've posted on several ATO forums on it.
The bug is as you see. I assume gauntlet (pboe taunt effect from single target attacks) is affecting the code, making it into an aoe, ergo, wont proc on time.
I put it in total focus, and by synapse and arbiter hawk, it should proc every time (base recharge 20s). It doesnt. It also seems to get worse in small groups, which fits the weird aoe formula. -
Quote:Not going to object to this point but on the other hand, electric probably does have more freedom to pick an outside the box destiny power.One of the best parts about Inv is the HP cap. When an Inv tanker wants the extra resists, he can pop oranges/temp powers/unstoppable/get buffs from a sonic/thermal/pain/kin. When an Elec tanker wants Inv's level of HP(approximately 50% more), he has to get a Cold to buff him with Frostwork.
Invul does really well with rebirth (not that elec doesn't) but I don't find that elec "needs" rebirth to the same degree (need obviously subjective here).
That frees up the slot for something else. Barrier has become silly. I tried ageless and I have to say that stacking with other IOs and powers, having a minimum of 80 percent recharge/slow resist and 95% tohitdebuff, stacked up on all the other percs is awefully nice. Having solid def debuff resists for a meaningful time isn't just a consolation prize.
EDIT: I can't honestly say Ive tried rebirth core on electric (or anywhere). I wouldn't expect the opportunity cost of those HP would be worth it... but it IS there...
Yes invul can take ageless too, but there are places where the sustained HP recovery on Invul without rebirth is low enough to be at least worth commenting on. -
Quote:It would probably be worth noting that there's no way to predict what future mob comp might be likeThat base energy and psi resistance in ElecA/ is just that nice against the current trial mix of foes.
A swarm of arachnoids or, if you could imagine such a thing, praetorian elder snakes (hey, who knows right?) might turn the tables against elec pretty quickly. -
Quote:Never underestimate invul, it's still probably the best balanced set out there BUT:Just got my brute to 50 plus 3 so time to start a new toon mainly for end game is the purpose never had a Inv tank or Elec tank trying to decide which is better for end game as far as defense and being able to tank all in my path, SS is gonna be my secondary got about 2 bil to spend and enough reward merits to get all i need please give some opinions. (usually a WP kinda buy)
With three stacks of the superior ATO proc and cardiac, my IO/d Ele/TW tanker can get
S/L: 90 (obviously)
E: 90 (obviously)
N: 80 ( Ele/ss probably gets a bit less)
F: 90 (ATO proc for the win!)
C: 90 (ATO proc for the win!)
P: 90 (ATO proc for the win!)
T: 39.something
With so MUCH resistance, def is far less important in many situations that would normally require it, and situations that involve absurd levels of tohitbuff are far less relevant to you than to anyone else that can walk over medium sized curbs.
EDIT: To be fair, you'll need to slot some knock IOs to be able to safely negotiate said curbs yourself, and I actually NEED some extra mez resist slotted to survive the stuns and holds that come with the damage I can take but... -
Actually, how about a direct question:
I guess it's statistically possible that what I'm seeing matches the data (but... eek!)
Does anyone know if this is an acknowledged bug, or should I keep poking at it? -
Quote:I've found that in at least some cases, the proc does not appear to follow the rules as stated on paragon wiki. In defensive sweep, I've had no trouble keeping the power stacked. Scorch? not so much. Follow up should be very good at working, but it isn't.I'd done a bit of testing in the past and found inconsistencies with the "to hit rolls". See the link in my sig for that discussion if you'd like to read it.
It's possible that the rules are different than I understand them to be, but... well, assuming the background information is what is intended, then I'm not sure the streakbraker can really explain the issue.
Assuming an AoE derating, at least in the case of some powers, would be an explanation that could match my observations... -
Quote:A HA, I was just about to start a rant about how I'd done some testing with some of my ST attacks, and something was wrong... now I don't have to.Does the Tanker ATO get hit with the AoE penalty? I would think so, and therefore it would be better placed in a single-target power (at least once they get single-target powers to not get the AoE penalty thanks to gauntlet).
Maybe I can get the search tool to work every now and then.
Crazy times! -
Quote:I would like to see something like this, or maybe just have gauntlet apply a res debuff.Tanker
* Adds a splash effect to the Tanker's Bruising power, turning it into a pbaoe. Enemies hit by the splash suffer a -10%/-12.5% resistance effect.
I'd advocate that it should be of a lower magnitude (if needed), but stackable from multiple tanks to help with large team tank stacking woes. -
Still a relevant discussion
Generally this game is forgiving enough that it shouldn't matter if you have an extra tanker or not, but for whatever it's worth, I think that extra tankers are probably the least "stackable" extra AT in the game.
Sure you could argue that an extra tank can grab an extra spawn, handle overflow aggro etc. but all in all, I would argue that you get more mileage on the whole from something else.
After I 22 this "everyone else" will also include stalkers, if it doesn't already. -
Quote:I wouldn't use ageless on a SR tank, but for electric you can more or less justify it. With winter's gift as well, it's pretty good half the time, and very very good half the time...It is, but there aren't any cheaper ways I'm aware of to get complete immunity to recharge slows. As Javelin's Volley doesn't cost that much, its not inconceivable to slot them in an alternate build for content that specifically contains ludicrous amounts of -recharge, and I'm thinking specifically of Tin Mage.
But on a totally different note, your build gave me an idea which will almost certainly not work... but I have to ask:
is the speed debuff in granite/rooted resistable?
EDIT: meh, just realized there are little exclamation marks in city of data that would have answered this for me, oh well, it would have been broken if it had worked. -
Quote:To be honest I have never understood why they don'tAre all Scrapper players going to commit suicide if Stalker beats Scrapper in single target dps?
To my mind melee dps should be as follows:
Melee blaster first (yup, better than scrappers, stalkers and brutes) High damage with no protection
Stalkers second
etc etc... -
In principle I'd like this. I'd rather have this and wait as much as 9 months or a year for more incarnate progression.
In practice, I think this would be very very hard to balance in those 9 months. -
Quote:Before 50, I just DO take 95% of their attacks. at 90% res without other dire effects, that isn't a problem.Resistance cap to SL is fine, and can get you a long way, but their defense debuff will get you to a point you are taking 95% of their attacks.
Also, you really have no choice to ignore or not ignore defense debuff resistance, as that is specific to your power set. You either have it, or you don't, or you had option for it and didn't take it.
After that? I chose the option to take Ageless.