554 -
Wouldn't be the first time, I suppose. Also, there's no reason it couldn't be BOTH.
I caught this rumor on another board, and yeah, I really REALLY want some sourced confirmation of the status of the IP.
If NCSoft doesn't own the IP, there's practically nothing we can do by petitioning NCSoft, they don't have the legal authority to extend something they don't have the rights to.
And if it's true that PerfectWorld is strangling CoX out of the MMO market ... Champions can suck my ******* **** dry it'll never get a dime of money or minute of time from me. -
Quote:By "the man in the overcoat" I assume you mean the Drifter. I tried him this morning and he sort of "got stupid" in the middle of the discussion. I could have missed some sort of timing thing on this, but whatever.Perfect Hitter: smash the 4 generators then train the man in the overcoat to count cards, it didn't work for me when I trained the other 2
Also, paragonwiki is noting that you have to kill the patrol in the First Hacker room in order to get the badge. Can anyone confirm this? -
Just checking on this, we did the Event shortly after the servers came up this morning and after it was all said and done, the full team got the "Perfect Hacker" badge, rather than just the one person who did the Hacker Role. Is this WAI? I don't mind, since it will mean that one person's success rewards the team, but just checking.
Gonna agree that most of these do not stand out for me. It's more an issue of trying to pick which of these designs look the least like a "back massager".
Look at D and tell me I'm wrong. -
B, definitely B. It just screams "Taste my freem you green-blooded commie-scum!"
Picked A, not sure why. Would be nice to get a base-only option as well as the bubble.
Yeah, I'm gonna add to the lots of people who would love to have the chest detail from A as an option. But i picked B 'cause I felt the pieces would be a lot more versatile in different costume combinations.
My first and main toon is a Fire/Rad Corr. Loved it, continue to love it. The question at this point is really whether or not you want control. Fire/rad has the original hard control: mob death. However, it is also massively aggro inducing, so you'll be faceplanting a lot when your BURNINATING gets you in trouble. A corr's Fire/rad is pretty easy on the slotting, though, since rad doesn't have a lot of "necessary" slotting and on a corr, several of the powers (Fallout, Choking Cloud, Mutation, and EMP) can be skipped if they don't match your playstyle (I'd at least get mutation for teams, but it certainly doesn't require much if any slotting). Which means you can pretty much max out slots on all the rest of your primary powers.
Just a word of warning however, you're gonna bleed end like crazy. I recommend an epic that allows for end conservation or sapping. -
Empathy and Pain Domination: Just can't get into the set that doesn't offer me much in the way of debuffing or shields or something other than straight heals. Pain Dom is definitely better for my playstyle than Emp, but still. I have one toon each with these powersets and they are both parked in the 30s, likely never to return.
Super Reflexes: Never, never again. Once I got to 40+ I didn't mind the character so much, but good god that was a horrible, horrible painful grind and I will never do it again.
Mastermind primaries: I just can't get into them. I won't say "never again", but pretty much every other AT has something I'm interested in and MM's are just not one of them.
Radiation Emission: Not because I don't like it. I think it's a fabulous support powerset. I've just levelled two corrs to 50 on it with very little difference in the builds, so I think I'm ready to set that one aside. -
Since there aren't any sets that FS accepts, you're not getting any benefit out of max slotting it. You could use HO's I suppose to get max stats out of Acc/end/Recharge & Range, but really that's it. All you can do with DS is tweak those stats on that one power. No globals or other sets will fit to help anything else out.
Looking at this thread, I think I've over-slotted it at 4 (which I think is 2 acc, 2 recharge) - but I wasn't really hurting for slots on my build anyway. -
Quote:Wow. The only thing dumber than attacking the darkness.
Tasks - Calvin Scott Mission 1
Rescued team members should no longer attack the fire. -
Can't believe no one has mentioned dear Dr Hetzfeld's arc. Great arc where the character is (generally) in control, and the contact is (supposed to be) your flunky.
And man, does Doc Hetz flunk like a champ. -
Yeah, gonna go for Deacon's call here. I don't have a /dark corr, but lots of what keeps a Corr alive is knowing the playstyle related to your powersets (and no, thats not a LTP diss). I agree that with dark/dark, -ToHit is your friend, which will in many cases mitigate the need for a high-Inf "softcap def" build. With a little defense (which Scorpion Shield will assist with), along with CJ & Manuevers, you're gonna be doing a bit better. Not invincible or invulnerable, but you should see some more survivability.
Also, if you're going for the Alpha slot, there's a lot you could do. The Musculature Tree boosts Damage straight out of the box if you're hurting for that. The second rank hits the Immobilization part, and by the time you get to the 3rd Tier you're looking at +dmg, +immob, boost toHit debuffs. If you manage to get to the T4, you've got +Slow too.
Not sure what you're end usage is like, so Cardiac would also boost your end discount, along with range and eventually Fear Duration. -
Yeah, mostly TP Foe ends up being used in PVP - basically as a set up to a ganking. I've seen it used in PVE for some one-by-one pulling, or for the uses above.
It's not at all a popular choice for any PVE. toHit check + doesn't work on certain mobs + limited utility = skip it and get TP friend.
I'd suggest one of a few things:
1. Fred's idea: Merge with TP Friend and just make it TP Other.
2. Lose it, make a new T1 (TP Defense? Displace Self?)
3. Move everything down a rank, make a new T3 (yeah, this could give a travel power at lvl 6, or maybe you could make TP & group TP at lvl 14) -
Quote:Marketing. The more you see it, the more likely someone will buy it.
We have numerous bugs and THIS is what resources were spent on?
Plus, devs & programmers are sort of busy with this thing they're calling i20 - they might be a bit occupied with launching that before handling some other tasks. -
Okay, yeah, that's true, I was thinking of stacking with itself.
Quote:On top of what was already said, a Corruptor doesn't have BU. Or Aim.Why all the hate for Empty Clips, its nice, like, pop Build Up, use Bullet Rain and Empty Clips and there dead.
As far as the OP goes...
Empty Clips and Suppressive Fire are, generally speaking, the two most commonly skipped powers. There was a good point made about putting the Achilles Heel Proc into EC, but if you're dark you already have decent -RES in Tar Patch (which you should get if you're wondering). IMO, I find that Bullet Rain > Empty Clips just because of the larger target area, and if you need room in your build for other powers, EC is just something that doesn't make the cut. It can be useful at lower levels, but it would be something I respec'd out of.
Suppressive Fire? Well, I find it to be a situational utility power. You won't likely be able to stack it easily to hold a boss, but if you were looking to do that you shouldn't be playing a corruptor anyway. SF is basically my "breather" power to take someone out of the fight that I don't want to deal with immediately. It won't take them out long, but it might just be enough to put you in a better position than you were before you used it. Still, it can be skipped, it's not a power that is required to make the set operational. -
What is with all this HAET over the lowbie TF/SFs being recommended as the WST? Half of the problem with the endgame at this point is that it is a grind-cycle of the same five or six things over and over again (STF, LRSF, ITF, LGTF, Hami, MS Raid, rinse, repeat). Why not give an (extra) incentive to do some lower content? Let's get the Moonfire and Ouroboros TFs a WST! Why not? It's not like you aren't getting rewards one way or another (merits, Inf/prestige, recipe drops, etc).
OH NOES WHERES MAI SHARDS!! Whatever. It's not a race to the T4s.
Meanwhile, the Psyche TF and the Mantis SF give mildly disproportionately high merit rewards than their difficulty and time sink really justify, so why complain about running them? -
The issue 19 page shows that the ITF is next week's WST... can we continue this trend of giving us future notice of what "next weeks WST" will be? Big help for coordinating SG/VG teams or other such things.