Favorite bits of in-game writing




Many of us usually complain about the low quality of writing, dialog, and story that goes into the game.

Not all of it is bad though, there are some pretty good little gems in the game that stand out.

What line of dialogue, story narration, or maybe description in the game is you're favorite?

I'll post mine later because I'm having trouble loading the wiki to get the exact quotes, but basically mine are the badge descriptions from Monster Island (especially Roar of the Beast) and the scene in Twilight Son's TF where the old-timey retired hero tries to stop the Circle of Thorns sorcerer (I always thought his dialogue was a little corny but oh so heroic)

Edit: BTW, anything good you found in an AE arc counts.



One that will eventually make it here if I don't say it.

"Nemesis is definitely down with the street. Word up, my homey, as it were."



"Oh, what has science wrought? I sought only to turn a man into a metal-encased juggernaut of destruction powered by the unknown properties of a mysterious living crystal. How could this have all gone wrong?"
-Doc Buzzsaw

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



"You, obviously, are not a mutant. I, obviously, am not a mutant. That building over there, is obviously not a mutant."
- Dmitri Krylov.



The end of Jenni Adair's arc. Between the music, the dialogue, and the general look of the cutscene, I get choked up each time.

Fave dialogue though includes almost anything out of Vernon von Grun's mouth. (Which is why I love writing for him in AE arcs. "HURRY! Who knows what's transpiring in my lab at this very moment? My mind is seething with the need to know, but fortunately for us both, my sense of self-preservation is marginally stronger than my curiosity.")

And while it's not quite 'in-game' writing, some of the letters from the Omega Team Time Capsule just really get to me.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



"This is the last, best, final program by Aaron Walker himself"

"It's up to you...You have two worlds...to defend now..."

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
"This is the last, best, final program by Aaron Walker himself"

"It's up to you...You have two worlds...to defend now..."
Oh, damn I forgot about Aaron's arc. It may have been because of the particular character I first ran that arc with, but I almost cried.

I am SUCH a sap.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Just about every bit of dialogue from Doc Buzzsaw and Vernon von Grun. I love those two, they crack me up.

Also, Dmitri Krylov has a few good lines: "What you wait for! Krylov wants those notes before scary supermodel leaves!"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
"This is the last, best, final program by Aaron Walker himself"
this and his arc as a whole. It made me pretty sad too Dark.

Actually that villian morality about you meeting your future selves almost made me stop going villian.(for badges)



I loved the Arachnos temp contractor terms and conditions I ran into in a rogue tip mission, especially rule 6, which one villain notes as his reason not to attack you in the mission itself. :

Operative Vargas reaches into his belt and pulls out a folded piece of paper. He unfolds it and hands it to you. You read it over...


This document will outline the terms and conditions regarding your temporary work for Arachnos. Please read over them carefully and then sign your name on the bottom line.

1. You will follow all instructions given to you by the highest in command in Arachnos, unless an Arbiter should intervene, in which case the proper rules for following Arbiter laws shall be enforced.

2. You shall utilize all of your abilities to their fullest extent in order to complete the task given before you.

3. You will be paid in full once said assignment has been completed.

4. If you are captured, Arachnos will spend no less than 1 day and no more than 2 weeks to rescue you.*

5. In the event of being captured, you will deny any affiliation with Arachnos.

6. Do not attack any members of Arachnos, even if they 'have it coming to them'.

If you are satisfied with everything in this agreement, please sign on the line below!

*Time of rescue will depend on how quickly the operative in charge can file the proper papers to be reviewed by a council of Arbiters.



Im sorry but it all fails to this

Wheres my coffee?
That right there is THE single best line in the game! Best . . . . . . arc . . . . . ever!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Actually, one of my favorites is one that I suspect few people see any more due to the much faster leveling and the low number of newbies in the game.

The Patient Zero arc is the first mission that pits you against an Arch-Villain (though it's much easier nowadays that it used to be) and I thought it was quite shocking to realize that Doctor Vahzilok wasn't actually spreading the plague intentionally; he realized that he had caused it and he was trying to find a way to stop it.

THAT was the the real first "shade of grey" in the life of my first Hero.



I loved the surreal writing in the Television arc.
The premise is that the characters in a television show are talking to me, and they're asking me to do things to help Television. So the way I figure it, that mushroom pizza I just ate must have had some funny mushrooms on it. I mean that's the only explanation I've been able to come up with.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Definetly the Red Cap "Poem"

We've gone and done the greatest crime,
We've captured little Baby Time!
We'll hold him 'till he's old and ill,
To keep the world in winter's chill!

So shiver, witches, in the cold,
And pumpkin-heads will rot with mold!
The human world will freeze and slow,
And people will be filled with woe!

For human time will be like Fey,
Unchanging! Always time to play!,
They'll know that this was Snaptooth's plan,
We'll terrorize the world of man!

We've gone and done the greatest crime,
We've captured little Baby Time!
You'll never save the little year
For Red Caps are the ones you'll fear!

...and Snapptooth getting mad about his minions´ constant rhyming.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Snaptooth's gnomes are good at crimes,
But Snappy just can't stand their rhymes!
He makes them hack and slay and chop,
But when they rhyme he hollers STOP!
Snappy always loses his temper
When faced with iambic pentameter!
Rhyme at him and he'll beat on you
Maybe he'd like a little haiku?

A retort used by my ex-Redcap character (The Laughing Gnome/Freedom).

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Ok, I've managed to look up mine:

Originally Posted by The Roar of the Beast Badge
Once this island was abuzz with human inhabitants and all the noise pollution they produce, but now, as you turn your ear to the wind, the only sounds are the collection of screeches, howls, and bellowing roars of the monsters that now call this place home. Arching your back you add your roar to theirs and for a moment they are quiet. What is this new monster who walks among them, invading their hunting grounds? You will show them.
You can tell Monster Island and its badges were made with Brutes in mind.

Originally Posted by Misbegotten Badge
You're no hero. You're a thug. A super-powered bully who metes out pain and suffering in equal measure. What kind of person are you, who finds inspiration in the broken bodies and shattered lives you've left in your wake? What kind of person has their life enhanced every time some "villain" crumples in a lifeless heap at your feet? Does it make you feel powerful? You're a leech, sucking the life from everyone who stands between you and your "noble goals" for a "better, safer society." Have you no shame?
I'm guessing the Shadow Shard badge descriptions are supposed to represent the things Rularuu supposedly whispers in your mind while in the dimension.

Originally Posted by Twilight's Son TF
Baron Zoria: The thirteen bells have begun to toll. The time of our master is at hand!
Cyrus Thompson:

I don't think so.
I might not be in a colorful get-up anymore.
I might not be Breakneck...
...But I'm still a man.
And one who can stand on his own two feet...
...at least for a mite longer.
Baron Zoria:

You shall be the first to die!
Cyrus Thompson:

maybe sometimes...
That's enough...
That's just so ******* heroic, man.




CV, that arc was taken from the City of Heroes comic book arc written by Troy Hickman. If you go to the Kings Row train station in-game, there is a statue of Cyrus Thompson, a/k/a Breakneck, in front of it.

For me, the very best of that writing comes right after the part you like, but it is in the comic. Cyrus has blown his weakened heart to bits but taken Baron Zoria and friends down, and is on the floor when the Freedom Phalanx arrives.

Cyrus (as Statesman cradles his dying body): Is it okay? Did you manage to stop them?

Statesman: No, sir, we didn't. But you DID.

Gets me every time.

End of page 21 and start of page 22 in the online comic.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Troy's arc in the comic is, to me, the very best ideal of what City of Heroes is really all about.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post

CV, that arc was taken from the City of Heroes comic book arc written by Troy Hickman. If you go to the Kings Row train station in-game, there is a statue of Cyrus Thompson, a/k/a Breakneck, in front of it.

For me, the very best of that writing comes right after the part you like, but it is in the comic. Cyrus has blown his weakened heart to bits but taken Baron Zoria and friends down, and is on the floor when the Freedom Phalanx arrives.

Cyrus (as Statesman cradles his dying body): Is it okay? Did you manage to stop them?

Statesman: No, sir, we didn't. But you DID.

Gets me every time.

End of page 21 and start of page 22 in the online comic.
Arguably the best COH comic book arc.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Actually, one of my favorites is one that I suspect few people see any more due to the much faster leveling and the low number of newbies in the game.

The Patient Zero arc is the first mission that pits you against an Arch-Villain (though it's much easier nowadays that it used to be) and I thought it was quite shocking to realize that Doctor Vahzilok wasn't actually spreading the plague intentionally; he realized that he had caused it and he was trying to find a way to stop it.

THAT was the the real first "shade of grey" in the life of my first Hero.
Amen to that. One of the many reasons why Doc Vahzilok remains one of my favourite arch-villains. I loved meeting his Praetorian counterpart, no matter if it was only briefly.

And yeah, Cyrus Thompson was the man. So was Aaron Walker but Cyrus was there first. Makes me well up every time.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
I loved the surreal writing in the Television arc.
The premise is that the characters in a television show are talking to me...
This reminds of of one time I was duoing with a guy in one of those arcs. There's one point where someone says something like "Oh hey, I didn't know this movie had [$name] it it!" As it was the other guy's arc, his name got put into that. And his name was something like "a small bunny".



"If there is anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetently."