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  1. The speculation going around (SPECULATION, note!) is that this is due to the engine rights.

    They were passed to Cryptic, to Atari, then to Perfect World... who wanted to shut down a competing MMO. So, when the five year renewal came around, they refused to renew and thus COH has to shut down despite being reasonably successful.

    It makes more sense than having active development going so strong just days before the shutdown. If COH was bleeding money I think we'd have more warning, too. But, again, just speculation.

    The game industry is not a beacon of stability.

    EDIT: Beaten by 12 seconds by Rangle. Curses! Well, better to quote than to reiterate, so read the above post.
  2. I haz a sad.

    I've been with City of Heroes since beta. I wrote MA arcs, I leveled many, MANY alts, and met almost all of my online friends here. CoH will be missed terribly.
  3. Honestly, if it was anything other than Kirby Dots, I wouldn't mind the exclusivity. But this is a traditional staple of the entire artform, a tribute to one of the greatest artists ever to grace it... and it's going to be incredibly limited in availability. It'll be completely down to dumb luck whether you get it or not.

    I'd much rather it be sold in the market, and the codes be simply free copies of it alongside the sale copies. Like giving away codes for Water Blast or something, so you COULD get it for free, or you could just pony up the cash.

    Hopefully that'll be the path this goes, eventually. I finally got a Freak Tank costume in the market, after all, after years of being only available in contests. But, ugh... years.
  4. Solo or on teams, a well built Defender rocks and rocks hard. They may not murder things quite as fast as a Corruptor, but they'll be far safer while they do it and will have equivalent base damage thanks to superior Assault bonuses and Vigilance solo damage bonuses. I played a Traps / Dual Pistols and could solo very, very effectively thanks to lots of point-blank AOE attacks and debuffs and such, for instance.

    Now, that said, some powerset combos do not do a great job of keeping the Defender alive when solo -- they're far more focused on team support. You need to choose wisely and build well to make it work, whereas Corruptors can be played like slightly watery Blasters regardless of their supporting role.

    It's all about different taste, I suppose. But get on a team with 3-4 Defenders and it's like tossing field mice into a adamantium wheat thresher...
  5. I like #1. Yeah, #2 is more dynamic, but I like the poses better in #1.

    Plus, #2 overemphasizes Skullcrotch McCrotchyskull's notable lower body feature.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    I'm annoyed that the Double XP Boosters went Live - but only until the 30th.
    Derp? Limited time item that's a consumable? That's kind of weird.

    Do they at least not activate until you claim them from Character Rewards? I'd hate to click BUY on my cart and suddenly I'm in 2xp mode for a short while.

    My best guess is that they're keeping it limited to make sure it doesn't completely unbalance the game, so they can be reintroduced later. But, that's just a guess...

    As for trays, I bought them at full price awhile ago and regret nothing. It makes your every-5-level SO upgrades SO MUCH EASIER, and lets you prebuy or store enhancements for upcoming dings. It's QOL that's worth the cost.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

    Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

    I'm interested in your responses.

    I think it depends on the versatility and variety of the new AT. If it's limited to 2-4 selections, like Kheldians (light/dark) or Arachnos (widow/fort/bane/crab) I could see paying 800-1200 points for it. You're basically buying a powerset, after all.

    If it was some new hybrid class which proliferated a lot of stuff from other sets, say some sort of melee support class or ranged tanker, I can see 1200-1600 for it given it'll have a LOT of options to pick from and thus a lot of longevity. If I can start multiple alts and feel different with each one depending on the combos I select from, it's worth more money because it gives me more playtime.

    It's really tough to throw out hypothetical numbers, because I'd need an idea of what the AT can do and how much variety it's got before I can decide what money I'd throw at it.
  8. I'd like to address the other side of the equation -- how do you handle it when an EB is TOO challenging?

    After the City of Villains launch, which had you staring down the barrel of an EB in most of the level 6-10 mission arcs, I decided I would never again play an "unsoloable" combo, someone who wasn't strong enough to take out an EB. That meant few Blasters (heavy damage but too fragile) or Controllers (plenty of mez but little damage to overcome the HP tank of an EB). I stuck to power combos I knew would get me through the occasional random EB that the game threw at me when solo and lowbie... which was terrific given Going Rogue's tendency to do this too.

    But I'd love to play the less optimized combos going into the future, or not have to worry about nailing the defense cap on every character I play, etc. I want to be able to solo the Mender Ramiel arc without having to rely on buying an unlock instead or hoping some of my friends are available. And that means EBs which don't hit like a truck and take a truckworth of hitting before they go down.

    I guess this rolls into the idea of "Pick Yer Own Challenge Level," ala Army of Me. Some folks have ridiculous powerset combos that laugh at EBs. I have a few of those characters, myself. But others struggle against a brick wall when they run into a particularly gruesome EB. How can they be supported while maintaining adequate (likely lowered) rewards, to allow them to progress forward at some rate without hitting a wall?

    Something to think about.
  9. Silence thyself and accept mine currencies.

    I'll throw in a vote for 'backpacks too big'. Otherwise this is looking great. Are the glowing accordian pieces for the shoulders finalized, though? They look oddly untextured at the moment (shiny, though!)
  10. Who am I to deny you desire to take Justice to the Streets? I'll upload it later tonight.

    I had a special tribute boss in this arc which would be appropriate as well but decided to hold him back for the DIY Weather Dominator arc, which involves City Hall. Let's just say that Paragon City's newest elected official will make this your Final Fight.

    EDIT: Okay, it's Arc 497412. Contact doesn't look right since I don't have Think Tank unlocked in beta, but.
  11. Derp? You mean to the I22 open beta servers? I guess, but why?

  12. Not every criminal aspires to world domination. Being able to carve a niche out of your favorite city and become the kingpin of its underworld... that carries a lot of perks with it. Territory. Power. Control. If you've got the muscle, it's time to rock this town!

    This is a lowbie friendly arc, which lets you get your evil on in a big way right out of the gate. Who wants to be a 'Destined One' in a spider-themed poor man's Cobra knockoff? Instead, sell drugs! They're super awesome.

    (Although the arc is complete, I do welcome feedback to fine tune it!)


    • The Do-It-Yourself Weather Dominator Project (Villain Arc 30-33)
    • The Copy-Paste Heroine Scenario (Hero Arc 40-50)
    • New Ragnarok City (Hero Arc for Incarnates)


    Don't forget these other great arcs already in the system:
    • Crime is Art and Art is Crime (#517859)
    • Grunty McFisterson's Two Step Guide to Winning Respect (#519044)
    • An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (Best Villain Arc '09) (#255146)
    • The Do-It-Yourself Laser Moonbase Project (Dev Choice!) (#1931)
    • The Do-It-Yourself Casino Heist Project (#404549)
    • The Do-It-Yourself Doom Army Project (#410418)
    • The Household Chores of the Damned (#4562)
    • The Hydroponic Psychotropic Freak Out! (#1960)
    • The Best of The Rest of What's Left (#2539)
    • Behind the Smiling Spark of Madness (#255144)
    • Zero of the Day (#341250)
  13. I'd like the Blinkenlightzen box Chest Detail to be an independently selectable option, no matter which set wins. That way, you can add it if you want to use it, or not. It'd work fine on A, B, or C.
  14. I'm curious about something. Will the head covering be hardwired into the helmet, or will we have a few hairstyles to pick from as well? Even if not all of them are ported over I think we'd end up too same-y from character to character if there are no options there.
  15. Is the suit going to be unisex? Or are we only voting on the male version at this point?

    I was kinda looking forward to the 'space disco with floating glowing ringlets' outfits for superscience girls.
  16. Definitely C. Stock! Fuel tube! Nice barrel with a sight! All good. F is okay but two-pronged is a bit specialized.
  17. If it's Penelope Yin, I'm iffy on what looks like Standard Heroine Combat Lingerie. Latex garter belts and high heels don't really fit the more innocent and idealistic character they've developed her into.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    The taunt auras in question were originally designed to be a weaker than others. That said, I think it might be a good time to reconsider this stance. Once again, great feedback guys. Feel free to PM me as this evolves. Tankers will be the next archetype I take a look at.
    Glad to hear it's being looked at, and we have a well-structured means of contributing feedback.

    I started a Willpower / Titan tanker the other day, and I have a concern about my ability to hold aggro going on into the future. WP's reduced aggro capability, combined with windows of inactivity due to the slow wind-up of titan swings, mean enemies could get bored waiting for me to impress them and wander off to kill the team's defender.

    This is probably the worst case scenario for tankers, this particular combo, since it works against to the Tanker's two aggro generation mechanics -- taunt auras and gauntlet. If a solution can be found that makes this combo work, it should strengthen tankers overall.
  19. Whee! Thanks -- tough competition there, too!

    Feedback on the arc really helped it. Partway into the voting, someone made the suggestion of giving the villain a hipster chick sidekick, and it strengthened the story overall. I was also able to remove a plot hole and fix some other lingering issues. Gotta love the AE community; we strengthen each other's work.

    I've got more arcs to roll out, just haven't had time because Paragon Studios made too damn compelling of a game to PLAY for me to take time out to write. But, I've got time off coming soon, I can get some polish on 'em and roll them out the door...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's my problem with them. They're not exclusive to VIPs, they're exclusive to people who can justify the gamble, and those don't have to be VIPs. When things like this happen, I start to question precisely what perks my VIP subscription is bringing me, and I'm running out of answers.
    VIP only: Incarnate content, including most of issue 22. Also the VIP exclusive costume sets like Celestial.
    VIP perks: Free access to several powersets including the upcoming darkness control, free costume sets like the IDF set, free access to various systems like GR and alignment and IOs and AE, etc, etc...

    Someone could, with a LOT of cash, get an experience approximating VIP status. But they wouldn't get everything. Personally, I'd rather stay VIP and not need to go on a spending spree to get myself near that level again.

    As for the super pack changes...

    Now that everything in the pack is available, and a lot of it as in-game rewards (I wasn't expecting ATIOs for merits, that's pretty sweet) I remove any objections I had. The costs for getting the items directly may be excessive, but... the cost of the packs is quite low, and there are alternatives, which is all we really needed to justify this project.

    1. Visit and log in.
    2. My Accounts, City of Heroes VIP.
    3. There should be a big graphic button with Desdemona in a santa hat offering you to claim your bonus time.
    4. Pick the 6+1 or 12+2 plan.

    Done! Next time your sub rolls over, you'll get the bonus time. It's also a good opportunity to swap plans, if you like.
  22. Bots/Time here.

    Power Boost + Farsight + Scorpion Shield and set bonuses and I am capped to S/L. My bots are capped to hell and back. I debuff tohit just by wading into the thick of things. If anything actually DOES get through to my unstoppable robotic army of teflon coated doom, one heal patches things back up and by then, everything is usually dead.

    Now, it's not flawless. You can't be sloppy; you have to spot the mezzers and take them out, or let the bots primarily take the aggro so the mezzers ignore you. If you do get mezzed, TJ goes down... but PB+FS+SS means you still have a good amount of mitigation, and once you unmez, you can heal back anything you got smacked with.

    I wouldn't call it god tier, but it's absolutely a very solid combination. I usually wade right into spawns with the pets on Aggressive Follow and any doom which occurs tilts in favor of me and against the mobs.
  23. Thank you so much!

    I was worried these questions would get lost in the shuffle, from the Three Dark and Mysterious Unknowable Panels. Good to hear -- the zone offering up everything we normally get in trials is great, as are the Stalker changes! Can't wait to test it all!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Why, exactly, can't Build up be an Inherent power instead? It's exactly the same for all sets, only placate has that feature as well.
    The effects are the same, but there are different animations (they all draw their respective weapons) and are thus unique to their powerset from a technical perspective.

    Making an activatable power be inherent is not a trivial task. Only time they've done it that I can think of is Domination, and that is truly universal across the AT. All the other "AT powers" are just aspects coded right into the powersets (defiance, gauntlet, scourge, etc).
  25. It's definitely good news. I've always been in favor of the LFG teleporter actually being USED for things like Incarnate trials. I mean, that's all we do when we go to RWZ or Pocket D and broadcast "LFT!".

    I just hope that the system refuses to launch until you're near the maximum capacity of the trial. That's the main reason people assemble leagues manually, because the LFG system seems to love doing 8-man Lambdas and other failtastic combos.