Favorite bits of in-game writing




Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Now if we could just get some other contacts to think that way...
His arc always makes me thing of the Angel episodes of Doctor Who, especially Blink. same kind of thing going on

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Technically AE missions are in the game, so I'm going to count it - but one of the funniest things I'd seen that hasn't already been mentioned was in an AE mission against Malta. One of the patrolling Malta troopers said:

"Okay. So when THEY do it, it's called 'Having a kid sidekick,' and it's cool...

...but when WE do it, it's 'employing child soldiers' and it's a war crime? How is that fair?!"



A minor example that made my laugh myself sick - not once, but twice - is a bit of the Freakshow in-zone chatter:

"The fetishization of materialistic goods is disgusting."
"I think we should set stuff on fire next!"

What made me laugh the second time over was imagining it being spoken in the voices (respectively) of Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of Mythbusters...

Also Freaks:

"Weld a rocket to me right now!"

And in a mission description:

'He has pretty good penmanship for a guy with no hands.'

Good times.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



The original 'Übelmann the Unknown' story arc, when it was still a 5th Column story. The final letter at the end was rather well written, wrapping the arc up nicely.



The Dean MacArthur/Leonard story arcs. Fun yet villainous.

Global name: @k26dp



There's a few missions/arcs that sum up some impressive in-game writing. Here are a few of them that I consider outstanding:

1. Praetorian Arc: "A Woman Named Devore" (From Praetor Tillman) -

One of the lines that literally brought a chill down my spine when reading for the first time was:

You've done such a good job, (character). I knew you would do it. Didn't I say you could? But you didn't believe me, did you? DID YOU?! YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE MOTHER, DID YOU?! From now on, I want to keep an eye on where you are. You are not leaving mother's sight, no matter where you go. Do you understand?!

quickly followed by:

Mmm... I apologize, (character). It is a very... sour subject, yes? Mother does not mean to yell at you. I never do.

The whole conversation by her? EEEERIE spooky wrong.

2) Villain Arc: "Oh, Wretched Man" from Seer Marino -

The entire arc is well written and a wonderful story. The lines that got me, however, was Ghost Widow's comments towards the end:

I died worrying for Paolo, and I will care for him as best I can as long as I exist; it's part of what makes me exist. But by the same token, I also cannot give him up. And though I've tried to make him go, he will not leave my side until he thinks I am safe. We are bound together, protecting each other in our strange half-lives.

Tell Pia I'm sorry, but I cannot give Paolo back to her.

A certain level of humanity came from Ghost Widow out of all this. Not as evil as I'd thought she was.

3) Praetorian Arc: "The Savage Man" from Aaron Walker -

The last lines by Noble Savage in the last mish when he's dying on the floor:

Marchand... he was a mentor to me... a father I never had. He had no part of this... He wants to see Berry brought to justice...
I will... do what I can, (character)... to work with the Resistance... and Marchand... to make Praetoria the place... that it should be... for the sake of my family... for Jim... and for my son...

Ok, I'm a sap for this stuff.

4) Praetorian Arc: "A Promise for a New Tommorrow" from Dark Watcher -

Towards the end, after you find Aaron Walker, where he states one of his last dying lines:

I'm not sad, though... I'm actually... kinda happy. Weird... huh? I was always... just doing random things, never really... fought for anything. But you and me... we did something good... right? We put a stop to some of Neuron's freaks... we saved James Noble... that was good... wasn't it? I got to finally do at least... one good thing for someone... before everything came crashing down.

and a few lines later...

Aaron Walker lets out one last gasp before his body lays motionless.

Redemption to the 10th power. Nice story; nice redemption; damn sad ending.

5) Hero arc: "The Buried Past" from Doc Delilah -

The whole set of story arcs starting with Jim Temblor and continuing with Doc Delilha are my most favorite set of hero arcs. The one part that got me the most was not only when Jim found out about the truth of his father in his arc, but at the end of Doc Delilah's when a security tape showed what happened to his dad:

What's this? The full recording! I'm not sure I really want to see it, but... No. I need to.
I remember PsiCurse. Never knew why Dad worked with him.
Oh, my... No...
This... This is...
I, I can't... Please, shut it off. I can't stand to... I knew it was all wrong, but this. THIS!
Oh, Dad, what did he do to you!
I, I need to...(Character). Promise me. Promise me this: If that thing, that Psycho-thing, if it's still out there. Destroy it. You've got to destroy it!

Two huge reveals about his father in a short time; I'd be a tad upset at first too. Personally, if I were Jim, I'd have gone off with the character and obliterated the living c*** out of PsiCurse, the 'Psycho-thing' and crew, but story being what it is, understandable.

These are just a few stories and in-game writing elements that have caught me more than others. YMMV, however to me, these were great!



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
"If there is anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetently."
I still love that line. With all the new content I've not run into that mission in a LONG time.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



It's from one of the stock outdoor encounters in Sharkhead (at least), where Arachnos soldiers are detaining members of other factions. As you aggro them they say something like (the wording is probably not exact):

"I'll deal with you later. Right now Captain Intrusion here just got added to my 'no witnesses' list."

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Desperation, deprivation and despair are floating through the halls of Haven House now that everyone has heard about what you've done. I had a young mother bring her little children to me in tears.
'Oh, Mr. Phipps! My little Elsie and Sophia ate some of the food Character poisoned, and now they've gone blind! What will we do?'
Oh, I tell you, it took all the control I had to stop myself from laughing. But I put on my most sorrowful and sympathetic face for them, and took them all in. You've made this dreary charity case a simply delightful situation.
Now, whatever will I do with a desperate mother and her blind twin daughters? Hmmm...
Seriously, red side is so much more fun than blue side. If you think the writing is "bad" in this game then you need to go red more often!



Originally Posted by stark_NA View Post
Seriously, red side is so much more fun than blue side.
That quote you gave is an unusual definition of the word "fun".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Im sorry but it all fails to this

That right there is THE single best line in the game! Best . . . . . . arc . . . . . ever!
I'm sorry I must disagree.

One of the Praetorian arcs, I believe it's the Power arc, you walk into a crime scene and there is a cop there you can talk to. One of the things you can say to him is.

"Tea, Earl Gray, Hot, Make it so."

If that's not epic enough, later in the arc you can talk to him again and get to say.

"Have you ever had a cup of cold Earl Gray?"

That is the best line in the game!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
2) Villain Arc: "Oh, Wretched Man" from Seer Marino -

The entire arc is well written and a wonderful story. The lines that got me, however, was Ghost Widow's comments towards the end:

I died worrying for Paolo, and I will care for him as best I can as long as I exist; it's part of what makes me exist. But by the same token, I also cannot give him up. And though I've tried to make him go, he will not leave my side until he thinks I am safe. We are bound together, protecting each other in our strange half-lives.

Tell Pia I'm sorry, but I cannot give Paolo back to her.

A certain level of humanity came from Ghost Widow out of all this. Not as evil as I'd thought she was.
I also liked Wretch's last bit:

Job not over. Not over 'till she finally safe. 'Till she at peace. Tell Pia sorry. Can't go back. Won't go back. Not till job done.

Talking hurts.
Done now.'
The whole arc almost makes Ghost Widow and Wretch look sympathetic. I say "almost" because they wouldn't be in this mess if they hadn't joined Arachnos in the first place, and they both demonstrate in the arc that they're still perfectly willing to kill anyone who messes with them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The whole arc almost makes Ghost Widow and Wretch look sympathetic. I say "almost" because they wouldn't be in this mess if they hadn't joined Arachnos in the first place, and they both demonstrate in the arc that they're still perfectly willing to kill anyone who messes with them.
So true. The first time I played the arc, I was so impressed the way they protrayed the characters; being called out by name by Ghost Widow as the 'greater threat' also gives you a personal boost you don't see throughout many arcs in the game, except maybe Praetoria and newer hero/villain arcs.

I hope they work on another story arc or two with Wretch.



"Yoo bwoke mah nowse!"

(from some villain tip mission, after giving you the choice to break some carnie girl's nose)



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
So true. The first time I played the arc, I was so impressed the way they protrayed the characters; being called out by name by Ghost Widow as the 'greater threat' also gives you a personal boost you don't see throughout many arcs in the game, except maybe Praetoria and newer hero/villain arcs.
Yeah, and you know she could just one-shot the guy, but she lets you beat him up anyway. I mean he tried to set you up, letting you have your revenge is the polite thing to do.

Originally Posted by NewJerseyDevil View Post
"Yoo bwoke mah nowse!"

(from some villain tip mission, after giving you the choice to break some carnie girl's nose)
I don't remember which mission it is, but there's one where you go to interrogate someone, he refuses to talk, so you break his hand. Then he offers to talk, and one of your dialogue options is "break his other hand."

Yep, I broke his other hand.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah, and you know she could just one-shot the guy, but she lets you beat him up anyway. I mean he tried to set you up, letting you have your revenge is the polite thing to do.

I don't remember which mission it is, but there's one where you go to interrogate someone, he refuses to talk, so you break his hand. Then he offers to talk, and one of your dialogue options is "break his other hand."

Yep, I broke his other hand.
It's in Nova Praetoria's Power storyline. Either Warrant's arc or the Deputy of Information's arc. I don't remember which.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I don't know about in-game writing, but the story arc that has stuck with me the most is the Terra Conspiracy from Ginger Yates in Founders. At the finish of the arc I always feel so sad for what happens, and it really makes me hate Hamidon.



Luddite in Cap au Diable: "No, I'm glad you asked. Non-violent protest does not mean 'knives only.""

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

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Lot of great lines here, however here is one hehe:

It's great in context and out of context...

Silver Mantis - STF
Combat start: "C'mon, Heroes. I'll take you all at once!"
First blood: "Oooh! I'm REALLY going to enjoy killing you."
At 75% Life: "Mmmmm! You hurt me so good!"
At 50% Life: "The pain! The anger! Yes! You really know how to treat a girl!"
At 25% Life: "Oh yes! OH YES! This is a battle!"
"That's it..."
"I'm spent"
"Take the code, you earned it."
After defeating a player: "Done already? I hoped you'd last...longer."
It's a good laugh every time I see it.

Dr. Aeon never fails to crack me up, and some other people posted some lines already:
Dr. Aeon
I'll use small words to help you. It uses science and magic together, Techno-magic.
(talking about how we cannot stop recluse blah blah) Only later to state:
Ah-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-WAAAit a second!
If he gets every meta-human ability...
Then he'd get my...
I'd be just..
Uh-oh! You've got to stop him!
smart huh? haha

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Originally Posted by Cosmic_Cowboy View Post
I don't know about in-game writing, but the story arc that has stuck with me the most is the Terra Conspiracy from Ginger Yates in Founders. At the finish of the arc I always feel so sad for what happens, and it really makes me hate Hamidon.
I just finished that one again the other day after having not played it in ages. It is 'old style' i.e. no fancy mechanics but the poor girl's terror once you discover her going green only served to make me more angry when I had to take her down. Only Hamidon could do such a thing to the woman he loved. It's one of the reasons why he's still one of, if not my favourite villain in game.

Also, gotta agree, Silver Mantis is awesome to fight and I love, love, love Seer Marino's arc. I kinda wish every patron got an arc like it because when it comes to picking a patron later on in game, I head straight for Ghost Widow almost every single time purely for that insight into her background. *Starts rummaging around for a level 15 villain...*

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Several of my favourites already here, but this little thing sticks with me. It's a mission entry pop-up from I think the Diviner Maros arc. Most of these things are unremarkable but suddenly, haiku:

Stone grinds upon stone.
The circle lair lies open.
Damp, cold air greets you.
A small poetic easter egg.

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I just finished that one again the other day after having not played it in ages. It is 'old style' i.e. no fancy mechanics but the poor girl's terror once you discover her going green only served to make me more angry when I had to take her down. Only Hamidon could do such a thing to the woman he loved. It's one of the reasons why he's still one of, if not my favourite villain in game.
I'm hoping that a non-transformed Praetorian Tanya Tyler has something to do with fighting the Praetorian Hamidon.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Also, gotta agree, Silver Mantis is awesome to fight and I love, love, love Seer Marino's arc. I kinda wish every patron got an arc like it because when it comes to picking a patron later on in game, I head straight for Ghost Widow almost every single time purely for that insight into her background. *Starts rummaging around for a level 15 villain...*
Scirocco's second patron arc kinda serves a similar purpose, in that it provides some character development, although of course you can't do it until after you've picked him as a patron. Mako needs one badly. Black Scorpion is...dumb and paranoid. What more do we really need to know about him?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Black Scorpion is...dumb and paranoid. What more do we really need to know about him?
Nothing - he sounds like a typical supervillain

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork