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Anybody else worried about the fitness pool becoming inherent. Specifically what they are planing for us that makes us have to have it.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Anybody else worried about the fitness pool becoming inherent. Specifically what they are planing for us that makes us have to have it.
Malta will find the Well of the Furies too?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post

This thread is so close to 1000 posts. I can start arguing over pointless semantics again if it will help us get there.
Technically you were a part of the argument a post ago.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
My toon's a bit squishy, can I have the fighting pool as an inherent too? Ugh, if i19 is just

-inherent fitness
-alpha slot

I'm done. :P Sorry, had to be the first doomsayer.

cya. .Don't let the door hit ya.


The Trust



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Nah. All you get when multiplying or divinding by zero is;

Uhm.. while I do like a nice khablammy at times... multiplying by zero will make it zero...

Let's divide!

[CENTER][B]Radix malorum est cupiditas[/B][/CENTER]



when you divide by zero you get this

when you multiply by zero you get... zero

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, if that is indeed true, then it does two more things:

1. It frees up three more power picks for virtually the entire playerbase, which means players now have more powers and greater potential strength. This, of course, is balanced by the fact that you generally needed two to four slots between those power picks, and taking something else might actually cost you in slots... But then you can always grab slot-light things like Taunt.

2. It helps ME at all levels from 1 to 50, because I only have one single character with Stamina so far - my 50 Stone/Stone Brute. If I get the ability to have Stamina "for free," then this means I will finally be able to give him the Earth Epic powers he always should have had AND it means all of my other characters keep going as they have... Only better. Rather a lot better, in fact.

Come to think of it, the titular Samuel Tow is right now running without Stamina and running Focused Fighting, Focused Senses, Evasion, Combat Jumping and Focused Accuracy and almost never runs out of endurance because I flipped out and put in probably 30 slots of endurance reduction. It'd be interesting to see what he turns into then.
I'm sorry but not running stamina and using a crap load of slots to reduce end is nutty, I have been playing this game for over 6 years and have never built a toon without Stamina. I pvp and pve and can't even imagine building a toon without it, it helps you have more sets and most of the time fixes end problems. I build lots of toons and this free stamina is not going to make me use less slots, its just going to free up a couple more powers that I think is a very good thing. I love it!