So, is Teleport Foe another one of those Powers we can do without?
I'm not a PVPer, but I have been ganked via TPFoe while doing stuff in zones, so I think zone pvpers use it.
Pre-IOs, I found it useful on a MA/SR scrapper when I was leveling. Because it's all single target damage, and with SR, pre-IOs, I needed to minimize the amount of incoming damage as much as I could. So even if that meant TPing a minion and aggroing a lieut, I could pretty much deal with the minion and only have the lieut to deal with. I do think that was an exceptional case of who can use TP Foe.
I haven't taken it since and if it were removed, I wouldn't miss it a bit.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
TP Foe has some good uses, depending upon the character. Many powersets have "siphon" powers -- Kinetics, Dark Miasma and Warshades are examples. Especially combined with a Hold or confuse power, TP Foe can be used to grab a low-level foe to use as a "battery" for healing or buffing. A Dark Miasma Defender can grab a foe, bring it to a full group of dead teammates and rez them with Howling Twilight. A Kinetics character could pull a foe to use to buff up the team with Siphon Power (and himself with Siphon Speed).
You can also use TP Foe to grab a foe who is running away and bring him into melee or within range of an AoE aura. I have been tempted to grab TP Foe on my Traps/Rad defender just for the fun of it . . . There is just something kind of sick about using TP Foe to drop a guy onto a set of Trip Mines. (A lot of people are praying that Traps eventually is made into a Controller secondary just so they can make a Grav/Traps for the combo of Trip Mine+Wormhole.)
Having said all that . . . the only character of mine who has TP Foe is my Warshade, and that's mainly left over from when the best way to handle a Void or Quant was to TP him close and hold him . . . but I still occasionally use it to pull a foe, kill him and turn him into a pet with Extracted Essence. That way I get some nice extra damage from my new Kooshball as I run in to aggro the entire group.
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I think they should merge TP Foe and Recall Friend, and add an attack to the Teleport pool. Or make TP Foe cause some damage and possibly a stun or immobilize as well; even if it fails to teleport it would at least hurt the target.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
Yeah, mostly TP Foe ends up being used in PVP - basically as a set up to a ganking. I've seen it used in PVE for some one-by-one pulling, or for the uses above.
It's not at all a popular choice for any PVE. toHit check + doesn't work on certain mobs + limited utility = skip it and get TP friend.
I'd suggest one of a few things:
1. Fred's idea: Merge with TP Friend and just make it TP Other.
2. Lose it, make a new T1 (TP Defense? Displace Self?)
3. Move everything down a rank, make a new T3 (yeah, this could give a travel power at lvl 6, or maybe you could make TP & group TP at lvl 14)
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I use it occasionally with my Trick Arrow/Archery defender to snag strays and run-aways and toss them back into the glue or oil-slick. I've also used it to pull a few times... But, yeah. It's pretty limited in its utility. I only took it in the first place because there was nothing more useful I could take in its place.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
The only time I ever see it used is for griefing with PVP drones.
Warshade - TP a Void, stick them in a grav well.
TP an enemy for use as a healing/rezzing target on Darks and Kins
TP an enemy back on a stone tank for that final hit ("I'm not chasing you, get back here.")
TP a problematic enemy over and stick them in a hold.
Reposition a held/immob'd enemy for a teammate to do the same to.
My trapper more than gladly TP's enemies into mines. I think Teleport Foe has three specific problems:
- It can't affect bosses or higher.
- It's negatively affected by the con system.
- There's no way to boost the magnitude.
I use it on my warshade for occasionally TPing voids/quants. If I've got a full head of steam (active eclipse, 2 fluffies out, etc) I'll just jump in and gank him first, but if I've been stealthing or it's the first mob or something, he's getting TP'd out of the mob and fed a faceful of gravity well.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I like it on my squishies when I solo. It's nice to grab an irritating minion (say a sapper) or lieutenant (perhaps a sorceror) and deal with him while his friends try to figure out where he went.
It can help masterminds as well, teleporting an enemy into a mess of pets and debuffs can make short work of him.
I sometimes use it to bring single targets to my MM's pets. As a 200' range Taunt it works well. Otherwise...I agree with most of what was said above. Set it up so the base power affects Minions, 1 added slot of something (Intang. is as good as anything) for Lts and 2 added slots for Bosses.'s even more skippable than Jump Kick and that's saying something...
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
Also useful for getting that Enemy who stuck himself in the wall or ceiling.
I've found it handy on my Dark Stalker if I need to break down the size of a mob before jumping into the mix. I've found that there's a good chance that the foe you just Teleported won't get aggro'd by the TP either, so I can even pull an Assasin Strike on them as well.
For comedy merit, it's also fun for 'dropping' low level foes off rooftops, but that's probably not what it's meant for
Cheers, @RoboTank
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Also useful for getting that Enemy who stuck himself in the wall or ceiling.
Also, my FF/Energy Defender could not solo without it. Picking apart spawns one by one makes things fairly easy for a low damage Defender with no buffs or debuffs. Combine that with the ginormous amounts of Knockback the two sets come up with, and... Things work out alright most of the time.
Also, as far as not being able to teleport higher ranking enemies.. If you slot a little recharge in it, you *can* teleport LT's and occasionally bosses with a second attempt. The magnitude stacks. Whether this is intended.... I don't know, but I'm not going to argue it.
It's a fun fluff power. I wouldn't be against merging it with Recall Friend and adding something cool like a self-teleport to a random nearby area, as a kind of 'panic button'.
I have a Stalker with this power and use it a lot. It is good for trimming mobs down so I can safely jump in and scrap it up.
I only have it on my Mind/Psi dom and even though it did get more use at lower levels I still find uses for it. Like if I want to keep one a healer or a buffer-type foe confused and drag him around with me for a bit. Or if I need to build up domination before a big battle, I can tp some minion over to me and keep using confuse/drain psych/low damage attacks until it's ready.
But it would be nice if we could in fact enhance the magnitude so we could teleport higher level foes. Perhaps a new teleport-magnitude enhancer could also function on regular teleport powers as a means of TPing while immobilized. Or the ability could just added to the range or interupt or even accuracy enhancers when put on TP Foe.
TP Foe has some good uses, depending upon the character. Many powersets have "siphon" powers -- Kinetics, Dark Miasma and Warshades are examples. Especially combined with a Hold or confuse power, TP Foe can be used to grab a low-level foe to use as a "battery" for healing or buffing. A Dark Miasma Defender can grab a foe, bring it to a full group of dead teammates and rez them with Howling Twilight. A Kinetics character could pull a foe to use to buff up the team with Siphon Power (and himself with Siphon Speed).

Would rather just have a group TP that works like the vet power added to the pool since TP foe is not totally useless, albeit, not popular.
It's good for droning. That's about it.
Yeah, mostly TP Foe ends up being used in PVP - basically as a set up to a ganking. I've seen it used in PVE for some one-by-one pulling, or for the uses above.
It's not at all a popular choice for any PVE. toHit check + doesn't work on certain mobs + limited utility = skip it and get TP friend. I'd suggest one of a few things: 1. Fred's idea: Merge with TP Friend and just make it TP Other. 2. Lose it, make a new T1 (TP Defense? Displace Self?) 3. Move everything down a rank, make a new T3 (yeah, this could give a travel power at lvl 6, or maybe you could make TP & group TP at lvl 14) |
I would tp foe a sapper for example, give him a guy smiley, then wade into the rest of the mob. I also found it good for corner pulling without having to expose myself to the mobs at all. Even if it misses, the mob will come.
That said, I respeced out of it about 4 years ago, and haven't really missed it.
I still use TP Foe in regular missions, as a pulling tool or to thin out the herd so that only the boss remains.
/devices and traps/ toons can use it to tp foe an enemy onto a trip mine for comedic effect.
If you're going to commit to using it, it needs at least one additional slot. 2accIO minimum to keep the "miss frustration level" down.
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I have had it on my stalker, when he was a bit lower level and his damage shields were still pretty thin. Now I either gank the tough mob beat down the rest or just plain give them all the beat down. Lightning rod is great for that.
Awhile ago, I did a post on group fly, and how it either needed to be changed or just done away with. The majority of comments on that were in agreement on changes being made with group fly being that there were more negatives than positives with that power.
So, with that being said, is Teleport Foe another one of those "early in the beginning powers, circa 2004" that was added by the dev's without not too much thought when CoH first came out? I ask as I have tried in the past to find a very valid reason to use this power while in battle with teams and solo. Based on what paragonwiki states "You can teleport a single foe directly next to yourself. A successful hit must be made in order to teleport the target, and some powerful foes cannot be teleported. This power can be interrupted." Now here is the key. Some more powerful foes cannot be teleported. I have found that even some Foes a couple of levels above myself not an EB or AV but regular lieutenants will normally not TP. Okay, so I can use it on minions and lightweight foes, great.
I know that sometimes it can be very handy and practical to TP a high ranking boss away from their minions to help save the team in wipeout deaths from aggroing large groups. This issue here is Teleport Foe will not let you TP a high ranking foe. On most teams I've been on, we are normally going against some high level foes and bosses. This, out of all it's negatives, has got to be the biggest bugaboo with this power. If there was a way to enhance this with enhancement IO's or other means then that would be great but that is not the case.
If someone out there in CoX land can tell me how they have been using their Teleport Foe and how they find it practical in team and solo use, by all means, please get on the soap box and let us know because I would really like to understand the logic on this and how Teleport Foe can be a practical power.