Retro Sci Fi Costume Set: Ray Gun Rifles! - Vote for what we make!




Last year at the very first Freedom Player Summit, we introduced the design a costume set workshop. After our initial pass, and much discussion between the art team and the Community, we've now narrowed down the selections. Now it's back to the Community to help us decide on the final product!

Between now and Thursday, February 9th 2012, you can submit your vote for which pieces we should include in the finished version.

Of course, should anything happen that would change the outcome of the final selection, we'll communicate this to you.

So get out the vote and help us decide our very first Community co-created costume set!

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



This ones actually kind of tough, none of them really -jump out- out me, like the others do.



F, simply because there is nothing else quite like it in the game already.

You've wanted more control and now you have it.



Definitely C. Stock! Fuel tube! Nice barrel with a sight! All good. F is okay but two-pronged is a bit specialized.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
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Was so tempted to go with B because it's so different, but if I have to pick only one I wanted it to have the rings and went with A instead.

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C and F jumped out at won't know what I picked though!

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C looks awesome! But, it doesn't really stand out next to the existing ones, other than a unique... shape. I love F, because it's got the double tesla coil look, and no other rifle has that. Seems like it would go with any sort of Sci Fi character. Id love to use it on a steampunk character! F's got my vote. ^.^



So many options on this one it's really hard to pick just one. I sort of hope that with 6 options to choose from they maybe take the top 2.



I was hoping this one would be easier but it isn't. The only one I thought was icky was B. I want all the others.



A is my favourite with E being a close second



B cos it reminds me of the star trek rifle hehe...well the handle part anyway ;p



C actually reminds me a lot of the Frankenrifle we have now for AR. Speaking of which - any chance that could get ported to the Beam Rifle options?

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Gun A seemed to fit the costume set best. However, Gun D is the most versatile for general costuming.



I liked B the best so I voted for B.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Talk about tough choices! These are all outstanding, and unlike the other categories everything's at the head of the pack; nothing jumped out and screamed "Sci-Fi" over the others. But like the Ray Gun, I'd vote for both rings and a fin, so A has my vote.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Voted A

I think that A would be the best overall fit, visually. B, C, & D could do OK in AR & BR, I guess. I just think the stocks would clip a bit too much in BR with B & C. C also kinda reminds me of the Gun the Robotics MMs get as well. D, while somewhat plain, could also work w/AR & BR. E is a little too top-heavy for my tastes. F, I think, would be cool as a BR piece if the Beam FX could be fired from between the two posts.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



A is nice, but it's C.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

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To shame, Zwillinger, to shame! Such blatant post-bumping.

... Beam rifle and not assault rifle, right? Option B! It looks like some sort of ray gun bazooka thing, which makes for a stylish ray gun. An awfully weird assault rifle, though.




Very Flash Gordon

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I found it a challenge, unlike the other 3 pieces, where I apparently intuitively glommed onto the most popular choice voted so far. O

Like Star Trek movies and Windows versions, the "every other one" pattern applies here too: A, C, or E. All fine choices. I agree, F is pretty but the double-barreled action is a bit specialized.



I went C, because so many of the retro rifles had that ridiculous sight that did nothing in every old movie I ever saw.

My feeling however is we'll get the top two out of all the options. When have we ever seen just one option go through alone?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Picked A. It's the one that seemed the most iconic and scifi to me.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too