Tweets of the PAX Panel
Edit: Going to use this post to pool new info.
Issue 19: Alpha Strike
- Released in Fall 2010
- Alpha incarnate slot which will be story driven and ties to the game lore
- 'Alpha Strike' task force for Alpha enabled characters - Apex is the contact
- Primal earth characters can enter Praetoria
- More tip missions
- Image from @Gothess: - Is that a new enemy?
- Image from @Gothess: - Apex in what appears to be RWZ
- Image from @Gothess: - Not sure what this is o.0
Other info (some may be i19 info, will post here unless it's been confirmed for i19)
- Incarnate content will be included in every issue
- Issue 20 closed beta starts in a week (with signed NDA)
- Mission maps will get a minor update
- Fitness pool becomes inherent - Update from Castle:
Quote:Yes, they are enhanceable and you can add up to 5 additional slots to them, just like the current versions. The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.Quote:You'll have to respec to take advantage of it on existing characters.
Characters as they exist now, will only get the Inherent Fitness powers if they do not have any of them in their build. Conversely, if you don't you get them as Inherents and never get the option to select them as pool powers.- 'Issue 19 will have a normal beta after issue 20. Issue 20 includes a lot a of new systems that will require more beta time.'
Q&A Info- Changing character without logging out has not been implemented and has no timeline
- 'Will Paragon and Rogue Isles get yellow targets?' 'Probably not but maybe'
- No new news on hero/villain coalitions or base access for tourists
- No new news on personal bases, but they are talking about it
- Old zones may see an update to make them look nicer
- There will be 'casual paths and new features'
- They have been looking into animated facial features and fingers but it won't be any time soon
- Alternate animations might be coming in a bit
- Praetorian Epic ATs may be coming
- They are working on updating old costumes and new costume sets but Sexy Jay is apparently overwhelmed
- Tip missions will be getting a bit of a tone update
- They have looked at taking down the paragon war walls but won't happen anytime soon
- 'Will hero get more arachnos missions in paragon?' 'Yes we can do that'
- 'Will we get and automatic team finder? Maybe?' (I'm not sure who said what here)
- Cross server teaming exists on a priority list no more details
- 'Are power pools going to be expanded?' 'It's been discussed but no timeline'
- Power pool customization is on the radar but not a priority
- Ouroborus mission to explore what happened to dark astoria? Very possible to do may happen
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
So, 75% (approx) of the player base have made Praetorians. That's pretty good. It means GR has sold well.
So.. I19 is called Alpha Strike if I'm reading the Tweet right? Hmmm... I like

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
hmm 75% of active players made praetorians, so that confirms gr did sell to a significant portion of players.
ok, just noticed inazuma said the same thing, but still i was slightly concerned, hopefully this will make an agreeable roi for ncsoft.
alpha strike task force for alpha enabled characters. And more tip missions! Fitness pool becomes and inherent! Omg |
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Fitness pool becomes and inherent! Omg |
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Ashcraft been published.
Apex is the contact for the Alpha Strike TF!
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Has anyone seen my eyeballs.. they just popped straight outta my head..FITNESS INHERENT????

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
According the the tweet i19 hits this fall!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, GR is fantastic, but tough end game is what I've been waiting for and wanting the most. I'M ******* EXCITED FOR THIS. Honestly I wasn't expecting it until December, at the best(pure speculation).
Fitness? Inherent?
They came, they panelled, they delivered.
Incarnate stuff will be included in every Issue
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Issue 20 (?!) CB starts in a week, and will have signed NDAs
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Old Gray Soldier-Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper-Virtue
Hunter Omega Prime-Level 50 WS
Dead Lord-Level 50 Necro/FF MM-Liberty
Grand Glory-Level 39 Arachnos Bane-Freedom

So is that fitness pool inherent for all characters or just those becoming incarnate?
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
sweet googley moogley!
So how is the inherent fitness pool going to work?
Will level 6 give swift and hurdle, level 14 give health and level 20 unlock stamina automatically?
Will they balance powers around the fact Stamina is inherent (like the arguement against making Stamina inherent is often that the devs would make powers cost more end or nerf Stamina thus making it pointless?).
Fitness is bei-
...Is bei-
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
My only fear is for the slotting of it. Slots are so hard to place now, giving more powers will only make it harder...not that I am complaining.
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It's not just that I'll have more end, I'll have three more power picks too! Awesome news, and the panel's not even over yet.
By the way, is this not refreshing right? I'm still seeing the following for the most recent tweet...
The incarnate alpha slot is a story driven experience and will tie into game lore #coh half a minute ago via Seesmic for Android |
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
Has anyone seen my eyeballs.. they just popped straight outta my head..FITNESS INHERENT????
That said, I'm wondering what they're doing to compensate. Inherent like Brawl (slottable) or Domination (not?) Same values?
And what will they do if it ends up like Kheld form powers - a respec after selecting lets you slot them from level 3. I can't see them liking *that.*
... also, signed NDA...just what big change is coming that they want the extra insurance?
Here's what I'm thinking.
Issue 19 Beta will take place on the EU and US Training ROom (Test) servers.
Issue 20 requires a signed NDA form for the closed beta. So that I think would narrow it down to the US side. The US side have a beta server that was used for Going Rogue. Now, it requiring a signed NDA form tells me it's going to be pretty big, and here's me looking at that first digit in the issue number. Issue 20.
Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. v2, baby.
My only prob with inherited fitness powers is that it's gonna free up some power slots, but I'll still be using slot slots on them. So I'll have a few extra powers to take but it's likely that they will be anemic for slotting. I guess it'll be time to hop into mids when the time comes.
Plus I'll wait for later and see what we get as far as extra slotting goes, the incarnate slot for example. That in mind, I do like the sound of inherit stamina...
Only downside to inherent fitness - you can't slot it.
Ransim is making them.
Edit: Time and time again, Twitter has completely turned into obsolesce the "exclusivity" of City of Heroes events.